Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Dec 2005, p. 3

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 16, 2005 - A3 Savoline annoirnees she won't seek another term By MELANIE HENNESSEY ,Sas ,oIIiis lias atiiiuiuied tai sIte su liii seek re-election ilexi year. F'igliig back lears. tie sueIl-loised head of regiiiial cîuuîîcîl broke the tiewss iii ber shocked culleagues Wedniesday ai the etîc oîf council's lasi 2005 meeting. "I have chosen to make ii niiic mient now,' reeognizing the magnitude of Joyce Savolinie the caropaigli necessary lui etisure s ters front ail of the municipaliiies as e ai uiiderslanciig oîf the candi- cdates seeking the poisition oif chairmnan. ancd the personînel anîd fimancial resources iiecessaiy for ibis uiîceriakiiîg," shte said. The long-time Burliîtgtoti restiett iioted she alsii kîîîîss hoîs mnucb limie il takes to hase a ihorougb utiderstancling ofi the issues thai affect aIl of Halton. and the oltes unique lui eacb muiticipaliiy. ln an interview sviih The Championi she explainedl ihat site feels ibis is ber lime to leave public oîffice. The chairman bas becît serv- ing ai the Regiîîî silice 1982 su her she staried as a loucal antd regional couitillor for the City oif BUr-lîîîgîîn. -For me. is important t leave sut elîjoyiiîg fliceîb"st ad -I teli in mny heari that ibis is tie rioi decision l'or ushere I amn ai ibis pointi n my life." She poiited oui ihai te chairînati job takes a trerneicluis amnouri oft ime and dedicaiîîi antd aither itree-year tern is a loîiî cotttmiiiiieni.« lits îlot like a job subere yiiu apply anîd you knuîs yiuu'e giig ici relire.' shte said. -Wbeiî yiiu make a cuimmitmnenî. yî'e real ly asking for the trust iii 40<),(XX) people. lits really impuortanti li know ibai you're commîltîng for three years." Ms Savoline's anuîouicemet sparked einition arouid tbe cîlun- cil table. svitb mosi councillot s lookittg sibly surprisecl "Il svas quite a shock.- said Miltonî Wards I anîd 3Cuuicillîîi Barry Lee. "ht goi us aIl choked up. We're goîîîg to miss ber.' Mr. Lee had nothing but gosîd lbîngs bo say abotîn Ms Sasîîlîîe. "She's been a big. big asset iii H-lIton Region anîd jusi a lîîvely person. Tbey dîîn't corne any better iban Joyce." He emphasized that she's always treatedi ail residenis equally and witb a great amount oif respect. "She pays as much attention ti us (in the rural areal as site does to the more densely-populaîed areas." Mr. Lee said. Felloîs Milton and regiîînal cîîuîîcîllor Ron Furik was also stunned afier heartîte Ms Savoîline ssun't be seekîîîg re-electiiîi. "ht broughî a real'sadiess lii my heari"' he said. noîlîîg it usilI take "anoiber Joyce Sasoline" lui filI the oulgîîîîg chairmaits sboes. Ai ihe meeting. Oakvîlle MayorAnn Mulvale said Ms Sauîîliiîe su il lease a lasting legacy. And she definilely us h asve Icit ber îmark. Afier bein(, appîîînied as chairitian iii 1994 and 1997. Ms Sas inc pusbed te Pros incet iibae bier poîsition clîatîged bo one ihat requîtes a public suite. Subsequenlly. site becarne the lîrsi chairman iii Haiiîn*s histîîry iii be elected by the people. lit tbe comîng year. Ms Sasîlîîîe plans bo coîntinue afleclting chantge. She bold ber fellîîw cîîuîîil niembers that she's lîîîking unI\ýa- s'oi lu adin" cuic ll uui il us' s lii the î'e îîîîî upiii ui bot I basve liii stippeci beîîîg cbaiîtai.' She îîuîed ibai she suilI coîntinue lui itîpress on the proîvincial gilseî'îmeîîî the value of' keepiîîg garbage frîuîn iuiher muîtIIICipali- lies (>111 Of Haliiîi's laîtdtill and puslîing foîr flic creatioli iiia G'FA poiiliig (a systemi thai helps Tuorontuo pay for soicial services) exii strategoy. SIte said she'l alsiî carry on svîth ber support for the CAO and staff' ii developiiîg the joitt campus vetutre svîth bîîth scbuîîls hoards antd police. DUr-iîg ber limne as chairmait. the îîîîther oftiso said she's pnîuud tii hasýe bad a pari in a varîeîy of initiatives. încludiîîg the OfficiaI Plan res eus anîd Haltun cuitcurrently recels îng an AAA credit rai- iîîg. SIte tîpped ber bat 10 the Regiîît's staff for acciîmplisbments ibai' se beeîî mtade. noting Hialtuin is fortutiate tut have the kînd of loîyal anud protessiuînal emplîtycs ibat it this. "It really is a 'Team I-lton."' Ms Savoline said. And qa.ft be I eti'iIl~ l uc hitosus t ;aysi about lier. Nii l' ý uu"u 'iu~ WI OU"~ I jiiil ".il lu , u î casy I ole loi- a person in het position to do. We 're going t0 miss her." Hc iîoted the Region is certainly able to wîirk through the tran- sitîion, piiintîng out that part oif Ms Savolîne's legacy is to have lefi Haliiin "in good shape." While she said she hasn't quite decided yet what ber plans are corne the end oîf ber iermn, Ms Savoline told The Champion she definiiely wants tri continue working wiib people. And, she had jusi four words to sum up ber limne ai the belm of the Region. 'li's been a dream," she said. "Tbey really have heen the absolutely most gratifying years in a work career anyone could pîîssibly have."* Meloiie Heniesse-v con be reac'hed cil rtiheniessev@millon- u'oioicliiiu'hoimpuuîi.c'um. Milton Mail JEVM MM -870-4807 S Open Sundays in December Serving yourfamily since 1930 zwninqÀ4, é4 CW/d(CY ce"ü

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