Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Dec 2005, p. 29

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Skîled& kmled &Skild The Canadian Champion, Friday December 09, 2005 - 29 1 aierHep _Ieea -el -aea epSild& kle fieH - ý _ TcnclHelp M Techmical Help M Technical HeIp OfceelOfieHI GENWERL LABOURERS *WEES *FORKLIFr OPERAORS e OFFIE 1ApPLY Ail Shifts avaîlable PP ' Local temp to perm positions J~ Z,, to begin immediatelyl' The Oakville Beaver We require teams of individuals who can deliver high volumes of local publications oni Wednesdays, Fridays ana Saturdays of each week, You must have the use of a full-sized van or larger vehicle and be uvuilable ta have deliveries campleted by 6 pm an these 3 days. The deliveries cili bu doar ta door in the nesidential parts of Oukeille and the compensation ciii bu based an the number of deliveries made. We invite you ta explore thîs oppartunlty MAKE BOOKS YOUR BUSINESS Hîghly desîruble books and git route available vn Georgetown, Orungeville und FerOas u eau. Entry lever morne (40 -42K per yean Delier samples und fil urders lu repeur cualumrn bave and Io take user existing roule Must hase ustur servie experience. a sailable sehîcle su rage ana guud urgunloullun and lime management ohll For in- furmatiun and lu appl isl wwwpremierbuoksdîrec.corn or contac Kate al 877-625-4766 exI 223 FREE TRAINING Laîdiaw is lookîng fur RETIREES and HOMEMAKERS Ta loin aur GREAT TEAMuo Sohoal Bac Driverc 905-877-2251 an 905-877-4448 WALLACE PONTIAC BUICK 801 MAIN ST E., MILTON Part lime help required Must 6e flexible Needed for corne Mamîngs, evenîngs and Sala dayc Emaîl resumne ta ctrall(a'twallaceRgntiac cpM I(6 hurc per day) iOffice Admirnistration wîih lthe knowiedge of Ouic Books would be an asset. j lee C ai:90 77- j or Fax ResUme Io 905-877-5881 IAMAIN INNO IWANTEDI I Ful Tme/Peu Time HANDY PERSONI HOUSKEEPRS -FRONT DESK Mut beabewo wokeekend 1 Apply in persion or fax: 905-878-9701 Now in Georgetow Ful Fand Pc tTime Cusiamer Service Rep's DyEuens and Weekends I Fax recame ao 905-873-7918 * Reiable ndivduaas needed for * duo o udas cutalgue delvery [iton/ActonlGeorgetown areus I Ccll 905-873-0103 1 eae message with name, phare and uddress Emui echo mandy@yuhsooca ,T.P-rPhorne 9115-875-33001 e e nsa 9115-87e-234 Ir DEADLINES: foîr Tucsday Thursd 7 '@ Il a m r. - '* Ài fYa y Fuli-Timne Position Acailable Heuvy lllîg însolued. Must hase oas transportaiion, Erîn location Fac reaume lu 519-833-0644 Or cxli: 519-833-0255 Growing irucking compase in Milton neqsires a fll tîme iead 5usd aock persan wiiir espenrence. Also, requmes a full rime/pas4-ime espenienced persan lu work an aSternoon shift in operaiors Piease e-mail rame le: jciiadeiiamaestra@-biceined.com or cati al 905-875-4630 ext. 22. lfingqiicd. I inklifi csîicrictiinc soiîic i enlî,iiii c iricii:c. ani mmie, wiii (noir Fxresrîe ta 9115 878- 8261. Saln &Spa Hep ~SpaHep km - - lSalo WANT*H ain &tli Spa eSalon E ri Attendants Cal) Siiawni 905-e93-0578 647-286-0541 Prime Energy o leader in ihe Spesîalîzed Indusîria Compresved Air Egaîprnenl Reniai Isdusiry re- gaîres a FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIAN loi var Milton, Ontario location This position wîll iequire Iravel in oui market areas sn Ontario, Tire sussess- loi applicani wili have 3 -4 yeans ecperîesce euth meshanîcal, hydraulîs, electrîcal and airer sys- lems. (HO Mechaniss. Miii rîghta, Industrial Mechasics arîl Se conaîderedi Pepenence in sam- plea ssrnpressed air reniai equipment mvald Se an ameri Prime Esergy allers an excellent salaiy and beneis package If y00 are inieresie i n tis excsîl îng apparrunils pieuse vend Cour resomne and a caver lesier eeplinîsg yvar quailiiations ana sala- ry expesiatians la Prime Energy, General Manager 600B Harap Drive, Milton Ontario LOT 3H2 Fao laý 905-875-2377 Or emrait la cvidy.ro!tedge@-PsmeE[erget-a som (Nu tiephvre isquities pîeave) We ihask al applicanis lortiheir inlereal Osly upplîsants seiested for as interview wili Se sasiacted. RMAC INC. CUSTOM MACHINE SHOP LOCATED IN MILTON REOUIRES: - CNC HORIZONTAL BORING MILL OPERATORS Experîenced in TOSNUC/Heidesheis IDontrots - CNC VERTICAL LATHE OPERATOR TUE-20 Experîenced in Fanas Conirvis CMM OPERATOR Experience vs Oaniiy Style Machine arth PC OMIS software an assit Applîcuots for abuse positions must have a minimum oi hyrs euperîence in a Custom Machine Shvp envîrorment. Fax Reseme to: 905-876-4451 entait. hr@romact.com af Georgetown requmes a APPRENTICE MECHANIC/CLEAN UP Salary sammessurate aîlh euperîence, Must have oalîd drivers license. Please contact Ed Dreher al 905-877-2550 or lax recame la 905-877-4762 Camadran Tire Miltonrneqounes experiencei AUTO PARTS PEOPLE Fax resome la: Jennîfer ffélofie Hej Miii l Su cesiii ii puy ii veîrinug lvi a seil -direcled hîghly Iriotiîsald indmvdsa chu possess a virons sense of argevcy, attention lu delail, ana a solid wvrk inistory. The lollowivq full rime, day shîSi opporlunilv Is avaîlahle lus the right canai- dateý MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT The Maintenance Assistant iv responsîie tor providîns produci (servce) eucellence iv the fllocîng areas: Bueilding and grroand maintenance in accurdauçe with establîshed saevi and housekeepîsg stanards, *Assi with packaging and labelinof vinished gouds kils *Perlvimisg lghi plant tusks *Assîsi cîth shippivg, receîvîsg ansi insentuiy conirol The sccessal candidate wîlI have a prusen mechasîcal apttde. an ahilivi lv vulve prvhlems îîîdepenaenly andi hase a sotîdi conk Pîstvry In aditîion lIo a slaOîing huly rate of $12 00 ce offer a compeîlîve rural compensaion package îvclsdîng a bonus plat) seuils ana dental bene- fls. eascaîuvai assisrance, profit sharion andi a retiremnent saaîsgs plan. If yon are inieresied in this opportanity, please forward your resumne to: Bon 17 c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Si. E Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or mtcePOhrrecrutiment.net We vvî,iu uie Io fhav ai andtesfo hio isnferevieinver vviy caiidaleis seiesixd ivicvana i iif 0e coviasied Matcor Metal Fabrication, iacaled in Georgetown, supplier la heavy indlustni- al-construction eqaîpmenl masalactur- ers, has immediate apenînga for: PRODUCTION WELDERS Require 3-5 yeurs weldîng experience in a hexny metul fabrication ennîrosmenl. We neqaîre previaus eoperîence in MIG celidnx, multi puss, workîng cîth lic- tares, and workîng ailS heavy pluie We are currenty searchîng la flI 2 per- manent day shifi positions and 2 permu- nent aflernoosn shîi positions, We aller a good benel il package and v pleuvant cark envîrosmeni, Pieuse submîl Resume by mail, lus or emoîl lu: Matcor Metal Fabrication 71 Todd Road Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4R8 Fax: 905-702-1943 Emnail: kpereira@matcor-matsu.com NO TELEPHONE CALLS PLEASE -~. TERRITORY LBIF£-2'LZ MANAGER-IN-TRAINING EFCO, as international leader in cocrele lvrmîIng lechnvlvgy, seeks a Terrîlary Scies Truînee in oui' Georgetown District Office This position iv de- sîgsed lv, teach yoa hua lu sacceasiully seil EFCO formîsg systems la the constnuction isdaslry. Col- lege degîee pneleîred. Sales ai constraction esperrence helpîvi Compensation isclades base v commission, benelîls and car alîveasce Send reuume and saiary history lu danrelle bell@elcularms.com Or lau 515-313-4392 wwernecqiaimsccom CANADIAN Vf TIRE Appleby Line Burlington (Mitîcroli Plaza) P/T TIRE 1 LUBE INSTALLER " Cuclomer sernice facused attitude " Mechanîcai or culamotîve background " Asaîlable eveninga and weekesds We aller compelîllue mcgec, employee disount, benefil package asnd profil chcring aller probaion- ary penrod xl empîxyrneni xF-ymc-rr os iro ada s(,anàac, ns. a ieaoing manufacturer ai saimmisg pool xscecxory eqaîp- ment, as openîings lxi production assembiers -- eagec ctarlîng al $9,00/hi. Alco as opesîsg for a loikilif driver euth agec siartîsg ai $i3 GO/hi. bcsed oni ecperîence. Heurs 8:30-Spm Please apply In person or contact Allen 905-829-2880 extl. 241 2880 Plymouth Drive, Oakville <Winston ChurchlIQEW) Caîl Centre Debi Collection Agents Needed F/T penm, Reqaure c, u ok Day/ Esemîng shîfis. Must hase excellent communication skîils Wuii train. Compei:se Wage e bomusea & Bemelîlo Cai 905-491-7373 Hoe e aurnt ATTENTION HeIp Wanted Joe Dogs Gas Bar & Grill -Line Cooks mitir 1 yearc exp. For mare snfo. Contact Mangmt 905-632-5110 CASTING CALL!r SOUTH 202 RESTO-LOUNGE -Chefs and Soas *Caoks -Bus Persanc Cai 905-875-3221 or 416-857-5586 202 Main St. E. Milton 10AM to 5PM Houeean ing Ocaty cieanrng no corners cut. [EjîlCrsmasj Special Cali for mors details 1-888-279-4550 416-500-5290 Mississauga disînîbalor seeds eoperîesced Accourrîng Pnolussîonxl * lnvoicing, alp, a/r . Gue't remit, bank rec * Financials Candidate wîll have 3-5 yesrs e0p. in Assoun- ing and have knowledge of ACÇPAC, Grsat Plains or Blue Lînk. Piease ernxîl resume: doug@cdnbee.com RECEPTIONIST/ JUNIOR ACCOUNTING CLERK required full-time for Burlington Hoans: Mundcy-Fridcy, 9am-5pm You need a greal lelephose masser, eucellent people skilv h armc and ecuberancel Pleaae loneard yaar reame ta: Bocii2065. Bs lngtas Post, 5040 Maîsecy Uni #1 Burlsgion, Ontaria L7L7G5 The Oakville Beaver Tire Oaknriie Beaver, a division ai Meiro- land's Halan Media Group fias an imme- diale openrng for an; ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE As a key member af aur Sales Team, you miii source new, and support exsclng, ad- verlicîng clients for the Oakvilie Beaver. To 6e cuccecclul, you wiii 6e a malrvaled, indeptendient, self-starter milir sales expea- rience. You mli pocxecx excellent wilen and verbal communication ckilic and 6e familiar euth Microsoft computer appica- tronc. In 1his raie you miii 6e cuclamer facuced and miii burid slrang reialianohipc wrlh new and euicling cients by ensurrng Ifial their adverlicrng needc are met. Yau mii 6e goal arrenled asd capable af meeting reguier cales largelo and 6e active in pracpecing for new business. If yau mauid lîke la wark for a leader în thie media înduslry 16,0 apparlsnily may 6e rrghl for you. We aller a campeitive compensation and benefil package ac meil as apparlunîllex for future career gramifi If interested please forward your resume, and saîary expectations, by December l6th, 2005 te; dbaird@eakvillebeaver.com Fax: (905) 632-0308 We apprecrate lire infereol of ail applicanix irnwever aniy trace seiecled for an interview wrii Se contacied. Our rapîdiy ecpandîng lechnîca sales & and servise ssmpany cs ceekrcg: INSIDETECHNICAL SALES QUISIDE TECHNICAL SALES The auccsaol candidates must fie dysarnîs and energeîs. They muast have abiiiy lx oel prxcesoîng eqaîpmenl to însala plastics masalaclarers. Reqaîrementa inciade proses lechsîca sales expie- riesce asd a Coliege degree. Pleate tax resume to: 905-335-1116 or emtait benagneu@ Np.om- 'V Habasl as a morld leaders ir te manufacture ofliighieeighi power transmics sosveyxr and plals modulai beltîng The loiisaung position is cacîlable: Pari-trne Position - Entry Level (Customner Care Group) Sussesslu candidate ai fie respxnarible loi susiamer service, aider eniry, and musceilasesus office dues. Applucamis ahould pooseso strang unlerpersonal and communicationsokuilis A Hîgh Schoxi Dîplorna or eqaîvaieni expenuesse us requîned. A basic umderxlanding of Windows- bssed software, aard prucssisg and Excel axuld Se as asset. Reply mrlh resume to: Karen Aheain Operauos Manager, Habacul Canada Lurnîlec 2278 Speers Road, Oakeille, Ontanio LOL 2X8 FAX: 905-825-2612 Emait: Karen.Ahearn@ca.habasit.com -NO TELEPHONE CALLS PLEASE - Oniy Ihose applusantx cirocen for an interview ail be cxnlacled. HéSa s&app1 reLàýîMn

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