B4 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, December 16, 2005 CORRECTION N M RETINNM f sGT 512MM B SO Ultra CoqS Speed 150x Memory dard. GX51 IJOOS DscflsDaoThareyten.TC3:OO6lB9Thisn 512-Z: 10069467s Tison c ns udvertse for $59.99 prdc savie n orIO NODeme In fyror$2.9 Dt e m e aOoer s $15 sasîngs on p, 19 of osr December 9ti flynr In alter $50 saîns. In fact, t ns $320,99 afler s $50 saoings, ia i . ,ý , 1 a ' 1 1 ý ýý; r é ý,; CORRECTION NOTIE ouekyuimu ekhanIewie o (River 512MB and 1GB MP3/WMA Player oad f rr n veeoerfditd:N-Doember9-15 1006 214/10065552. Thenu producfs do Trot feafore un FM Producf: Audiovox 240-Wat CarDock.This produt tuner us advertised on p. 120of air December 9tn tlyve. 1 dotas nof feature a toach sereen as advermsed on IWesincerly apoloize foinany inconnrnience thismay have caosi p. 12 of our December Rfh Blyer. SKU: AV1510D: our valte customis andihank you for you paic 10025579 CORRECTION NOTICE Fujilni 15-Pusin DVD+B Or 055-R 10061283/100612B8. Thene prndu Ct une adventised on p. 28 of on December 981 river for 532.99g eucfi ulter a $47 saeings. In fact, Brey ure $32-99 ulter a $22 saings. We sincev5l apologuze ferany îflcoflveniefce th0 mnay have caused ainý vaid contofnr and tiiank you for your patience. toerae- ouforeea Wapeooimforanylncomraenoe caesad 6-ya sam enwI ur flw dUa Deomber 16-22. Produet:Toshiba Up-converting DVD Player. This produc i s advertised for $149.99 affer a $20 savings on p. 18 of aur December 16f h flyer. In fact, no savings apply.SKU:SD4980: 10062436 Give thse gift of Healtis & Relaxation this season! Gift Certificates Available DR. Amy L. DR. NATALIE ScHf tBR MCDONALD oSc.. C i2hrprateor BSO.DC Chinipractor & Acopunc1unsiý 327 Bronte St. S. Unit 14. .Milton, ON L9T 4A4 SARAH STI:PHEN, KERRY BURKE, RMT.CRlegiered o B.A.,Kin, M&%â Theais& RMT R,ee Masg 905.875.2288 handed in at the office of The Champion, 875 Main St. E., mailed to PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed to (905) 878-4943, or e-mnailed to mil- toned@haltonsearch.com. The final deadline i5 noon Friday for Tuesdays edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Saturday Dec. 17 Euchre takes place at the Hornby Co-operative Nursery School at 7:30 p.m. Everyone's welcome. The Women's Centre, suite 210 in Hopedale MaIli aI Rebecca Street and Third Line. in Oakville holds its free Peer Counselling by vol- unteer-s in person or over the phone from 10 arn. lu noon for women facing abuae, grieflloss and rela- tionship issues. For more informa- tion or to register, caîl (905) 847- 5520. Sunday Dec. 18 Grace Anglican Cburch, 317 Main St., preoento ils Chancel Choir with an evening of lessons and carolo at 7 p.m. Ebenezer United Church, 12274 Guelph Line, north of Brookville. holds a play ut 1l a.m. presented by the children of thc church enti- eled 'Every Knee Shall Bend'. Busy shoppers are invited 10 remember what Christmas is aIl about. 'Me play is followed by a tea. At 7:30 p.m.. the church pres- ents A Festival of Lessons and Carols, presented by the Ebenezer Choir. with refreshments follow- ing. For more information, caîl (9()5) 854-2423. Monday Dec. 19 VellNprirîg Hattoin Peei. a sup- port àcsir f'or cancer patients e if After Cancer support group from 7 te, 8:30 p.m. at 2545 Sixth Line in Oakville. For more infor- mation, catI (905) 257-1988. The Women's Centre, suite 210 in Hopedale Mai at Rebecca Street and Third Line, in Oakville holdo its free Peer Counseling by vol- unteers lu person or over the phone from 10 arn. 10 3 p.m. for women faciug abuse, grief/boa sund rela- tionship issues. For more iuforma- tiou or 10 register. cal] (905) 847- 5520. TUesday Dec. 20 Milton District Hospital holds a breastfeeding clinic with a certi fied lactation consultant from 9:30 to 11: 30 a. m. For more i nformation or to make an appointment, catI Jean Gallen at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. HeIp for Parents, a Halton par- ent support group, meets lu the eveuing lu the basement of the church at 5720 New St. lu Burtington. This non-denomina- tional self-support group helpo par- ents of children who are lu trouble at home, at school or with thc law or who are abusive or taking drugs. The group is a member of Association of Parent Support Groups lu Ontario. For more infor- mation, catI 1-800-488-5666 or visit www.apsgo.ca. Calling New Parents, a free pro- gram for parents and babies aged 6 months and younger, meets with a public heatth nurse to, discuos par- enting sud infant care. The group meets aI the Ontario Earty Years Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd.. from :30 10 3.30 p.n. For more infor- mation. cati (X)5) 825-6(), ext. 7299. limprove comîmunication sud leadership .sklls os ith tlic Milton corne 1<) attend the meeting at the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Chartes St. (upper tevel), at 7:30 p.m. For information, catI Allan Lahue at (905) 877-3441. The Womens Centre, suite 210 lu Hopedale Malt at Rebecca Street sud Third Line, lu Oakville hotds its free Peer Counselling by vol- unteers in person or over the phone from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for women facing abuse, guieYtoss and rets- tionship issues. And its Women's Employment Network takes place from 9:30 to t11:30 arn. for women tooking to, brush up on resumé-wriîing, job searching and more. For more information or te, register. catI (905) 847-5520. Wednesday Dec. 21 The Mississauga/Oakville Prostate Cancer Support Group mcdos from 7 10 9 p.m. at Wetlspring Halton-Peel, 2545 Sixth Line, lu Oakville. For more information, catI (905) 257-1988. Milton Meats on Wheels holda a luncheon at 11:30 arn. at 80 Ontario St. N. The cool is $5. Transportation and assistance can be arranged for those who need it. For more information or to reserve a spot, cail (905) 878-6699. The Town of Milton invites bus riders to enjoy free rides from 9 arn. to 4 p.m. For more informa- tion, visit www.milton.ca or catI (905) 815-2020. Wellsprlng Hatton-Peet, a sup- port group for cancer patients sud their familles, hotds ils Teen Space f'or teens with a parent with cancer tronî 7 to 8:30 p.m. aI 2545 Sixth fine in Oakvitle. For more infornla lion. eall (905) 257-1988.