Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Dec 2005, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Friday December 09, 2005 - 27 Bith rneatiI jeaj s Legal Notices Il ea Notices Co55 qEvens Com5qEvbeits .EngErils Steînburg. Jason Il Brenda rire thîririeor ivavo rivurico tho Sîiro vif thoni son Spencer Gray irorn N overîr ot rAi2005, worgvrrrg 7ihii uv/zs moi;criirvu uv piiid hi8 vivrai Munir. grniyrorrit Aviioe & David aria FRussell O Dianre of Niagara FIls A spevial tlhari vvu iv Dr Hunier aird irie ania/idi nrsînq staff al Mil ion District Hospia CATALANO (Doherîpi: Tony. Etaîne and big brother Joseph are thîrtie i iG IrrCLil' t birOh oi EMMA JULIA civn ri Novori re I 2005 ai 2d48AM 00ih00g 1r 8zs, yru graripu 001 Bob arid Juia ivhvoy v J Man anid 0/z Cuaio Spia imk i c k r Hur-ruer and the Miltor Disrt Hospitvl0ORS nurses Place yoer BoliyrtDycr lih AnouaemenI1Atial 'ieit4%on £HOME duecure regim t rs helh luchsstarss cillvig cea o 5 pr" sokn nirn4n 1 Ringing in Christnias'e A Hi-haîlilI Cnerti 1 < ndsD- eirai-r 1 l. 20105 In 7:00l îr.ai Cl \ngrîlir.ail (li hI 1 l7 'rl.ir SIo' ti- ll, '.v il ili n A r i rnlît ri Fel ti , n 11(1f.,. -Bai Hockey -Birthday Pate * Beach VoIleyball Team parties * Batting Cages *School Classes -Dodge Bai Lebagues N p e" *Hourly Reti - prts Bar ,j musc & anc GUITAR LESSONS LOST. gvid brace loi avaîlublo from a or, parler;, n or.r ovyorîerod abosi No, ir; oirt riss r i tici metal vaine. rewur i Nr roQislratio ii sadiy risseit PIvusiý riýoviahe r01v. un ai i i , 50 3, ti l ick (905) 875-4601 The M ion Distrc apprcales any nMemoriam donaionu: d Mi(ton, Ontario Foundatton L9T 2X5 3 IMmam In Mmoam John Rarton Our roonderfut son la greva man) and brather ta Candi arîd Joue tir ta lprt v, hi o tscvliIirvi 'r lili)l I 1 a11m i l) 'I vis lo vi ItII il, 1ii rut Oco ii.0lii t avron.l arrr liîîrndloîtîoer iitirhiirtt & Grdraio (rAvndindJairrer(irerrihrr. irieplrw tLî.ifcrîrîîr aldSlaone tils SAlIr year. George Avery, dear husirari of Edoa )ree Wrlis) Avery. Father of Avdy ariA hro aile Beth Grandlather oi tlwayrre iLauta), Dale (Jolie ) ariA Tammy (Duo) Great gtarrdlathrt of Ryao, Joseptr arrd Kally. Etrrirts moel recerved ai tire J, Saott Early Fupera Home 21 Jamves St1 Miltoni 901, 878-2668 vii Thvrsday lrvrî 2-d & 7-9 pri rth a Legivir Trîrute Sevirce at 7,00 y rît Cremair iviivwed 1rr iroet rot ilowers if desrred, donations lv the Carradinar Cartrer Svcrety wrruri Ire apytvcraled DOWNING, Isabel Margaret Beloved Mother of Peler Jr (Prede- ciaeA and Judy anA beloved mile of Peter St (Predeceased), passedi amay Deceerber 3, 2OC5 dl age 86 aller 8 ditfi cuit years lirvng wîlh sudden total blînd- f055. crippling urîbrilis, and maiiy oîher fosses. The famîly exlends deepl grati- tude lv the ourses adir staff ocf Mounit Nemo Christian Nursinîg Home lot ther kîidries aîrd bovirg cure througboul lsd- beiNs 6 year reordence lhery. Our hearîlell gratitude aiso, goesocul ID Mis Charlotte Clark ulthIis lime miro mas Isabel's persoriai companoîr loi 1 5 yeuîs, and mho wcrked lrrelessJy lv brig TLC, stimultoni unfne lit 010louels cal- ly lite. Isabel mili be revrembered milS great love lorth1e smeet une doîrgollul chardclet sh mus UP lvo oat yerrv As pet isuhel's mishes there mrll Ire ira bunriai A merrîl cellehriofl vier 1lily will Ire field in Juiuary Ini lieu oi flomers. donatioris may be made in i saheis mnory 10 Covenaîni House or Comne- nrly Living Oakvîlle. HamnilI, Robert Craîg Passod amuy yriucefiiy ulth1e Miltron District Hospital o mounosruy, DecerirOor 'Il 2005 Ctaig Hamrii Iroved husoand if Frai ovirrg tathor if Trou and her hussurid Michael TelPaya Niorman Hanrrli aria Ns wi Robinr Marshall and Joanne Hamrii aird 0cr tosiarid ýbS MariKiririvr Sadie rrissed i ils grarrd tîirirn Ancrei, Haiiey il, ti. Metii 7iîrîn Zoi ndr RriSeri Survived ho fil moiFer Maey Dive H oil ar d urd sr rer Ken Dîîgi Pro euep Ov -,i Piaitie No r, ra Ha,tr Cruîg umi he roiei r00 v hrs coin anii o 1 iivphe. liod rhii ti Fýiv and! i îîîî are inv.i ivit t i ý l iii M /Fic KOCtIF, F vNbiAL HOMO il, ia irJlt Mýr Lie li v d, Albrt r li 1 2 îtvo 1 J i 1-îrO li bu r ourrMi Cý r i f i i l, L ; , V f Moreau, Oawîr Aduerîne trier Clp ber itt l h ' if ' i lviii il l, ile10 v ii r i i y i iii C r, ý r ii 'i . C>s,,F il i i0 , l N it I Orual r Fiii c itririlo aie ici/r' r i. vc vîst ri thv Mri/FRSiL IKOCHFP hîvrPAhy HOME 114 Mari 'il Miton 900078-0d02 rln ?- pri tv 79fni vii hviduy, Trie turrerai service wril ire heid ut Gruce Anglican Church 317 Marin SI MIlri Moiiday. December 121h1 200h ai t dO pm A Olivaie initoîment oi lolow cromuairori ai boorgroori Ceneiery In lieu vi tioors. tbe lumly astis yrui l nîu muke a contibuion to tho Cunudran Cancer Snciety. hI tirt ,iav MAI irli iIý i GLJN[i Y, dr-c.ae Ail dlaîis agais tho Estate of Margaret Guri by, rti of the Town of Milton in the Hegiorial Municipality of Haltori. who died on or about Noveinber 18. 2003, miusl e flied wrth the undersigried persoriai represeetatîves on or about the 301h day of December 2005, aller whiclr date the Estate wiil lie drslrrbuted lrav- îroj regard ooiy l) tho clirms of whrcli ho Es- rte Trstee then shall have nothce DATED ai Miton, Ontario, tho ?2od vtay o) Noveroioer ?05 Barbara Avrr WigitI COuie t voir ee SOrtI a SOnt Av Doglas A Dir Holdidr Qirtr Baroriser attd Sor iv iv t 11 Mavin St reet Earot Milritv Ontrio (91 f 5N $j~ e W n e $ Sen ti 1o : N ation al Brida i Sho vi Wae '.r Chin O1 c/o Premier Conumet Slhows vif Cpystai Toi Cap. * 467 Speers Rd. Oakoîlle, ON H yul ITouitn Suaiiv- L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5570 ski Ciivss. Jewipory tio . ii ild l095 0 iivOtibOOr.ts oestuios Ciii Jiho 0 il ..Drîo oi i dn0nv iDr t racy 905 37 1 /1477 o oi t l v ,gu/ ir yods ý,_op O fýF rIW, - jeer rninge ietm nog 1 CerrT înng Consu Itîng STREETSVILL E PS 80HI0 1 iirPoo pcii irr.i carci palm nr aýv i i Hiiiy iii air ininbiens Auraî moulu r 50free hearnq aida ýý tr ires 071ý vaifi ie 87, 4536s TOP DESIGNERS Plus hi/Os 18 37 Great Pticeoo Great luincindrg loutheý coul i -yoar ol0 Hîde House Casa aBusrioeso hvenini Wear Cati 905-878-06999 aller 5:30PM hurc t ivulveir. lu OED Cr its ili l J t ni PE io (i Oui iii8' ii i ii luis i Cid & ri lli li ir i. iii rit iiid ni88 io GSii Crs CRPET i249. N SI lir rîc ri P/nil S19.95 senir disncons Field FnrdA rusalnd Fari 90901Sov 0hh1 Fisa Noto GhT Cut vyhoisOiOg ala moii fra $249i. No9 05 69090 FREE Eîraes D ot- 0056nn ossd tshesier Froid Cua o mn Ftirmnn an usnnI 632ves 29090 da ero. Tub Spa)i CS7er Ras Pîce. Bes5 8ua- V91ilSapsS o Are you a peoson with a disabifl Are you unemplo yod and avaîiablo to work? PEP COMES TO HALTON PEP is a Personal Employment Preparation for people wvith disabilities *Labour Marktie Information and Job Exptoration *Resumes and Coner Letters *Interviem SkilIs aînd Deatîng milS Elîsclosure *Wook Roadînens und Action Plannin-g LIMITED ENROILMENT Find out il yoîî are eligîbte for this FREE service! Cal) 11866-DIME (3463) ext. 239 glONTARIO I, MÀRCH bi àOF DIMES * oni. e-i g a Caee" FREE Information Session! 905-333-3499, Ext. 121 www. thecentre. on. ca The Contre sfSli Deveroprreiut & Triaininrg Looking for a JOB? Is your RESUME getting you INTERVIEWS? Do you know WHERE THE'JOBS ARE? We can help! Cali VMCA JOB CONNECT 905-681-1140 CHRISTMAS TREES ilc Jrd Dec /10t SO io hrave gocrd cosry wteuths ai $1 000 Latuci Go north on Hwy 25 to 15 sîderoad go west ta 5t9 Line go naor hil mile tei fir "j Carsfoale 2003i i ii t ý r i ' ,tilu. r ru.. ee i D r rive 1993 r tr ik z; r , t 2004 FORD RANGER XLT SUPERCAB 100 luvroors Fîtîfi Chrortie ;de. ti Chirome tîed po le s Chiini. mutiler îrp oil liner, roui sicdîrr wis dow uytoo d 400 km, A dîso cd, AC. Auto. tog ligIris tva hovrs, "lady drivori Payments $020/mootIr uni Dciv ber 2006 - uIl prnvîde $2000 touards puy- monts us rocentron Cal or ea mail for mure de- tarils, (905) 84A 9497 or emari lenIr- er2002@yahosou Pl-ime Help DELIVERY persoi. te- soibie. P/T euriy mornrogs, Sh0O_ $600/hi-weeiiy, National Pont Cali Raymond 416-573-8376 ADULTS rith Type 2 Diabolos rieeded lot University o) Gurelph siudy, No blond sugur meds or rosulin SOS 519-824 di2OeTbOnit riirO i eOi i ~~nneR~onul f i n n DRIVERS throughout thc J 5ý & bltura Ails n0 ia tils huom US, plunts moIel provi le ri g tIl No cout lamly medîcal Froquent llyeî miles Must hase AZ license w/OTP TÎT eep TOWTRULCK Operator PT requîred fot buuy Tuwîng o. OAA exp un auxet. Excellent wuges S benefitu. Drioers abutruct req. Apply et 24 Dundas St. E. Waterdown 905-689-2386 NEED Io baul a voagi me matie trips Io the P/T Drivers & dsnry 5store Or aiy 1FIT Driver whoroe yoo ilo 905- position 208-7172 L ilt Area Flexrible days Sorableifrr rei 7Contact 7Rick 4* 1 905-208-2224 GeUhtq wviX"? Don't Miss Toronto's Foremost Brpidai Event BRIDAL SH»W January 6-8, 2006 National Trade Centre. Exhibition Place Ad l SOe(hlîrîlg Dilo ro

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