A10 - The Canadian Champion, Fuesday. December 20, 2005 Household products P i distributort 10W open Reckiti Renckiser se>ts II)sIiop at Crossroads The To\%sn of Milton is ssekî,îuiie, flic tirsi business to seule r, tie nesi Milton, Crisssinos Busîiness Park. Reckiii Benckiser (Xinadai hic. a global iîsanîifaciurer anid dîstribui,,r o) househld products, is îiii callîng tbe Si) acre bus.,l ness park borne. Weare ple.îsed iii base Reckiii Benckiser ils a miembei of' our cirpiii uc smiit,k bard iii ir (Gord Kraniic -We \or har toattract coIuip.nies, I ke Reckiii Benckiscr becuise tbe\ p, us de c îiiribuie iii lur idîsi i,) bas 1Thé fiîst phase of (le MOiliiii (nrotsads Businessý Par k. ss id:i frontis 1l\%', -4)l ai Ille]an uic) s fl ".2D (IIqul.e 1,cet. ,I lie scondiu p)hai.is ssClie(Illel lu ie 5,.' iiiu)Icit( ai Il Wileil il"s 1-1I iii led thie biisiiîess, park, \s il] toal more ibaiî ,qui)ii cîare feei iii siaie-o u -iie- iii bîmlk dlisii îbLIii anid suare- bouiise. iauilriies, Reckiiî Beick se! is îisiiu 1)()0 square letec uil sSIi jure andu distribution., The resi (il' teseis asailable iur lie%% uoiiuiis îîîî,îiiu iii iîii i Miltoni ('i-o.ssiiiCs a ujoint Sciii,, rede sel- ii[uIiii'îiit of ei li l>ariiiers anid Siciété M'iltoni s al Ie i,,,,. of i uursri li Ill (IA ,ale,îr sd Rob RaIIIsis ofi \crîîs l'ail inis. loo,. k lisrlo an, ii \iuu2 Iii i i IaLc ituîîre lier,.- www.wholyrosaryparîsh.ca Our faith communiîy welcomes new parishioners! Lard's Day Massesý Saturday 5:30 prn, Sunday 9:00 am, 11:00 amn & 500 pn SACRAMENT 0F RECONCILIATION Wednesday, December 2], 2005, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pmn fhursday, December 22, 2005, 7:00 pmn - 9:00 pmn Friday, December 23, 2005, 7:00 pmn - 9:00 pm No celebrations of Reconciliation after December 23, 2005. SOLEMNITY 0F CHRISTMAS Christmas Vigil Masses for Fanilies with SnaiI Cldren Saturday, December 24, 2005 5:30 pm & 7:30 pm Salernn Midnight Maiss Saturday, December 24, 2005 Carol Service - 11:30 prn Solernn Midnight Mass - 12:00 arn Masses During Christmas Day Sunday, December 25, 2005, 8:30 arn, 10:00 arn & 11:30 arn There are no afternoon or evening Masses anywhere in the Diocese of Hamilton on December 25, 2005. S0LEMNITY 0F MARY THE MOTHER 0F GOD Holy Day of Obligation in Canada Saturday, December 31, 2005, 5:30 prn Sunday, January 1, 2006, 9:00 arn & 11:00 arn There are no afternoon or evening Masses anywhere in the Diocese of Harnilton on January 1, 2006 Solernnity of the Epiphany Saturday, January 7, 2006, 5:30 prn Sunday, January 8, 2006, 9:00 arn, 11:00 arn & 5:00 pm ',,Tis the season, for shopping With just a week to go before Christmas, Milton Mail - including the newly-expanded Zellers - was a busy place this past weekend, with shoppers flocking to the shopping centre to corn- plete their glft-givlng lsts. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Trade show gets down to business Local companies eari priuinote iheir business 10 uîiher area busi- nesses ai the Miltonr Chaînher of' Comnirerce's Biz2Biz Trade Shoîw February 23. The eveni, whieh will be held ai Country Herilage Park in the Gambrel Barn, is designed for Milton businesses wanting 10 mar- ket and seli iheir gooxds and servie- es tu other eîînpanues. Il us from 11 arn. tu 7 p.m.. wîih svine aird cheese served froin 4:30 In 7 p.nî. The deadline for Milton husi- usesses 10 book a booth ai the show is Januaiy 13. After ihai. booib sales svill Se open 10 businesses from other communiies. The cosi b hbook a booth is $150 for chamber nsembers aurd $2(X(l for non-menibers. Those who book early svill have iheir ehoice of booih locaion. For more information contact the Milton Chamber of Commerce ai (9(05) 878-0581 or e-mail into(aehamber.milton.on.ea. tri