The Canadian Champion, Tuenday, December 13, 2005 -A27 If vou have anv questions these iiAsk IThe Professionalsî c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario [91 4N9 nr Fiv tn, R7R-IQ&1l BARROW FAMILY aiCHIROPRACTICUQ 180 Ontario St. S. Milton $ (905) 878-4994 MAý Fax :(905) 875-4485 Email: drabarrow@) STRESSED AND LOOKING OLD? For the mort pant stress is an enmotional and physital respons. ihai o,.tnrs when humans confront or dodege challenginp tir exivemee circumsiantes. Tihe bodsX,, 'ompathetie tierrons sxxicni insiantir readies itscf for tight or flight as horion~e iv. ltiîg adreîîalîne aîîd non-adreîîali ne are rele.ired. I'b hehcari rate acclraicî. vespirahioni qutekens. puptîx dilate atiit digestionriocr. Stress cases as ihe parasympathetie utersour sysieuti. kriorrut for vert and relaxation, takex orer This sncii, ro. e otte ativatioîn fiiilorxed hi relaxation is sarnormal and healhý oixe. io titiniuth at ir atîtît and tit lutle relaxation hotte ver. nepatiteir inmpact ihe hiîdx anîd îîîîd. tn the prexence of chronir stress. ihe tImmnune it remî o cakeîs anîd xruhhom infections take mii. Ilinerres tictur move irequnnly and take mnch longer 10 heai. Mort oIn ns ndersîand h% ors eean he lînkcd ii hîph loiid pîressure and anthvitue tonditions. Bnt. did you hnorr ihat srerr ai ro xpeedr, np the agîng procers ?! Protein DNA comnplexes eailed iclomevr, serve a a tont of hiological dlock ihai tells the age oflK Telomeres shonten eath furne a teli dîrîdex. When iher lîtaîll rivn k arxay. celI division stops and the celI dies. Thîx vernîts in xîgnr tif agîng seeh as grey hair, svrinkles and sseakened eîesight. Chiropractie focoser on kceping sony nersoos srstem lre rIn inttrfrnce hronphî tir b: sirexs. ici ailoitinecac h indix iduai iii he the best that lie or she can he. Thc ncvt tit sNtiîxis ihe master control in yonr hod. Il coniis ail tort itons vi ghî dîtîx ri ihe cellular level. If yonv liferi> le ix nnheaithr ti e. ltt oi svei nît i % rly i negaîtvely impact >,ou (in the inside hnt on ihe outride tîxi Makexsure 10 cati for a check-np today.. erpetially dntng fins furne tif >car, rxhcn our stress levelx are elesated. 'c x~ t - ~'c i Pt.. i. a. towne Dr. Tony Wan B.Sc., 0.0.5. 905 876 1188 uits Ho"Uliday Smile Makeover If pou are consîderîng procedures te brîghtes and enhasce peur smîle for the holîdap stases, pou should tiraI maIe sure pour mout is healfhp. People are increasisglp looking te tosmetic dental protedures as part et sprucisg up fer the holidaps, or even as gifts for loued onles. Demand for footh-whiteaiag, veneers and other smîle- enhaecing procedures bas increased dramaticallp la retent pears. Event the most subtle change in pour smîle cas maIe a dramatic differesce le the wap pou lok and feel about pourself. Your deniist tac help pou decide which procedures are appropriat and within pour budget. But remember that a healthp mout is the mesf important part et a beaufiful smile. People should undergo a routine exam. which includes checking for toot decap, periodental (gum) diseuses, oral tancer, worn fillingu and other changes in one's teeth and gums. Set pour dentîsf before decidîng os making changes le pour amile, Ihis includes ever-the-ceunfer preducis, Once peu knem peur meuth is healthp. peu and peur destisi can discuss maps te hrighten, shape or sculpt peur smile. Best Wishes for the Holiday Season from everyone at Towne Dental. What cao I do to make sure my fresh Christmas tree Iooks great right through the holidays? Ciîiîtsc a irce ihai bas heer cr6' turd and ici dîîrn so yîîu can reaiiy sec ils shape aîîd coîndiîti Lovok tir îîîîsi flexible reedies and a fraprani soteillx wtihît ex idence of' dry top. browning. hnîken branches tir daîîîaped bark. Bîturce the îree lighîiy tir ils cuit end. Yîîî sltttît sec jusi a sprînkinp tif tîcdier. nt a slittîreri Marty people pet tîtîlef hi si/c. ('tîsîder the iilt tif ytur cecîlîns tatt hut nu ch xiîdih yîîu bar, e asaîlabie tor tbe îree. Brîng a tape tîheasure if yiit're not sure. And dor't iîîîpeî ii acevîrtt l'or tbe heiphi iiiyou ti ree stand and tlie antît o' presenîs that reed iii fil under the tree! As soon as yîîr pet the îree honte, eut ant inch off'the bottotît otif e tree urîap asrmail hand saîx and pet the iree int a sturdy iree stand filledl vitb iresh rvaier. Neyer let t6e rvaier weil dry out. If the bîîîîîîîî dries ot. tue resseis xxiii beetîne blîîeked. ILtcale your irce array froînt heai rvenîs and tîper flaires. Whee deeoraîînp. use etienimon serre. Neyer. ever ure cardies tir oîpen flaine tîrnatîterts. Air> iree lightînp xxitil frayet tir brîîkea tvîres shîîuld bt' dise arded ard rever leave li gIls tit xx heu tit one is hoîte. lieu sit baek and ettjiy oîîe tifie besi sîglits, anid sîtreil r tifhe Chisitmas seastîr AI lavlor Nuern' tre ont>, sel] Kriss Krînpie fresh Chrîsîtîmas trees. We beieve îhey are the besi axaîlabie! ('urne see us foîr al eîîiiîîeic selecto tif fresir preers. rxreaîhs and sxsags ard ttC r' S 'i<~ itti. Marilyn J. Samuels, LL.B. Lamper 11084 Fifth Line, Milton Ph. 905-854-4942 Fax: 905-854-5211 Marilyn J. Samuets Q. How con I deol with t/te emofiea aspects ofiny divorce and sinufi oe forword wieh it? A4: A divtîrte us a ret cii uuîîtîi atl ti ifîtiu hurie. Makutg detusins wxhite yîou are depressed tir upset ean be a initake. Devusutîns rade utîder ihere turvuîxsuanves eau easiy bc had deîstîns. Try iii make imiptant detustîîns îîniy rvhen yîîî leel suri np. Ditat peu advtce frotiî faniy auud frucuds. Nou th yîîu rrill hear a lot tif suivies abotîn edivtrte lait. Man> tif fuent are nt toirect. Whte yîîui f.tiiy îuay havîe gîîîd intîentionsî auud xx t to lhclp yîîu ihat dites not change the fat hatintans uhungs ihe> teh] yîîu may be rrng. Josi beeaîusc yîîur fierd gui the hîtuse in hs or huer dfivoîrce ttics nul meîn uftit i Oix %ill fuît Thîs ctîti tai y serve iii gise yîîu faite htopes ori deprets you mtîtîe. The îîuuy reiahie soîuree ofin îformartionîu us yîîur itîwyeî. Thînk surauegueaiiy. Thînkîng siraîegîeaiiy means denidînp xvhau is wrvîrh fughtiug foîr anti vhat us nut Il uuay be titi expeasive and havi eunîîuînai fi) fughi ahbout everyuhîng xvuuh yîînr ftormer spîtuse. Yen oint have Iii decude hov uuh yîîu are rviiurp ii pay Iii fîphu ftîr yîînr arsts. Moist iitpiritati uît utse yvont- edivorte iii lîttisit yîît formuuer sîtîtse. Nul îîuly utiflii ttisi îtî i hîîîul ii legai fees. btu Il xxii tt iS fîtîritî îUîad yîît ciîtideu ti loi ttu t.îu c nîtiîtrce yîtur sîhîtse hout ytour chuitiretu ,ti vîîu ciidret tuierer. ilttu't nlcsiiiy themn ii the prîcc'ssîol iîyuîug iii gel baek au yîîur spîînsc Thius is ptîrîtiariy imptrtînt atuuhus utile tihe yetîr Tis rs finte ftr fîulnfreu autel invotîîrve tirîett ut t fitîty ' ug ii tî"a us rtuuupiy îvrîîug. Fitue t îv.îy iii ciibrate the setîsît autt reinîcre veryting yuîu tIti have Ioi 6e grauclul tir. i Wvîshi everyîune a peoceini lîtytîs hîti day seastîn anti ners begunnuîugs itîr 20016. Ssci,.. r niu4.a îeri4npîî M STRIDE Address, Milton 905-691-3060 S T R I D À .. ........ Advantages of "In Home" Personal Training Wîith the demanda of todep it han become încreanînglp more dîffîcuit to fînd time for ournelves. One of the main troubles me face ta TIME. WAell mith in home training pou cani do lunt thet. Save tîme. No runhîng home to get the kîdu or make dînner before pou head back out to a gym. You cen comne home npend quelitp time mîtb pour famlp and fît in a morfout. The travel time alonte ix morth tL Another reanon to workout et home ta an economîc one. You wll not have to pap for babpaittng lîke at a club. No monthlp memberahîp dues, mhîch cen add up to orer $500 a pear. Monep thet pou cen apend on equîpment for pour home. Over 25% of us are uaîng our memberahîpa no more thon 1 s par meek and aomne of us are not goîng et aill You con train et home for an înveatment of under $100 bp pîckîng up a fem itoma. It alan alloma pou to get the vent of the famlp involved in e healthp lifeatyle ton. Other adventages are enîoping pour own music, pour omn hours, no cromnda, nothing morse than pepîng for a memnbershîp and havîng to malt to use equîpment. 1 gueaa pour nent queation then ta cen 1 get the name resulta training et home as in a gym? The ensmer as YES. Resulta are e product of a good progrem and hard work. You cen do that anpmhere. And in thîs case if pou cen sexe time and monep whp not do it et home STRIDE Peraonalized Training and Consulting Inc. is a leader in "In Home" training corporate trining and home gym design. If you would like to sacs time, money and mont of ail See Great Recuits contact us for your Free lifestyle consultation and a hait hour training session. t~~§b It~t <p. , bs. 11j -'SHOPPERSj Open ta mudnîght, 7 days a weet Carniage Square, 265 Main St. E. DW 905-878-4492 ROSS Question: Wîll an antibiotic help get rid of my catit' >1 Answer: Antiboh c do not s aliy heip a nild 90% of coldxs or flux, and the conghr, sore troats, aches and pain ihat go along xviîh thete are caesed by viruxer. Anlibtotiex ktii hbacte.ria baut do nol iveat viraser. Antihîntiex are powerfui and important 'Y nedîcationt uxed to treai hacierial infections vangîng from inîrenîngîîis 10 aenue ard sirep 16moai. Bai becanre antîhîntier are rot aixvayx exed appropniaely bacterta are becomîag rerirlont ic anlihiolte treatmeni. Bacterta are eoasîanîly evoling and nexv vanieiex are rerixtant bo anîthioties. When anlîbînîtics art axed inapproprîaîely, the week bactenia are killed car tnp the siroager more rexîiant ores tei t"survive and ralîtipiy. Thexe move rexîrtant bacieria are more undîfficlit to frein e car hefp by taking an antibiotie as insriucied and fînushînp- the rvhoie course cf the anlîbînîte ireaiment. Anr averape aduli xviil have 2 bo 3 eoidr and flux ta a year and chidren wiii have as marry as 6 iii 12. A docior shouid be coilnes farts lonper ihani a rveek 2 yîopîîîrr pet x itre însîead tifbetier 3ý hîph ferertîeerrs 4. sînîts paur. ean.cic oii littaclie dex eiîîîs 5.a eîîuph peis xx rse irrcai tif betier ilfyîn vs su yoî îltctît anti yîîî are dtagiîtscd as iî.î ic a rirus, il xviiiur ils coutrse iii a rveek ori sii. Ti belli vîîtî lcet heiter vit shtîue pet extra resu, lts tif' Ilsîtir and lake a tiid ottr fli rcndy. If' yîîur ttcitît gîer yîîîtitai aîîibîîît ti a bacierialin t'cîtiîii be sue iii finish ail tif flit ecî.îîîî evet ifîîitgi vir arc feeinîg fielier aller a fmi ifays. itrîper tise tifatiioutes flixp iti etîxître ihi flicei urie yîîî tir sotrueone nineu fatoly recels tir antibtic, fliteac.nenî xviii be ,jeffectivee jeQuestions? ion: ail yoor Heolthwo:eh Phormocixfl 1 - a, - - -