The Canadian Champion, Fniday, December 9, 2005-A7 Mother denies havîng son O~ M r< HT Ofi HFDUS WRU while he was întoxÎcated f iipii u ai/u/tr ti/ ueitiii itii ý?titi/ut E uphilîi?î an i niîi't o iîîiitîi'I onii tii/id to pu/acei t/ti .sitiiiitiui ini îuîuîteî. September 1906 A. M. appeared beltîre Mayoir Hicutibotiuti atnd J.H. Pcacock, J.P. oit Monday cbargcd ss iîb bein,, drunk and dis- orderiy. Be bad been te jail for stime days. As usual. bis mitber wvas tbe compiaitiani. and, as usual, sbc watiiited bîni reieascd. Sbe even denîed ibat she bad! caused bîm to be arrested. The court îîrdered A. to bc released on suspended sentence, but ssarnied bimt ibat tbe penalty for anoiher repetitton of bis oflence wouid be a loîng terni in jaîl. On Tuesday nîgbî Mrs. M. svenî t0 Cbîcf Constable Bradley, coin- plaîned tht A. was drunk again and bad been abusing ber. Sbe askcd for bis arresi. The ebtef îoid ber tbere svas no tise iniitnak îng an arresi if sbe wouid Ciii back up ber compiaint in tbe ssttness box. He tîîld ber to got horne. lis saîd ibat sbe spent tbe bal- ance of tbe eigbi in ait outbouse. R.B. Joyce bas erecîed a nets lîsb bouse in Oaks ilie and stili resume tbe fisb itîduts- try there. Mr. Joyce bas becti ctintd ts îib Broutte isbitig tUcet. nbîcit bas donîîc an enortiotîs business. and as fili îî have becore scarcc ai tbe bead it' tbe lake the ws ole leet iviay ssork tiis 55,1 and lic more consentent iii tbe mîarket. Mr. Joycc itssns a gastiline launci ,înd a sailer. He sý an expert fisherman. fuil of' business. and bas tbe necessary belp iii carry otiti ie tes idusîry. <Oaks île Star) W.H. Moore tif Milton and Mr. Ruddeli cof Gaît bave excbanged ibeir barbershttps. Tbe deal looîk elleci on Monday. Mr. Ruddell is nos' in Mr. Moore's îîld stand anîd wîll nîo doubi retain ail bis trade. Mr. Moore still be rnîssed in Milton, particu- larly tn musical cîrcies. October 1906 'Me annual exhibition cil the Trafalgar Agricultural Society lasi Fniday ai Oakville was well attcnded and a success generally. Curling- The semi-annual meeting of the Ontario Curling Association wîii be beld at Toronto on the I itb. Il is proposed in put Milton ime Capsules Milton 11110 ( riup No. 2 tri fic i ankard comipet ition, ss tb Hami lion Victorias. Paris. Hamîiltont Thisties. Haiihue Asylumn. Gianford Niagara Fl'als, Siincie. Brantford, Dunidas and Gritnsby. ii play ai Hamilton. Typboid lever cointues very prevalent ai Hauniituie anîd tbe c îîy beaitb utîficer belieses the cause tii be. nt water, but germi-ntlected milk. He advises citizens ti drnk tio niilk oir ster stvithun lirsi boiling ît. le ibis couîiiy ibree cases are reportcd ai Burlingîtîn and a itumber ini Nelson.i Miltone physicians say tbeîe are none en this tieigb- btîurhood. Yesterday ceeiiigs lu i sniîs bas li the ritads te a had stite. anid thîs. witb ibe prospect iii ciîld sscaiber anid itiuddy Lzrounds totnîirriiss, led tie dîrcctiîrs il'ibe Haitite Agrîctlitirai Siciety iii bîîd a con- stultationt ibis mîîrtîîîg oit ihc advisahiiiiy iii pisipoiutieg tbe lair. Tbeticcisiiî sasIoi go abeadssýitbit anid iicrlaps il st as a n seW anid riiads, ni îtd bc Si iiod ai an\s liter dlate ibat îîîgbît bas c beit selcicu.l Thbc animtal exhb it (i thie iltotn A'gric ulitrai Suocicty iisi Tirsday anid F'rtday priiniscd ii lie a recoird breaker, tbe number iii entries being tbe Iarttcst by flic Sicicty. Tbe cliioctts. biusscsc,,r. sere agaiesti t. l'bc sntiisirtin of Wcdncsday îîîgbî liuiiîst d b> a tbass made the riiads very siîppy anid the steaiber lin l'riday tbough lfair stas uncîuinloiahiy ciiid. As it was tbe attendance stas lairiy good, tbe gaie reccîpis being oniy $120 less tban those ofl ast ycar. but the nunîber oîf exhîbîts was îînly about bail tbat ol entries. Tbe shortage was notîceabie ini the hall but tbe shoîw tf' livest:ck. particuiarly borses was good. Tbe concert ai tbe towe bail in the evenîng was a great success and receipis amîîunted iii over $ 100. J hi ntateria/ os asemiu/ed on be/ta/J <>1 the itont Historica/ Soci't v b v Jîm Du/as, wheî cii he reuîehed ai jcil//t(c)idiri'ii ,om. THE ANAIANCHAPIO Milton has so much for us to be proud of 1)ear Editor: Regtiiariy reatlitg flie flows ot'lIci ici s Iothie edittr. Fiin citicerned ibat a test rcsîdeîîî inigit tink itur du/iens arc îîîîy îîîîeresied ini biw f'asi ihey cati pruipel ihemnseives lIrtni onîe phoinît iii antitbr. 'Tbere's sout îtcl nitre ii Militon, svbîci s svby su inatiy of* us bave retiîaitied itere. Prîînarily is about tbe people. Many vîîlunteers regularly cuon- tribute iii evetîts lîke tbe Miltoin Faîl Fair, Steam -Era Sbhosv On the Way to Bethlehem, Studiou Tour, Miltotn Santa Claus Parade, C'anada Day celebraîtins and tîiany motre wîîrtbwhile cîummunîîy activittes. Local businesses support tbemn aIl. Their reward is yîîur participation. 'lucre's greai sports activity wîih itidoor artîficial tee surfaces, baill parks, sîîccer fiîelds, skateboiard parks, iiutdoour anîd indutur ssvîîn ining putois, skîîîîg ai Keisît, bîkîng trails ted itur curlinig rîîîk. C'ultural esetîts are aisti arranged. Militon Coîncert Productionts regu- lariy brtng te priîlessiite.l perîtînîti crs. (irîîîps lîke thie Miltonu ('bîrîsiers, A ('aippela Sbiiwcase, paitinrg grîîups. tbe Miltmn l>layers andt pritiessiia artis ail cote tibute lii the diverse inieresis iii tbe coîîîmueîty. The Agricuilural Society -a vuilunteer group mitantaîns a large te îîîwn park wbere l"estivals cati bc sîaged. ('burcbes bave lacîlîties ibat are îîsed beyiind tbe wîîrsbîp and study grîîups ibat tbey regularly arrange. I cîîuld gît on by îdentî/yîng Coîuntry Hentage Park, witb uts itîcredîble facilities, as well as Halîtin Region Museum ai Kelsît and Waldie's Blacksmitb Sbop in duîwnîuîwî Miton. And wbuî can f'orget the Farmers' Market Ibal bas beeti operattng for many years? Milton Sentiors' Acltvîty Centre is so busy Ibat readîng ibeir nesvsletter leaves one aint breaibless. Martindale Ciardens stas buili by a grîîup of' volunteer cîlîzens svbî saw a need Itor assîsted living for the elderiy and slmuggied mighlily lui sec tbe building cîînstructed. Ailendale, tîperated by the Regitîn, pruides ait essentiai lacîiîty in a comînunîty ilial cares l'or ail ages. l'il1 stoîp aller jusi mniuning tbe shoîpping anid restaurants. Thbe tsit cîtuld got on aînd tit. Esen înîîst tl* the streets are named alter real peot pIe wbo mnade the cuînînunity tbrougb tbeir contributiouns. There's tit reason nuit te, crîtîcîze us -ibuise wbo bave been bere for stîme lime -Ifor faiîng te antîci- paie ai tbe problems of growtb. However, il wouid be fýar more coinstructive to gel on wîib worth- wbile vîîlunîeering in a cause te wbîcb you believe. Tbat's bow the cornmunîty bas been butît. Milton duiese't mcci ail our expeclations and the pace of change is sometîmes overwbelm- îng, but wîth tbe change cornes an army ofl new residents who should be encouraged 10 gel involved and add their talents and skîlls te, thuise regularly empluîyed in cornmunîty building. I hope îhey'il be weicomed ai the churches, service clubs and volun- teer groups. Then tbey'il bave an uipportunity to appreciale and add to the Miltoin Ibat bas kepu so many iii us bere. Jim Dilis Milton Ail Town staff don't need to be in one building I)ear Edilor: li's giuuu. lui sec liai Vuîss u stal1 antd (lic .urcbitect .urc tîîîgbc tuthle ulrast îg buard regarding the prît pscii ýý HiutaeIli addlitionu. I ss uud alsu i, cuecil tut relik tbe sshuile idca tut îputingî ail ilepartiiets ini utie building. Wtth Milton groi îs g ai an iuiprecedieuec 8 per ccini per year anid tmtore utevs bornie penuîuîs uhan tbe city tfBramnptutit su L,îr ibis year -esen the pruîposed phase wuî utf the Toui utHall design still be quickly iled. 1 wuud suggest cîîuîsuderîîîg the bîgh cuos( oh'utie irtiheci anid the Tîîss 's alreaily appruisec planîs l'or a poipulationt oh i 5111)0 peuple by the year 20131, anîd tbe Pruivitce's l'luces Tut Grots update annuunced Nîîveîîîber 24 wuîh a ftture Halton populatioin of' 7811,0) by 2031, tbe majuîriîy of' the 300,0 new Hautin resîdenîs svull be cuumîng lui Miltotn, far abuive tce Tîîwn's projecitions. Wiîh the plans for a new cuimbined public wuîrks and central Pure hall underway. ant exusîung Annex on Industrial Dr-ve and a 100-acre sports park aI Deny Rîîad and Santa Maria Boîulevard, there are a number oif locattins for the gruîwîng staff needs aI less expense and lets impact on the neighbours. 1 would encourage resîdenîs to check out the City of Brampuin's City Hall. whîch us about the same sie as the îîroîîeciec phase itwt Miltoin Tosvn Hall plans. and ask ibeir cuuîcîllîîrs il ibai's svbat îbey staut utexi i a heritage residentiul area. Matiy utiler cuîmîuîîtîes bhave otîlîces in different lociationis. Nuîs sst lb arctus commnunication technolot gies, ihere's tit eed foir stafi iii be un the uone buildinîg. Te phase one additiuon cuuuld funcîtîn svith the exustung To'uwn Hall, as weii as a multu-level parking garage sîuîular tut duîwîtown Oakville off Trafalgar Road. The garage cîîuld be locaied on tbe north sîde of Mary Street and serve butth duîwntîîwn busunesses and the Toîwn Hall. and blcnd mbt the neighbourhood. Tlie exîstîng Town Hall and tic proposed phase one 50(XX1 squatre-foot addition could be used as the cen- iraI legîsiative. administrative and financia offices for the Toîwn, wbîle the planning, engineering and leusure services cîîuid be locatcd in conventent visible loca- tîiîns that aIl residents could find. My other concemn not addressed aI the recent meet- ing was the financing of ibis project. W/tue tbe mucb- maigncd City of Mississauga expandcd, aI least the services kept up witb tbc growtb and tce new City Hall was built debt free. Mcanwbile, the Town of Milton is going into debt 10 build ibis and otber facilities. Colin Best Milton àACH1LLE Srvng Halton H11is wII