The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 16, 2005 - A9 6 "i; 1 .1 il M1 ý' 1 Woman charged with impaired kiiikcl.hix i l lii ile o îic llSl Police respiunied lis the sîîtîtle-x elîcle accidet ai about 6: 15 tiipoice s<tld. iii trie aiea of Appleby LUe. aoit h of)eiTy Rîiad. Trie driver suftered inuilîr iniitles. A 35-ye<îr aId Fergits xx îimiai lias beeon cîsargecl xx it imupaired drix up antd haiaxng overt iFe lecanl iii iii o alcohiol iii het blood. l)runk driving charges laid ilmpaired drix ng chai-Les xxere laid atter police iibserx'ed a car diIving hazardiiusly. Police said flie îîîeîdeîii rappeied just Rî,ad liît..t Ill( <tit an titi <titI b ,L U dUUýII~ 'Y poîlice. L__ Trie driver vvas ariested adtke to tha poliîce stationi. W W A 39-year-îilc Tortoî ntiîn l is been A Woddu Of IThanics chriaged ivîth irnpaired drîvîiîg attd h iving & f~LYTL lîver trie hegal limit iif alcohil in lus buîiod. &~ ~ & 'S fl 10k L1Ou Hardware store broken into ('ustomers & Friend! - ~ -i Trie Mîii lit ie laidxx ire stoire on Steeles Avenuue xxas brîiken iii îix ci tight Salut day. Poîlice said uiukitiWiu SLspects enîered by 2005 TOYOTA snasriîn- lhrîugri trie troînt dîor and stîie CRLAC twvi snotx buîîwers xvorlh a total of $6811. Gas station broken into u mac Trie Lssiio -as statîin ai Britatînia and F rîtla îads xx as lirîkeu iii s îr 5a.iuu. ciiîesiay. ut eo ps a Poic te said iikiîiixx i suspects siiîasled oupeni the froint dîiîr andi tuile a lairge quan- W . IT R E ZC tity oh cigarettes. HUS 'Flie esliiuialed s aluie ot trie sîîîleîî prîîper- 8Bot t . itnMNIR8- p iy lutiit ý et leeii cieniiiedt. i0 - 7 - d d i SA ' p Congratulations to the Applehy College uversaWinners! Top Placing Boys Firsi Place Chiarles Bl Beauii Puî lîblic Scliool Second Place Justtin Saîtuartlîic St Mailliri Si Iiol0 Third Place jadcn ti Fourth Place CoinI tilts Top Placing Schoola Firat Place Cliai lis Il tiidoiti lublît Si littil .itîttîs /lt.itug. <tilia litrii liai di Second Place Stiiti igdilt Putblit Scil t Mîttîts' o \tII,, M1a islSutiis sd Third Place St Mitîlît t, St liii twtiiii Saitit dmt Fourib Place Top Placing Girls First Placet (four -way lie) Kayla Kandzorra New Central Public Scbsol Clarisse Schniieder St. Bernadette School Alexatndra tiortolos Vlgatiwood Eletîientatv Public Silisol J ulia Blernhîardt Chlarles Il teaudoiîi Public Si Iii Top Relay Teamt JýI îrîîîî Mcaie iPuîblic Sci hui Miîlielle'liiibiaii Bnlce 1't Litidltv Public Selîîîîî Honourable Mention Noiaîî tîtichliai Cosus tîîPublic Silisol Siiiii ngdal uirtîblic. Sihltt Wcn i t «T Il Mol. t ibi S, Ilo t IIm Il tii i l t111 P1Il ýl o f Test questions and answers are available ai w '7ý' 7ý 800 265 3673lu Il 26 ' 31,7 Viù, - ..hit. lu F 'Ji iges 1 al it il Il IS ho. feco.- .il cil oiiteit M.s od,ýg.lfius V',""w i.1- TiI ;u - Braces foi 311 Commercia Street-Suite 209-Milton. Tel.905.875.2995 *Children & Aduits Pr v tîai wu. For that winning smille, please cati our office IDM,,B. to arrange for a FREE Initial Consultation DS SB F Crm St,,'r of Halt House break-in attempted HatnRego Polc ar \\x~l Il itria i îytdiui bîîld. He. \vas xxi..iii. a inl hi. atekpe iiidnta d îîk lîid d iik p lois and \vais JS te-4p.n Noenr 1)i il îîîtîîî i caini. il hic kit ps ack. siiishI olit a5. ofaBe liS liilie (llifirn 11/ i lîîîîîî l(1oia Court hîomîe causiiîe S2001 'l'îac lic ti il ci thtis< or <titi of/ici iilii nitse fi oii trie breakîîîc ix iiishiix alericd to ma,\ bcti h it tlii loi ii iîA it'îîtii il. a îîehibîîîî xx ho callcd poilice. Frlic tiîel, Pl/îiciii/I I <«00I222-i 1PS I -8<<) fled tlue aiea emipix' riaiidcd(. 222 1' of isit il< il iti /îîî/uîî Frie suspect is x hue iii fls iîîîd leelîs l. MCi îictip/iii Oi I IClD(C)