A4 -The Canadian Champion, Monday, Etecember 26, 2005 ][dé Industrial subdivision *" rolvwQçd for "Orth ewv Preview Dec, 28th 6 - 9:00 pm. and day of sale fram 9:00 a.m. At the Agricultural Hall Milton Fairgrounds, Robert St. Milton Featuring: Quality Georgian, Vîctorian and C~Iaaers e oerly 20th c. periad furnishings, vintage lighting, original pointings ed&Bins hyT Irsh Romance, George Chavignaud, George Upper,M T. Mower Martin, et.ai., rfs a omanse f-lnae rcou ~h g~fine china and rcelain inci, Shelley, Se 081icvw Royal Crown Derby, RoEaDaniton, Belleek, Dresden, etc., bamtst Morcrot Victorian cran rry, Georg Jensen and fine English _____ s iver dlocks, samplens frorn 1741 to 1872, îewelry, and many more rare and sought afte iteins. For fuli listingq & photos go to Terms: Cash, Cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac. s". p .TlNo Reserves, No Buyer's Premium Jon Medley Auctioneer 905-878-2647 Ps 0 sBesese Dous Unhusui Plis s FSS e EaCyiiicenlin ames rable Laie 181hi CeniurWes essewood le aid ra le Open Dri Drese By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion A large industieai subdivision has been proposcd tor Mion's iiinlh end. Plans toi- the land tramned by Regiotial Road 25, Dublin Uine, Carnpbellvillc Road and Hsvy. 41 svent hefore losvn courîcil lasi Monday evening. The subdivision is proposed to have 55 acres des- ignated l'or business park develop- ment and 1001 acres for industrial. The proposai was the subjeci ol a public meeting ai councîl's session, where two residenîs raised con- cerns about the development. Milton resident Mike Grimwood speculated il construction of the proposed Tremnaine Road Hwy. 401 interchange is delayed, traffic heading to the incdustrial park may exit onto Guelph Line and take back roads there. He asked how the Townvî would mîtigale the danger to the public caused by iacreased traffic going aicross the narross Guelphi Line iiverpass. But Director oif Planning asîd [)evelopmnent Mel lovio said he suspects the indusirial subdivision ssould be accessed from the Regional Roadi 25 Hwy. 401 inter- change. Local resideni Paul Mongelît, wbose family lîves near the subject property, alsîr lisicd svorrtes about the potential devel- opment tor council. He said he's concerned with the possible placement and orientation of the industrial buildings in respect Io Campbellville Road. Town Senior Planner Barbara Koopmans told bim, that's addressed in Milton's zoning bylaw. and issues like building placement will be resolved more finitely tbrougb a site plan for the land. wbicb also bas to be approved by the Town. Mr. Mongelti also said be's won- dertttg if the Town bas any provi- sions in place 10 ensure the well ss,îir supply of' cxîstîîîg resîdents aiounid the industrial land is pro- tected froîn poiential conatamina- tion frontt proposed watcr collector hastins. "I may even bc a possibilîty that these pond collectors svîll bouse contininaîed surface rua off that would then infiltrate into the tresh svater aquiter where our well waîer feeds froin," be satd. Ms Koopmans told The Champion that staff is lookiag into Mr. Mongelli's coacerus and wîll be addressing theru. Council received a report on tbe issue for information purposes. Once a subwatersbed impact study bas been completed aad approvedi and after the Town bas received and reviewed aIl comments, a report witb a recommendation on the proposaI will be brougbt back for counicil consideration. Melcsnie Hennesse.v ccii be reachIed an mhennessey@Camilton- canadianchampion.com. Fund getting doser to goal We'rc nearly there. Milton. ally used the followtng year. As ot our press time laie Tbursday aftern.n The The Salvation Army fundraîser helps casure that A Chanîpiuins Christmas Bureau l-utd svas gettîng clos- local tamîltes enjoy a nîce holiday, esîmplete witb aIl er tii ils $25.tXX) goal -wîth $20,323 cîrîlected. the trîînmings lîke toys for the kîds and Christmas dia- Phe tund svas originaîll set to svrap up Thursday. uer. ltiisscsr tl bas becu cxtetîdcd just oser a sseck -untîl To contribuie. please make cheques payable to the ibis Friday - n al ast dîîch effort bo rcacb the goal. Christmuas Bureau Fund and drop themn off at The T[bis is possible because tbe mioney collecied is actu- Champion, 875 Main St. E.