NEWS Regional chair announces she won't seek re-eleCtion SPORTS Reding v-ballers upstaqe Drurv Q APPLE' Weeke 0AutoGlass! 78 MAIN ST. #1 & 2 METROLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 146 NO. 80 -'RIDAY DECEMBER 16,2005 $1 QO (GST included) 40 PAGES Using Comimunication to Build Better Côommunities" -A bite -Municipal taxes out of are going up 3 % Urban homeowners will see $18 hike and rural residents will pay extra $15 By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion After Iengthy deliberations, Milton counicil hammered next year's tax increase dlown to about $18 for the average urban home- owner and $15 for those in the rural area Monday night. Following almost four heurs of' discus- sion and debate as a budget comrnittec. council approved an operating budget svith a three per cent tax increase for 2tX)6 doswn troin the 3.35 pcr cent increase staff rccommended sshich sveuld'vc meant an approximatc $21) jurnp ut urban rcsidcnts* taxes and $17 for rural taxpayers. Council aIse elimutated a proposed 1.5 percent separate capital levy that svould've resulted in an extra $9.21 on next year's tax bill for the average homeosvner. Thc levy svas suggested by staff te reduce the Town's reliance on debentures and assist with funding for initiatives to address tratffic congestion concerns in the community. lnstead, Wards 2 and 4 Councillor Ron Furik put forward a motion. which council approved, te incorporate the Ievy into the thrce per cent tax increase. meaning the traffic initiatives svill sttll be covered in the budgct. 'Me motion also called for reducing the amount of money that was going to be transferred to reserves by $66,401I. cutting a $48,651I proleet for an emergency epera- tions centre out of the budget and funding any difference from reserves. Belore voting on tise changes te bring the incrcasc dosvn te threc per cent, a fess councillors voiced their mixcd thoughts on the matter. "I'm concerned that our reserves are going down," Ward 3 Councillor Cindy Lunau noted. Ward 4 Councillor Wendy Schau said she thinks council sbould stick wjth the total staff-proposed tax increase of 4.85 per cent. Its my concern that this emphasis on low taxes is limniting the Town's ability te, provide the services that our growing com- munity needs," Ms Schau told The Champion as to why she supports the orig- inal recornmended hike. "l'm particu*,arly concerned about pro- viding necessary infrastructure such as undcrpasses, expanding our transit systemn, provtding recreational opportunities for youth and building the nesv library and arts and entertajument centre." But Mr. Furik stood by bis suggested budget changes. "I rather think we're doing a very wise thing here. It's ail about keep- ing our taxes down.- Mayor Gord Krantz aIse voiced bis sup- Ssee RESIDENTS on page A12 Inside Comment ......A6-A7 Classitied .....A23-A26 Dateline .........B Relmsate..... B5-B7 GORRUD'S AUTO 4 CLEANr' ARTS & ENTERTAINMVENT Milton native hopes to beComne next