Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Dec 2005, p. 6

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-~~1 A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 13, 2005 Comment A licence to steal l'ie lciii fc Oii Iliiixx dxx i liec sasxi iiiiiilixt l' lidetiiato xx xcixli elliî ixxide oi ploiiiiCC xxxi lix c becîx coAlp xxxix i dL b x c.E dinîniiig xcpîxi l xoiii ()iixrio s AAxliiil cieil Juxix MN'lx(ier. [l lusx 411h ixie i xcx Icex ast Tiiesdaxý Nlc(Citiei pxiilii a dixiixix1 PIC- turxc ofi iixcoixpeience and aillege Ccxli mxiii dit\x xion 11 \1 xitîxix thAe Nilîîîîxî y i 1!iiixpxitixn. H xx iniist serixixi critiîx l xx xxixex, imore thax 50,0001 diîcuiieiis and licence plaies beixixi stolexi ori Ixixi tiider flic I iberal ,o\ix-iiiîneni ilc . The i epi I*tirihiet- deuails xxxii Mc( aruler cliii xclcx ccd asiacriniixxl elicîicîi operal- ing Iroîn xx îiîîî flic llliilr thai i ese the P rox ice's I iccllxilx iii, anxi d xîx \N'c lixi pepl \\hîs ilh ciîiiiî lîxkilxinxx irecordxs xx xxlxl bci alble Iox Laxii xiiic xiiii licrcd icccssý iii sIieClselsîî di\ xxîîcîîîsCIU ds licenice laties. platle xlx( Ix.îclpoii xi s cie plîîiî andx sisihlexi liarixig ilxici- i li auixr -eixeri s lepîxi dcilcx flic iiiibxlitý xill sex exil ofi thc prni ce.ý s XiN \\oicix iiiiic lidusiiixi llxe iii kccî Aîlisx. xxý Nilix o ic s iilîi li ilcxii I lse(ix xxiilc lxcii lii iii ilxxcliexnicis ilil- it uxc Ilr l it s. ii liiiiil x)li Ollîci- c xc ixtîxîg xlixciix ee lý flic ixidit xix c icaixs ot) ice inicîxidedl *Mciîxehcîsîp xi ds lxi x \lilcxlc xxre- lîxîxîe club,,. eiixpiîy ce xandx sixidei ciii xx illîxxî photosii hxeiîn xiccciic asonx o 1\\xi loiiiis oxi) dentificaionî ixecessalý y l xbibîxî llllîiisiry dixcuIxîeiîsý - 01ix scx eii xi 411 y ixxxu xlexdex s \\ liii shlîxiîlx lu eiccxxcd lxticîxîîc xl diio sus-xxi lx allxlîirlalliil NIillixici liari ixîlc i xxharx prins oîxxîxx ax /ex tciiiziale phuie> regardiîin rx lî lxxilxclninli cntre., adlusx ilixIxicx xhl the lilinixIiî xxiii noi ixxx(ilcep ('xxxix x illiibixhci li x irxl ýIîid ixlîi czcxlx iilîaixicxl Ixîrîlî ox) ixîcîxi f i ouxi lxi xxix n xl ix pxlx l i - i NIlxxxi (i l ranol t ionxxxxi xlcîî uelxlîî llus 1 %\uIs ale tiii li Il cl il- Il plix erIli baii xi i x o lic lIc l xors 'II xii 111 x -a<ciil(Nh) IlîxîxexN lias, flx * Our Readers Write Tax increases are gettîng out of hand Blame game is nothîng more than a cap out Dear Editor: 1 know that we're taught iF's more blessed t0 give than receive, especiali> ai this lime of year. but my personal Santa xuit ix beginning to feel ihreadbare especially arxîund the pockels. According 10 the December 2 Champion. we taxpayers have been des- ignaied as the 'giverx,' ibis year. This receni issue contained several articles that have one thing in common F ax increasea for next year, with a police budgel hike, properiy assesaments going up and a Conservation Halion budget request increase just to naine a few. 1 don't have any great solutions, but 1 do know that my pockets are just about iaxed oui. Who do 1 ask lor an increase? Oh thai's right, 1 dot have a taxpayer hase. Soixî ail of Milion's xiginal residenix wili no loînger he able lxi keep up xii the cxii- stantly-ouxr-eiched hand ix) the iaxr. lan. Therexs also lte Niagara Escarpnicnt Commisxion parking tiascox, wherc the chairman mentions receiving other com- plaints about the situalion. Makes me wonder if a petition of people in favour of allowing the parking for one more year would out-weigh the complaints. Thanks for letting nie vent, and sea- son's greetings t aIl. AI McKenzie Wilson Drive *The Canadian Champion Boxx 248, 9175 Main Si.1 F Iain Oliver Puibisher Mîlixînei Oiiver 1/ (905) 878-2341 WendiNlcNah / 1 Editoriai Fax: 905-878-4943 Karen Smnith dixAxbii, Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Tim <uxies Pxdxx l"x ", xxx Ciassified: 905-875-33(X) Charlene Hall (i xxxlxîxî xixx Circulation: 905-878-5947 Txu,-i Casas O/firxxxx~' T'a CandiaChapioni Pubixlxi eVe¼ lAxIixix i A75VuxI Si 1 M lxxxi Ont 1913Z3 (Bx248is oxx trîiUx M loxni Pxxtxxq PxxI&A lxxibnn All tr xxlx r,.pape, Adxflu AxînT xxilAA wt axi iea"nalellowanc I toi itr i xlxut AI, cango fo tit th, blac of1 AAiIiA x î fl l or a fo aI the applile ra The. puAiIsiAI AxAixe th rugh îqiIagu ze axiA d .Axixies orI lAI I CCAB Audited RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE 8V 0AAIxAIAI c- n' a Achau, xooýil Il t Ni~ THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: ,7, a4 ý TV MICTION UN IY VYM.LA ý OF MTN silowcaemilEo Miton Santa ClausParade TheixxaAMtx, Moio CanadanCapion isa Rclal udc I)car Edilor: lxxix\e Io M iîltonx xin 2181 aind xxcrc xlcliulîcx\ il h xxxii dlxix x (liii lîrsi impresioni xxi fx lic xx xii lxxx an pîi l îixicîcss hlxxi e ucnxlx lxii ic ld xxx oucl xi xlcai s Rxx xxii cx gxxxcxrxixx1. lixîxcxcI xi.lx xlixixIl lxix ixllier suIe flic Ixîxhi I it xx) îlxc ofiial l îhxxi rxî Ilus lxxxix lxx taxe up lx liis chualenge. Ax receni article ix -llic Chlamipioni of' ax mîeeinîg iii the lxxxiii repiiricxl xxuîxciixxrs anxd the iîayxir blaiii the variixi lcxcixof i) einicix fxor iheir differeni aenîdas, xnclud- îng tederal immigrionill pro\x xîcxxxl planinîg axnd regixixxx pii ls'. Leadership ix aboxut îxxxîxxxeu r- in- apprîprixicly xiîiidsi ax x xxiciy xxi dcîîxaîdx and beinig aible lxx dclxx- cr flic exx aîN'lx ict flic Ninie lx lxxx c ulole pxîxx r lxix xur lxxxiii caille x d x up xxUI naelxxi exuxixixil ixixîsý le i)err. butx xxlxi hat about T i xpsiu Rx xia) \%i h litiniiid ofi lîlîîex ilicixîx hîxlil Wlicli lxxi x dîd ani exxcllent xl10h îahx Maxix Street belîxi aailcciii hîîîîxîîîxî xxxix, ciiîuplice, il xddî i sehexîxle flic Tlîxîupxxî Rîxîx xipgrxixl heLxi(re FxixrthLi ne xxix clisëd. Wiîlx sîîine crexîli xc Iireîl xxlieu xxîpîxxxi ubdix\isixois, flic xxprxîx ls xix hc imaxde cxxîîlîxcenl xIn rxxxd uporxidex. î1rhxps lien the de\eilipers xxiii use iheir clxul xx lb the Eceuixn. i bey ceiaîxly xxppear x 01ili il ý fi Cx liesa ile (fo ixulliiritý lxii xp saille piper 1)111 Distixct Sehlîxî Milxin Irustece Pý ixîhers Ixîr xx bai epîxxîde - fie WX)l(l.XX) sexeran eduexixn direcxîr i clx sec nuirer cxxs îhrxxing i dxxexnî becîxîe Il ils stanudards. Som Unhike Liberals, Tories don't expect something té I)ear Editor: fi hxîs iakcîi me scvcrxi decadex of' ledixîl gxxxrn- meni perfxormance,, lx lcarîi the key dxiinctionî hlteix nî ax Ibxhrxial xx Cxiscrx xîiixe Tue Cîoservative bis ax hxrd wixrk cîhic xaîd dixesn'i expeci xxxmeîbing foîr nxthîng. xvhie the Litîcrai xaiues cmix be spîîx-doctxîred aîîd caîl bc shîxîxn lxx bc sixîilar. Ils, hxîrd xxxîrk havis5, yxîur hxîxd xxx finie. l'len yxîu hxaxe lx doi ximelhix1 yxîx gui fxor nxxllîîxg Wheîî reduced lxx ibeir core xalues beexîrxe îbundxîntly cleir. Pud by Stevi ifl xian xl us lxx ,,ii t lime the huix poix01 lie sshdi i- notle ix flic s eek \\ as i-laiton Board Clxai and lui Taie blaminxi( lias a xxîxiclxul payiiig out ofi a ce tis tonner responisibîliîy and ud ai others. Il lis toviîl 10 loxier Selma Deans 'erville Terrace r nothîng iistretched ail the g xi th flic xixxxcy the inmplicaions Jon J. Komow Ontario Street Neasl

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