B10 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 16, 2005 Champion seeking Teacher of Month nominations With Christmas fast approaching. many stu- cated, energetic and creative educators in the pick a deserving teacher In addition to a feature amongst the monthly winners. dlents and parents are is inderinss what to gisc public anîd Caiholic scho4ol syienis, as ssci! as oii the wiinninj teachoi in The Champion- his or Nomnations can bc ;en, bs c niai! h( mil- 50 Oti iîiiild i u ti lie( i. iaiiupionii And y ou studcîiis and pai cuis --kîovs bei- fic contesti s opens îo ail tcachers lroi pre- ediiîir at 'the Champion office, 875 Main St. E. Teacher of the Month'? ter than anyone who these teachers are. school to grade 12. At the end of the year, a Please mark ail entries to the attention of Milton is blessed with an abundance of dedi- Each month. a panel at Ile Champion wilI Teacher of the Year will be selected from, Teacher of the month'. w' Visit our Poinsettia Wondedtand. Thousands of Poinsettias grown for you - many colours and sizes to choose fromn. 4M ig.o This week's feature 24" jl- Poinsettia Planter accented with festive greener $9199