The Canadian Champion, Frîdvy, December 9, 2005 -B7 Plebratîng Our Sec IeComputer 9oIutong (i;Cg Thanlis Mfilton, For The Continuing Support! We Look Forward Té Serving You For Many More Years To Corne. As A Thank Yen, We Have Some Specials For Yen, A Great Christmas GiI t For Anyone In The Famîiy! Flash Drive $39.99 Webcams $14.99 OU ~0NS Sales - Repairs -Support - Net\vorking - Delivery ('ý1, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i k ni;',Iý ': ;,ýi ýtt 1c , Open Late on Christnas Eve and Early on Doxing Dag!! Sirnpbtyinçyuri c tîýTbuie 555~ Main Set. East, Unit 13, -Milton (next to Fabricland) Cal! (9oi5) 875-3814 Fax (9o,5) 87,5-,381,5 vpf- ~q ~.. v/oc INIQUE COLOU COLLECTION 4 Rare Tanzanite - 1cr '399 20ct S499 - j Exotic Pinks & Diamonds 2Oct S299 .1c 299- * - ,0, -~ S FamilyShare holiday bonus i ncludes: 01000 Canadian long distance minutes e 6 months UNLIMITED local talkingx 03 months of FREE 10-4 walkie-talkie service v '< NO connection charge Il* NO hidden fees Pricîngloffers suhject tv change without notice and cannot Se combined with anp nther offer unless specîfied, Taxes extra. Early termination fees apply for anp term agreements. Other conditions apply includinig min. systemn requirements. We reserve the right fe, lîmit quantifies. Producfs may ot be exactly as shown. While supplies last. Ail offers refer tv local calîs unless otherwise specified. Services and featares avaîlable on select handsets, wîthîn hell Mobilîty IX coverage areas where technolvgy permîts. Other charges such as long distance and roamîng charges map appIy. *The 6 mootho unlimîted local tallring is axailable wîth new activations. Sabocrîbers wîll recerve 2 months, 4 months or 6 months free local talking, subject tu a 1-year, 2-pear or 3-pear agreemrenit, respectvely. **104 free for uip to3 eorîttîs based vii teirrTi (1/2/3 rîrorîfls free on 12/24/36 mtrrîli terni)l Available ori select fiaridsets for Fairiily Sfîare activatîirîs whx select the 10-4 unilimîteti feature, whv actîvate ait least one mate member wifh the t0-4 unlimîted feature and who have ot prevîounly had a 10-4 promotion. Promotînnal term fred tx confract ferm on a per oser hasis. Atter the promofîvoal perîod, the then regalar rates for each indîvîdoal oser appl. 00fter applîes f0 aIl new activations on any FamilyShare rate plans on a 3-yr term. Offer appîres f0 any $0 10-4 select handset. Onlp applicable tonone accounit that coxtaros ove prime antd up f0 3 additîanaf mates. z '-~ f il" s 1iý, 11fuil ý1 'f )0 k!,,wý lAwc F ', - - *,;'ý4m tg 41àe, r, - ý';P