The Canadian Chamrpion, Friday, December 9,' 2005 - A3 NEC tells Chudleigh's, Granite Ridge to remove cars By MELANIE HENNESSEY and STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Tise Niagara Escaupisiett Comttsîîsiotn (NEC) is tivestsgaiig moire pubftc repos dit secles froi the Torotîto Autoî Auctitit are heintg storecf oti e'earpîiîeît lands ishere flîcy're prohibiteaf. It's atiso Sia-îgtIse Toronîto Ato Auctioti thai legai acetions couid fie faîken. Thîe vehticies ocere îeceîîsiy iatuttclied ittt the spttight iter the tommnissioîn furtsed dtîxs Counttry l-erttatge Paîrk's aspplicaation that ssîsuid've aillowecf tfitîîsanîds of caîrs atwaîîiîîg sale ai the atuetioti to be stored on its rural property durtiig tIhe off-seaisoti- astintittia sive that helped iîîtd the loeal îîuri'st desinuations. Sontie of thec rearsons behiîtd the desîta i nef de 'ctiiimerciai' car pasrking nos beiug s iewed as cotîpatible wxiss te Niagara Escarpment Plan and the faci iiis nos a permitted use i the 'escarpment protection' area. Now the auction bas been ceft to iind alteruate sites 50 store ifs vebicles. One of the locations The Champion coufu'sued is Cbudleigh's apple farru on Regionai Road 25, wbich ts pani of sthe Niagara Escarpment lands. The tber is Granite Ridge Gol f Club on Dublin Line, ai so Niagara Esearpmens lands. In a registered lester froru the NEC t0 Use Toronto Auto Auction dated December 1, Use eompany was iuformed of its contraven- lions of the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Developruent Acf by ssoning vebicles ai Cbudleîgb's and Granite Ridge. The lester stases Use storage of vebîcles in escarpruent lands sbould be bal ted sînce it's being done witbout an NEC-issued peruit. Prosecution and fines may resufi. st says. If' uupermitted parking actîvilies continue, tise lester says, the NEC may issue an 'C)rder to Stop', with resulsiug penalties. "Legai action may be eontmnenced xvîsbout furtber notice." thbe lester reads. 'M'e Toronto Auto Aucîson was aisti informed that permits frtîm other sources -nos jusi tbe NEC usîigbt be requîred in îîrder for tbe storage of cars to be pernsttted. încluding thec 'fluxn osf Raison HuIs -Granite Ridge failis on Use border tof Milton ansd Raison Hîlis -and the Region tif Halitin. Mr. Cbudieigb saîd the [ami bad inade an agreemnent xxtt Toronto Auto Auction to base i (XX) cars parked ton ils firtiferfi duning tbe conîîng montss Wben be muade the decision. be satîd he badust spttkeu i îh the ,Correction A namne su Tuesday's Champion was incorrect. Information aeeompanyiug photos tof a Cbristmas event, the Ou Use Way tri Bethlebemu Nasîvity Pageant, ai C'ountry Herisage Park stated Usas Keitb Stewart portrayed King Herod wbeu in fact playiug tbe rofe was Rob Croezen. T'Me Champion regrets thris error aud any ineouvenieuce if may bave caused. AUTO BODY (ROYAL &TLANTIC) INC. NEC' anîd didii* aiipaie it heing a prîshirî But Chudiciglîs was coniuuted hy the NEC Lecembher 1 and tiild it wxais ni contfraventfion tfi c Niaigara Escarprneriî Planning and Developrnent Act. Up uiniil then. Mr. ('hudieigb saîid fie hadîs't heard a permit was necessary ti alfow fhe vehicfes on bis pruîperiy. "You build a <parking) lof. yîîu fhîrîk Ws fo park cars there," Mr. ('hudligh 'aid. ntiug the iruîiy. As iipress fimie yesferday, the cars ivere sfiii iii the parking lot, but Mr. ('hudletgii said they'd be moved sfarting tornorrow. "lits sot eaisy ts i tove that sîîaîy cars inssanify,' he said. Accordîng lis NEC Direesor Mark Fraix ey. a pennis is necessary f'or the vehicles to be parked on escau'prnent laînds. "'The chanuces of geitsing such a permtit, tsi ny viesv. wvîulid be pretty smalf," he said, but noted anyone eau certainify aippl y. lias beu citas.tcd hy the cîitsiiiiissioon (tslie iitter. "Antd ive wiil (Ito whatever we have to do,'« fie tioted. [-le saiid the auctitîn has be-en "iooktng ali over the place" for afpprtiprate sites lis stuore ifs vehîcles aînd waîsn't specifically loiok- tnp at escarpmient firtperties. He assî saif the auct ion didu't fook ilo whether Cbudfesgh's psroper0y was sîsside tir outside the Niagara Escarpment. Richard Murusu, manager tof communications [tir the NEC, satd Granite Ridge Golff Cfub was afso coufacîed December i and ifrmed îf its contraventicîn of the acf as if doesn't have a permit. lie satd Granife Rtdge hadn't yet responded. aind that fîîffow-up calis svîîufd be made. Nonse of the maniagers at Granite Ridge wisfed so comsment ou the maffer. I ~ REAL PEOPLE SELLING REAL CARSO or-fSh 5O %11. q Us OA g5iJi5W SUCSsh5h0WU9 y"("s~giw 2006SiMMZUIC.MMSUi MaK R32Msss R81gtePtE ««u .tf iaw.g oI MI*6,i%A M 00 Y. B" .~ 4M bu* 5 9% AN 0 M COh MU >M, 2 S 200 M". S U W MOgi ^ 5g ý ýS "g UM5 MM tU *aCk" »0 PDt 1~ Cod 0I $1,0101$ QUI 515(551501 (5., DM SU q 5«(n e..*t Co aSisiaie0 M243i OSU; g 5% V4 5 TOO IYOTA