B2 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 13, 2005 DIAMOND EARRINGS ACUTy~IE~ FURNITURE, HOME AGCENT5 & GIFT5i SS27 4~Ti!5 the holiday i5eai5or and ail throuq1h our i5tore, lot 199 There are torie5 of Iiftg frorn the ceilire to the floori .1sc ' 299 ~o corne in rîow -do miot delay, $3 399 Ae hefore you kriow it .. t will he Chri5tmai5 day' $5c 499 WC1 ŽtA COUilqTRY MIILE would like to irnvite you to vîCît ore f ou r two 9rcit 5toc n thi5 Holiday &entnom. The nttorcnt arc, filleô with V Eritertainlinq Tipb SS29 WGc 29 0t'9 Vxe have 2 arcat locatiorno Qp2et for ChrietrmaoI Murilton 908b 170x 'ss'39Thr~ &ultqo Fr51.3 99 b --i)'Y FROM.1oc S19 T050ct'99 Prîcing/offers subiect to change without notice and cannot be combined with any other ofter uniess specIfîed. Taxes extra. Early terminatixo tees apply for any term agreements. Other conditions xpply inclxding min. system reqxirements. We reserxe the right ta lîmît quantities. Prodonts may ot be exactly as shown. While supplies lastý Ail otters men ta local calis oniess otheraise specitîed. Services and teatxres axoîlable an select haodsets, within Beil Mxhility IX caverage areas where techxolngy permits. Other chlanges such as long distance and rnamng charges may appiy, *The 6 manths onnlimitent local taiking is axailable with rcew acivations. Siîbscribvrs will receixe 2 months, 4 moaths or 6 maontha free local ialkirig, suhîxct ta a i pear, 2-year or 3-year agreerrierî, nespeciively '*10-4 free fnr op ta 3 iriritis baseni arr ierrri 11/2/3 rmnritlls tree ari 12/24/36 rniiitli ternr). Available ani select lianidsets tor Farrnily Sliare activations wlix sneet the 10-4 anilimited feature, wha activa/e ai least une mate member with the 10-4 anlimitent teatana and who have ot pnexnnasly had a 10-4 promotion. Pramotinnal temm tied ta cnntnact tenm on a per oser hasis. Atter thn pramaotinna permet. the then regalar rates for each indiaidoal user appîy. ^Otter appi ns ta aIl new activations on any FamtIyShare rate plans on a 3-pr term. Otter acmlîes ta ana $0 10-4 select handant. Only applicable ta one accoont that cantamns one prime and op ta 3 adoîtionol matesý