Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Dec 2005, p. 8

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A8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 13, 2005 Vîsît us at www.karensflowershiop.com 487 Laurier Ave 878-2881 y v i ciyC Response protocols for vitm more fcive By HOWARD MOZEL Special to The Champion Heralded in 2W02 as a break- through for victinis, the Hlton C1ornnmunity Response Protocoils for Sexual Assault and Domiestic Violence have now been enhanced to fie even mnore effec- tive. Thai wxas miade clear rcentily ai the t-tahccn Reecional ('cntre as îcrsiiisc roii 28 soîcial aczcnccs> si,-ied lic ccpdaicd piciicîccîils and cccx cd piiný cHIl a 1H(I)R N lie\i CD-RO th c bc1l a1 il aicîcici: iiii i] 1Cii dcci C iiiîl i iiisHiiiCC Acciiidiiic iii ofbi Ntlii i llonii (licld anid 'liicih "cii sand cochlaci ofil taiton SeXicld aiid l)OIIIiccsicc 'iliîcICe ('Ollabiiralis c flic neox aîîd-ccinirocd prtcoIicc ar the0 enid rcsult of, lccdback frontu alciidees cil tic ccrinal 2'11)2 laticl cfili l iicccîaîcv anîdai.ccpcicii The cisraîl rsl has bec i lic ahilis oil Telle s anc acciccies iii reîc h ccLIi ci0r cHi i-î peraci v cl iii Ir couinterpairis acnd ulicMtIciil I)roi dC bei- ieci sens iccs foii tiiiie ci hic îîcd i. li's ccpccid dcccii [lioi op[en hclticc. sacd Mis Melcicr. [ci 1999,ih th llalici Sciciail anid t)îcii,ic V iolcnce Cicllabiratis -- lc rîcîci l kîccîi c as icicnprchiîscsc, rcspiicsc proiccl Tcc chai ail \ i. linis cil scitial assaLdiciistii s ccccciCe cicIiuLd rc civ c a conisisitent, kccc\0eldgcahlc ancd icoin- pacssiinace rcspcccsc Irini accn i c aLcc. inc Hahticic. The protccisils wýere dcscgncd ici liclp cîcsccrc ihai vicims arcici vsrcîngcd a sconîd finie hy, lalling îlcrcugh gaps in the very sysîem chai's irv cng co help îhem. Thai's accomptcshed by opening clear ci of' communicaiocn beîxveen ail siakehulders and gîving them a beuet understanding of the oîhers' rotes. Su dcing, those in nced ot their hetp arc less tikely do slip between the cracks. Enshnined in the protocols is the beliefthai ail victims reccive a "îconsistent, knuwledgeahte and compasscînace response anywhere in Halton" from medîcal and legat services Ici count- seting and support. Their overriding principles inctude. but are flot timiîed Ici, cnsuring respect and dignity, quatity care, service accessciiiy, agency accounîabilty, advocacy, support and confideniiatity. Signaîccries ranged frccm Ninas Pla.ce, tlaliton Heathcare Services and the Haltcn Traumnac Centre ici Halicîn Huis Cccmmuniiy Suppio anid Infoîrmatiocn, the Dîstress Centre oîf Oakvillc ancd Burlingîcîn Cccunsetîng and Fainit Services. Halton Community Response Protooîx for Sonnai Assaicit anud DOnestic Violence On hand for the signing of the updated response protocols for victimts Of domestic abuse and sexual assault were, from left, Milton Councillor Cindy Lunau, Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale, Burlington Councillor Carol D'Amelio and Halton Regional Police Chief Ean Algar. Icillicîx cng the laucîch ofl the prîtcîcccls inc 211112, cicîtabiracive niiembers mîade a comniccentî Ici enhance and susiain ihern Icîr the future. Over the cocurse oîf 200)4 05 the pritclîs ivere moditccd ccc enhacîce iheir effeccîvencîs for service prcîviders aînd the ccirnnîniiy îhey scrve. Caps in the proliccols sîcre reduced svcî li c inclusioîn ccl addiîicinal ciincrunily _agencies Lis members svhcle a brocehure eccîiîlcd 'Ycu Hlave Chîcices' svas devctucped loic nformi surviscirs ancd iheir sers ce prioviders of' tice optioîns avocitablc for assistanice in the Halîcîc cciiimunciy. Focr the prîtcîcccls ccc bc successfully enhanccd acnd niainiained in fialicc, iracning oil atl front fin staff anid secrvice prîcs iîtci-s coinccues ici he csscniol -cand chai's %vîccre flic Cf)-ROM 1cilies in. Crciss seciccral cracnccc il lcîs pao icipacclis Ici explorce flic rne each service lias inc respoiccclg ici s icticiis/stucs' cviiis col sexucil assauli anucd doiesic vioîlence. Thai sersves lu entiace cciiruncca- licîn. xx crkiîcg reltoicslcips and atlevicie hisiori- cal barricrs. AIl sicilehicîders ivill hiipefcîlly have a ctearer unders.cîdcicg cîf he bcets and prîcîciptes oîfthe protcîcccl as sscI as flic oîptionls avai tabte ici sur- v cvcrs. l'ice ,ocal lis ici prcîvide a coinsistent. conmpas- sicicale, cîmprichecîsî c anid kcucîsledgeable ceiýpccse frioni aI I secrvice prccvcders xv ithci Fiatcn ici sucvivcirs. lt short,. said t-tallcii Regicic Healith t)epariueci Public litclîl Nurse ancd (iillabicaive îcîchair I icda Giay dciii the Ct- RO)M hcelps ensuîe chai everyîce cccv ilved is cii lIce sacne page ssheu i coides ici dealindg %ih ccle-i finiis. Ms ( raydii %vn oii cciic estolocic chai miccc -informnaI linkaes hetween ageneles 'vere atso fîîrged as a reuît uof ibis îcesv-found cu-upera- lion, such as agency staff being able ccc put faces ici naines. Wîîh the launcli of the updated protcots and iheir accumpanyîn tîotls lasi week, Ms Metocer and Ms Graydoc hope thai the svork of the eut- lahorative and the use oif lIce prococols wclt increase flic saheiy ancd svelt beicig ocf aIl viccinîs oif sexuat assaultldcccnesiic violence in Halion. Abocut 1001 agelîcy staff ancd ccccnmunicy slake- holders ivere regiscered for lasc cveek's traincing session and ocfficial lauîcch. As lor flic fcuîure, Ms Grayduic said the collah- cccacis c s lcîckîîîg Icirisai- cI o feedback frontc cisers ccl he CD-ROM as v Il as ccc svcder dîsîri- bilion ccl lIe Ycîc t-tas e Cîccices brchucre, snch as ccc sehocits. cxalk ccc clics aind faiiccly dccicrs' cdl cees. i ýYOGECQ Cogeco Cable Channel 1.4 Programming Schedule - Tuesday, December 13 - Monday, December 19, 2005 Truly Local llevlibofl 1 [HOpe 0sotSZN li 12 0pm HoIRdOale Halo 21 12 Cpi 1ý1Jik 1 OOpRe 'llmo Famieriî3i-,i i SIJHîi Sî 10230ah IC STO' i A 1 i io0 Seoreol ni ( l 1OP, ii H i i ccd.,1 , aal fRisI . www.cogeco.ca NORTH1 HALTON STUDIO Laurier Plaza 500 Laurier Avenue Milton, ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306 Pluggei Wi EXTRA Aic farioqm e fliOcn Auto cLiirh i Jlûpîî H l 9 pe, HiCcqef li EXTRA ccap Sick Hinici,eiiPcl 01 iiieîliîiîiii Comi CilpIiFCr ci, HiruA C il a,,c l'q,1H r,,l EXR SC14siî,ecî Hallo legion cousicil tesce 14200 OOl, , iq liîi ,,r 1 0Ope, Hich iii, i 11po Plil Il' EXTRA H 021)ic Plge ccci c EXTRAc i 30iii Midili Pi,îiei lul EXTRA liii, i uccllii, Hi uh i Plo e!il X R 6,Ju ii mci cIII H 00pe i M[iiih P1Iqd cci [i iii 1 c i faillou Hill C ii i D î 20 Pe i? 2005 6OERc 03i Plicge ilHîETR Parae ifl ii I t1iti iliHSiioNE Live 9 DPiI Hi i ceh Pc,,gced I EXTRA 1/ 1 . mil

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