Hornby man bellneves he holds the record for The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 16, 2005-A7 *OuR RlLuIwi< WRITE attendance at area tairs CHP pro vides important educational service ' luttie Cîipsu/i.s iii' ,'i'ili.î o1iui/<urutîîtionu i' fiiti i-oti fuii.t isusuis o<</ Vie Chouuîpiouî anîd odîî'r puictiontîîs ini îrder toîprIidiitt i<itllol nit L îîîiltiîîî'. pas idue <o placé,t thei .situtionuuîu iît't October 1906 Thos. J. Chisltoîns oif' orniby belieses ihat he hîulds tlic record as ait attetndant antd exhibitor at the f'aits of' the Hatton Agrîcuiltural Society. lie says iii f853. ss ,hett a s'ery sniall boy, he aîteitded the first fair in Johntsont Harrisoits fiel d, ssftich h.îd îlot becît cfeared otf sîutaps ai that tîme. He has îlot itîissecf a tfair sîîtce. and iii 1857 tie bc,-ait to showý bsrses. fle hopes ii dfo sit again text year. He says tîtat Davidf Featherstone. otf Trafalgar. also sftîtss d hîtrses ut 1857 and litas beett at es ery f'air since except one. The inttual orgatti/ation icetîitg otf the Milton Curling Club w as called on Mottday eveîtîng wbcn the followîig iffi- cers were elected for the cîîîaîtg year. Patront. Win. Panion; patrottess Mrs. Wta. Pantott: presidettt J.. Little: s ice-prescfet D.S. Robertsont; sc.-rcas. W.I. Dîck; aiudi- tors il.E Little and R.L. Heîttstreet; skips D.S. Robertsont. ifý' Little. Î.T. 1l.înaitt. R.L. Hetastreet, J.B. Lassrettce. Res. W.M. Mackay. George Sîorey attd WlI. Dick. The membership fee \vas fixed at $1 witft $4 additional for ice. tut resîdeîtt îtf'the îowýn or neîghborbood to bc aîloved to ptaY svîitat ftrst becorittng a ntetber. T. K. Getamel & Cii. steain dryers attd cleaners of Guelph hase opened an agency in Milîtn ai the Red Cross Drug Store. J.J. Tilley. M.A., Torontot lnspectîtr 0t Model Sebools vîsited the model sebool bere on Tuesday and in the afternoon deliv- ered an address on the new Sebool Act Besides the model sehool students. therc svas a good attendance of sehool trustee* and other prominent citizens. A number o: ladies were present. Mayor Higginbothan was chairman. Mr. Tilley said that unde the present systeru about 75 per cent of tht teachers were only tbird class, too bigh proportion for effective work. TMe averagi length of service for teachers in ruri sebools was only flive years and the result were bad. Under the nesv act county mode Milton 0 ime r Capsules sebîtîtîs w'îtulc be abiulsfted. Ther-e s îc be no mure thîrd ancd certîficates. Heretiîfore tlte tr ainting ut teaciters had nt becru practical erîiughi. There had beeti tîtî nitch bcîîk-ss îrk. There ss ilI be :ritîre ntature stndy andc alsiî mntual training. Titere ss Ill be tîttîr îtesv nrmtaI scfîîîuls and e\ eîy icachet nuts attctd snc a sehiiol lît- traîiig ft'r ai least uone year. As a cîuîtpeîî sattitt tîor ifucîr longter traîiing. ruiral teach- crs ssitulc receise lite certificates auid w\ulct bc better paicf. tnder tte ttinimtunm saîary systettu tttey ss ulc L'et tlot less tttat fl'rtm $325 t<î <S5(8) a s cat accosrît<tiiit tbe assessttteitt <t tîteit respectivse sctus Utîcet the ne\\ syý steta<tutin n taxatîion the striirg sectionîîs ss îsld bas c ti i fetp the ss eak. Utider tthe îîld sy stettt t ssas luui îtteît tîte case that ttte dernatc s'as fiîr. ntt the best. but the cheapesi teacfter as atiLable. ('ici lt NMaîtacet andet MîitNr. Lictsav ut1 ttte l1ii triers, Bantk olt Caadca tasve prescîîted tte Ilaltit Musldtbilad Associatio\it s t a fat ce antictlatitcul ,il- ser cap as a prîce for tte cttittplllii<t plîisi- mati at tte ,\ssoistatilt' attiual mnatch tii bc betd tîcre tesot TLies.day>. Novenmber 1906 On Saturday Dr. R.K. Antcersont bîîcgbt tîte (Iffice occupied by biit (216 MtNaint St.) aîîd Andrewý Tiick becamne the iuw ner oif a frame hutuse (26) son Chtarles Street. Booth buildings betsliîîged tii the estite <if ttîe fate Mrs. Booîtb. Robert Sargeant. ssbs died at Palenait on October 22 in bis 74th year. was bctr in Ireland and svas ruade an Orangeman there 56 years ago. On coming bo Canada bc joined Oakville lodge and be neyer mîssed a parade. H-e joined sibat is now No. 7 Co. 20th Regt. in 1866 signing tbe otriginal service roIl. He was a couny constable and was generally on duiy at the assizes bere. Thisu informnationt iras a.ssernhled otu beilf of the Milton lli.uortcci/ Suiiers vv ini Du/ls, îî lu caii hi' ri'îi/tid «t )ear Editor: As a lattcîusner in the Nîagara isapuîiarea fitr mitre than 501 'cars aîtd a vîtlunteer at Country leritage Park )CHP), in deeîtly :oîcernied with the Niagara ;scairpîruent Coîamissiiîî's dcci- ion lto distaîss the application that ,s'îcld cotttinue to alfow surplus cars tii be parkect îît the Country Ileritage f>ark's vacatnt parking loîts durîng the svinteî mîîntbs. ~When the Onttariot Minîstry ot Agricuilture iipetîed thîs park intî he il '7t)s. there ssci-e 47 ftîltînte ntpliîyees. Wfteî tîte Ontarioî guy ertntettt decîccid tîîsvwer ils fundic- îtîg tot the 87-acte par k. a griiup oif Pt ofessionîal nten aîtd ssiten fîîrntecf a board <if ctîrectîîrs. SThese people, so tihfave tiesci reccîs d îetttiteratiiîi futr these poîsitionîts. contt inuie i0 suppot the ii[tratiiits <ut 'f-fl. At the ltîeseîtt tîtîte. tfuere arc iînly ftour falltîttte cipliyees plus operate this historie agricultural park in Halton. The dedicatiîîn and commitmeni ot this group ot' peo- ple are instrumental in supporting the everyday operatioîts of this tac ility. One of my concernis stemis trom the t'act that the NEC ditesn't appear to be consistent iii its dcci- siuîn making. The follosvtng ques- tiotts arise: - Why dîd the NEC affiiw the nieiglhiîaîing property of' Glen Eden Ski and Snowboard Centre to clear, cnt part of' the escarpinett faicîng( Hwy. 4f) ? Was this deci- ston madle based oit the tact iliat îtîcreasitig the numher oif' his at Gîcît Edeît soufd iiicrease ils îes- ine? - Wliv did the NEC tanti cfisn the applîc atitt tii Park car, <ut a pricy tîtat svas alîeady desîgnat- cd as parkiîtgè space? There arte nou added cosis îrtsîlsed and ciutstruc- fact. having these cars stored on the park\s land provides the historie acreage with a 24-hour security svhich in nium protects the artifacts storcd on this property. The NEC's decision seriously jeopardizes a source of income that helps defray the operational Costs of' the park. Without this historic site, our scbool cbildren svîll no longer have the park as a source of edlucationaf instruction. Thousands of' school children front varions boards of education s isit this park on an annual basis, as ClIP provicles prograrus that hase concrete links ssith the Ontario social science and science curriculum. The NEC's decision will alti- mately affect many of our citiLens at many differeni levefs. Harold F Middlebrook Milton Motorists need to take more care in parkng lots Der Ediltir: On Nu eîttber 17 ,it a1tproiinatcly c930 a-1t1.,1 dc îced iii take tay vs ttc andc e ictcaebcttiidLiii tt le iles Zetîers restautrat i tttt Milton MaIl l'or bieaitast. I parkcd bettitd Zellers îith ie nesi, cttrattce. 1 îîîîîagtt 1 bacî tscked ut <iii parkinîg. as tbe enîd park- ing lioi sias ipty. fTtc r«ac ss o ui my rîgt sîde anct a sýari ssas sittîîîp on tay lefi. Yîîu ssîtlct think is svas att isteal spo)t. I drive a gîutd-cîîfsîred 200)5 Ches'riiet Cavalier. This sebîcle svas bîand itesi, with nît a scratch itît t. We take a lot (ut prîde in it. We hast a nîce breakfast ai Zellers. Wbcn sve came ouit <i tîe mal. tIo my anger and dîsmay there was a big dlent on my lif f rontt feîder. I-urtber back <on the cat svas anîîtber det, vhere sonteone tîad opened their I iîbtîiutcct ses eral quittes f'rom repaîr shîîps attd it loîîks lîke it \vilI cîls ie a etssee $500) and $6))X). So 1 gcîeSs' 1 parked righi nexi tii tte Grinch sîhî sitole my Churistnmas. lI'e lived bere f'oi iîny years and I hase fmuîtd the peotple tii be trîetîdly and courteous. I guess 1 expected tto ntuct t'roimu ds person shut parked besîde me. Su iii the 'Grtiîch vhît stole my Christmuas*, sheîî yîîu drive u atîd itut oft a parking spoît, dott't cratîk tbe sîeerîîtg sî,heel untîl you bit the car beside you. Please take care arîd Just back ont sîraîphi antil you're clear. That*s aust ihe beight of bad driving and bad tai- tiers luIt tcî acknowledge svhai yîtu bad donc. Ron Hill Centennial Forest Park Drive NEC should have afforded a grace period to CHP Dear Editor: This letier is in response 10 the December 2 letter to the editor froru Niagara Escarpment Commission chair Dotn Scott. If the NEC strongly supports Country Heritage Park. then wby could it not have given a grace period tsi the park to allow cintinu- ing incître fromr the car storage svhile the NEC follitwed up their plecîge tut apprîtach the Proivnce for increased financial assistance? Things don't always have to be cubher/or situations. in my opinion, there bad been no demonstrated damage to, the escarpruent or to the area surrounding if due to the cars being parked ai CHP. In this case, the NEC responded to the complaint of one person . If complaints are needed, could sve coîaplaiît about the planîîed svîden- itp <ot Tremaîne Rîtad otr tite traffie trucks in or near the escarprnent? Certainly these sbould be issues to consider with Just as much atten- tion as (bat wbich was given to the winter parking of stationary cars. It's tîme for flexibility, common sense and a generous spirit. It's time for the NEC to reconsider ils decision. Einar Voldner Milton y