The Canadian Champion, Friday DaCember 16, 2005 - 23 * * A* . .Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 To Plc nAOal9 5 8 8 2 4 e Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: *Merchandise 300-385 * Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad suhmission by mail or in person: The Canadian Champion, 875 Main St. F., Milton, ON L9T 3Z3 Deadliles: Mon. il a.m. for Tues. publication, Thuro, 11laun.,,for Fni publication. Special Featore & Holiday deadlions may oary. Payrnet: Wo accept cash, choque, lnterac, Visa, MasterCard. American Express. Ail ads piaced are nan-relandabie and no credit wiil be issued. Business accoonts cao he opened wîth an approoed credif application aoailable fromn yoor Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS lu ensure the information is correct. Contact yoor Salas Consultant withîo 24-Hoors if an erroi appears. An error in a Fni publication must bo repodted no lofer than Mon. i1 a.m. -de= li BIRTHDAY Hakppy I3th Dhthday Lania Love Yomi Fanuily 8 dei Houss Fo Sl Bsness 0 p poraniies SELLERS TURF oi 100%9/, Frnd Gui What The urai Lewr (n 3 Huma Down The Pci, (ce lre tmner Street Suld For. 1-(5 ý5Ž9 405/q, Visit www, ennerOr.O haitonhomesinfo.csm cnfy c FINO ouf wbat yuur M on hume is woifh, your- $SMONE$$ or phone Consofîdate Oebts evalualion. Cati Wayne Morgages to 100% Mur, Sunuon Group No income, Quantum ut 905-273- hari credît OK! 9933ONTARIOWI DE FINANCIAL CORP 1-888-307-7799 Business S.~ .OWPY mg Mpportunitis M ENT Requîred for _03% financis. Bad LEAVER5,1 okiq crndul, selfi-mptuyed, iro con1t iir , ,vcn no prot of uncoma up 000 D)Oyer, ea n n tu 100 !P -financinp, 4e th, t'anmc H.J. FrctEs CiL...Pae 9îâ05-4- 305 270 7304 45§61. \MARRIAGE A 5yr@d.85%. Aso eq- uîty mortgage prugrams rearsileos ut incume or credît. Cati Norm ut 905-844-1245 or omîit us ut www.sinclaircock- hurn.comn A Joh ai Home. $493.97 weekiy. Mail worK us computai woîk. Go lu: www.ANawHom- os write for Fiee detaifs ut 3-11 BELLEROSE OR, Suite #122 ST ALBERT. AB T8N 5C9 FasFor Rani GEORGETOWN RENTAIS t1, 2, & 3 bedsoums. Check out wab site www.hattunhîfissan- lm Flts or Re!i GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street South, Milon We are nom acceplng applications for: -1 bodrrn For muse information and/or lv make an appouf ment, Please Cail: 905-878-5375 Building Managers Lennard & Penny ACTON J bedroum upartmenl, ground f ev- et, $675/monfh plus. Cui 519-853-5080 or 519-853-5352ý Apartents& Fiais For Rent MILTON J bdrm apt. 2 bath rosm n/sassa/f arge lîoîngruom/dinîng- soum/5 applîuncen/naw pets/511t75/mth/avait- abIe Fah ltf Conrad 905-876-5581 or 905- 693-0780, ACTON Aparments. 1 & 2-bedrooms avaîl- able Decamher & Jasu- ary 1sf. Foadga & stuse, laundry tacîfîtias. No dogs 5t19-853-4374. Open 7 dayn/weak. Same day approual. DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliaide Towers 82 Mllilde Drive. Attractive quiet build- ing. Spacions hrîghi dlean 1 &2 bedroom unîtu wîtb taundry faciiity and social room os site. Regular rasidant ants Open 7 days & enenings Cati 905-876-1249 2-BDRM wîth main foor laundry. pnîsate antranoe, parking, quiet comptan. 1lOOOsq.t $850 par mtb + hydro. Cuit Larry O 905-943- 9372. ACTON 2-hedroom apartmenf. ground lav- ai, $675/month plus. Cui 519-853-5080 or 51 9-853-5352. ACTON 2-hadroom wîth yard, avaitabteîm madiataly. Friaga, stuse, utîfîtias inctnded. No pets, tirst/fant/rater- encan raquîred. 519- 853-3877. ACTON exclusive Insu- ry building. 1,200 nq.h6 2-bedroomn suite. Appli- usns, faundry and sturaga lncker. $1 .200/munf h Cuit Mîke 416-688-9164, AVAILABLE Immedi- aiely 2-bedroum apairt menf in seniurs huild- ing. $836 pion ufîfîfien. Locatea in beautîful Le- gin Terrace in Aclon. Caîl Kerr Realty Man- agement Ltd. At 905- 876-0407 GEORGETOWN 1- bedruom. Fireptace, yard, utîlîfies înctudad. Fîrnt/last and reter- ences required. No smoking/pais. Avaîlable December lost Cati 905-877-2274. GEORGETOWN 2- hedroom apartmenf. yreîes single or couple No smoking/pets. Janv- ary 15th/February loi. Reierences. 905-877- 1209 GEORGETOWN, lSth Sîderoad. Large hache- for apariment, 2nd floor $700/monfh, aoaîlabla January loi. Cati 905- 873-4413, 0 Anarments& 1 Aparimenis & 0Twhue FiastFor Rani U Fiais For Rani ForRn GEORGETOWN 2- RENTAIS OAKVILLE- 3-bad- hadrum anaant 2 and 3-hedruom suifes roum townhouses aoaf- aparoo bment rMain Actnn, psîoaîe yard, ahila immadiafaf y aparment ner Mal.ntading ut $850/muonth thrnugh January 1,- 4 No smoking/pets. Detachea bouse for appisancas, Hopadaf a $900/munth. Fîrot/fant.rn ereunr Mail aiea. Lakenhore Aoaîfahle immadîutefy. eti ereon a aaeet9586 Cali smo-a/J-vn24 vise lot, 9mrai sPigh- Magmet9-86 hourbuod. $1.800/ 3336 munth. Cali Elizaheth GEORGETOWN 3- Duel, Johnson Assu- omFr hadroum bungalow, ciaien Reahor 905-877- mm en &Wanted main fluor. 4-appli- 5165ý onces, cabi e iscludea. FURNISHEO suom Sf,200/munth plus uil TERRA Cuita main fleur Milton Mati, park- if lesý Firssilastiretar- flous ut bungalow on ing, faundry etc. encan. No smok- 1/2 acre. 3-hedroumn, S110/week. Pieuse cai ing/pan Cal 905-877- lage oivnguom, k ch- 905-878-0882 1305 or 905-873-3931 an. Country sellng, uller 6:OOpm parking. Availah e im- ITN Rani tu- _____________ mediuta y. $1,2001 nished ruom. Puri GEORGETOWN hach month al inclunse. loufa athroom,I elor apartment Far 905-857-2513. I Prvilege nshed, no pets/smok- L 5month J ng. $650/month inclu o us 905-876-0353 sone Anaia tba Junuury lm__For_______lm __ 1sf. Clone f0 Mai.Cui ROOM for sent, suit 905-299-6545. GEORGETOWN 3- quiet/non-smoking ta- bdrm/upper tour of mule, shared kit/bath, GEORGETOWN Cieun b o n s a /1 i o i n g- inctudes taundry/park- 3-bedroomn main fluor, r o o mn / a i n i n g ing $475/mlh. Cui $1,100/mosfh. Anaîf- ruom/kichen/3pc Kate 905-878-4977 able iunianur 155h buibiiridoes/sinuaiwa (Milton) nharad taundry ln- cludan park- îng/yu rd/st orage/pouf. Fîrsi/fant/rete rances. 416-688-0270. GEORGETOWN, 1- badruom hasement, hrîght, single te- mua / c o u ple $800/mnh utilities sn- ciuded. First/ flest/ rater- ences. Parking/sapas- aie enirance, laandry. Anaifahi e Januury ltt 905-873-0663. GEORGETOWN, lSih Sidaroad. Large hache- for apadtment, 2nd fluor $700/month, aoaifahf e January lnt. Cui 905- 873-4413 GEORGETOWN, 2- hedsuom husemeni uparimeni. Laundry. $800/month plus ul- fties. Singles preferresi Avaîlable January lsi Cati 416-626-6640. LARGE sew fuilI 1-bad- ruom basement apart- ment. Saparafe en- france, douhle parking. No pets/smoking. Mai- iamy homes. 5750/month ullties in- ciuded. 905-864-6495. MILTON cosy 1-bdrm (fuit banamenfi apf. yarkîng/ulîliieo in- cludeci $975/mib, 905- 878-9888. MILTON, spollens lur- nishesi t-hdrm upi. sharea eni rance in quiet home close to M/mail, kichenette, 3pc halh/laundry, forge L/R/parkîng/cahie/aoal- abie îmmedîafely. No s nsokin g/p els/ch id sen. $775/mih, references sequisea. 905-875- 0838. able îmmiedîatey. At- tes Spm cuit 905- 693-0780 ACTON 3-badrsom nemi Quiet street, huga hackyard. Franhty paîntad, recant carpaf. Non-smoking hse. 1-parking spot. $93oymonth plus utif- tien. Cui 905-873- 1902. MILTON 4-bedroom toienhousa, recantiy ranoated garage, $1350/month + atilîtias, firut/fasi. Avaîfabi e îm- madîatety. Cuit 905- 878-1198. MILTON. 3-hadsoomn townbouse, încludîng appliasces, fînîshad sec ruom, garage. 51250/month votif- lien. 905-876-4499 2 years sew, 3 hed- suom iownhouse in Milton. 2-1/2 baihs, 5 appliances. Close 10 GO statio an 41 Askîsg $300 pieuse cuit Andrew 416-571- 5000 GEORGETOWN 3- bedsoum, very dlean, haîdwousi fluors, fin- îsbed hasemeni, excel- lest locaioo. $1,250/monfh plus ul fties Immediate or Jan- oary ist. Cal 905-877- 5579/905-299-7435. MILTON new town- bouse/i gOOsq.11/3- hdrm/2 112 hathoitniidgu, stooe/2 min. Io 401/Sf 700/mth +/Jan 15ý Cuit Doris 905-854- 0888 lm Acomodaion 1-ROOM un loienhous Share ail amanulues un- ciuding faundry and parking. Iniernat/Saef- ftI uscfuded. $500/monlh, Firut/Lant. Cai! Andrea 905-864- 6337 ACTON. Share naef y rensovaed bouse. Att ameniuen. 1-hadrnnm. Cahie, infemel, utilieu, phone. $500/monib. 905-691-4490 MILTON. New home share 1/2 bouse. Pri- nale ivuingroom & bath- ronm. Ail umenituen. No smoking/pets. Cati 647- 209-9362. Mu vable HOME daycare regun- fered, 2 E.C.E caregiu- ers, heaifhy iunches/snucks/so- cia 1/lovin g/c le an/n on- smoking envirosmesi, 6mtbn 4yrs Raeser esces upon requenf, 15 yrs eop. Cuti Surah 905-864-1263. GUITAR LESSONS Pruvate guilar fessons avaifubie tsom an euperîencedi, proffessuonal unstructo No registration tee, reusonable raies. Rick (905) 875-4601 coniing STREETS VILLE PSYCHIC 1/2 Pruce Spncual Tarot card, Faim or pnycbîc. HeiF un ail prubiems. Aura beafusg. OuI 905-856-4850. W ieils For Sale WALNUT DINING ROOM SET. Hand- noms Duncan Phyfe style, 4 chairs, 2 leaves, wîfh a china cahinet. le Milton. Easy pîckup. Only $675. John ni Christine ut 905-876-3048. A dininu rnom, cherry- wood, douhle pedestal tahle, 8 chairs, huffet, hutch, dovefal con- struction. New still in hunes. Cool $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459ý A King Pilfnwtop Mat- Irans Set. New in plas- tic. 05sf $1600. self for $450. 905-567-9459. E, Amazisg hargaîn, qanen orthnpadic pif- fowtop sel, new in plas- tic, warranty $250 905- 567-4042 wiil deliver. BEDROOM Cherry- wssd, Bed, chant, dresser, 2 nightntandn. Dosefaîl Construction. Neyer opened Cool $8,000. Sacrifice $51900. 905-567-4042 CARPET f hase neyer- al 1,000 yards. ut new Staismaster & 100% nylsecarpat. Wi f do lin- ingrnom & hall for $389. f scindes carpet, pad & installation (30 yardn) Slave, 905-633- 8192 FABULOUS holiday sale' No GST! Castom aphslsfering sofa f rom $788, No GST! Chairs f rom $249, No GST! dir. seato from $19.95, senior discounts! Fields Parnîtare and Fabrîcs, 9am-gpm, 905-632- 9090 FREE Entîmateo ot wohhly chairs, tîred luokîng wood fininhesi Fields Custom Weed Refînînhîng and Porni- tare Repaîrs. 9-9. 905- 632-9090 GRAVELY comho trac- tor/snow hfuwer/grass cuIter $650.00 Ask for Nick 905-876-6227. Hot Tub (Spa) Couars Oeuf Price, Basf Quai- ity. AIl Shapes & Col- ours. Caf i 1-866-585- 0056 www.thecooer- ArticlesWated WANTEO f0 huy your olst dol is. Gond loing home goaranteed. Please caîl 905-875- 2807 Wanted- AIl China, Sil- vas, Cryntal, Tea Cvys, Royal Doulton, Swarv ski. Glass, Jewellory, old toys. cullectîhfen, asiates. Caif John/ Tracy 905-331-2477