A22 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 9, 2005 [OECTION NOTIC] Instail Srnoho Alarm The Ontario Fire Code reqaires thal every home t,,-,'cw,'5,57, umn- ut ]Porenta disappointed ur cotageinday 1 17*1 U ISotitDLrsug46 n d61sThTs TeI TVsCIOflt fatre bullif)HDtunter s adueted read SK 106181, 00666610061667 1 casitm n rrr nOurtierdaten cbr 2 - a. ISeHct Pa dwain2 lmie aae.Ts Irdc savri o $19.99 aler a $10I lsw $164.99. No sigs aplySKU 10063566 Toraodutm: ealg..e fr al nonenee ýýmgs p) SKUCoolt P2 10067767 Toour alod ueseen W apoog frany e.e'# ne c asceur y ,a e nsa o a fy.r died : O .ec sber 1 Poduct P ec Staon A usliln Hardoware ThSpake s a e adve sed oo Sha 9atr 2 a g o a ) ouf2Deouer t lemberdtcyi i o$ 59 99 ale àK 00684956SK 10656 Prodct:Preisio Acustcs oe e akers. lhe spekr are ai rtse fo jaf fa $74.99donp. 17 ofou embr2dfy Intc cusenerssae25.e2$7.9.eSa10925 SKU a1S06849M5/668 li Today s Candiau 1 111 If you don't reciv# our flyer, please cati us at 905-878-6163 or e-mail dgeddes@sympalioca MRon Crossrbads 1220 StiWle Ave E. 905-8741,63 Mothers Helpîng Mothers wîth Postpartuim Depression I lave vit ecxlcrietiiued po.stpîrtues dicprcssiott7 \'tt 1 soi ItI<r te 1)p ]ie c icplit stI1p0rf [t ti tc\% îiitltci-s ai risk e u lpî ssP, utdpcsîî \eît cari help seppel t tlcxx ititrs bcctîtt a Peer Volunteer el .îpotl rttn dcpî csstett t exeat sI tît-i ýouttcdil î bic (1L (il lolontt if u x'ît vtuld likc iote îîitt)rtîaii. et i lkc te cilteil, please cliail Jiilic ai ori.xct<t6 ttrîtt. cal l.1 ,'16-9,40-80 X("ti I-8---3lt OtOt-. Conîmonwealth Games qitt/il.'ing bidfjàllfs short Secîtrîin set I irsa niaitial iedal ii tlie 501) tere ti cestyle laie last îsîîîîîll fis Vicltoita, B.C caie as tille consuolatiotn tir J1eliîser Pîtreta. lTe 21) yeai îid Unisvetrsity oil Toirontoi xîssîîîner capped lier xveekend efluttis xx lb a iluird-place f inishtrii lier sîseriesi race clîtckiîig iii ai 26.55 xecounds, But stîsce ihat tell just shot iii he quali- i*yiiig lfisie lor sesi sunisiier's Commonwuîixealths Ganses ii Melboîurnse, Ausiralia, Poeta sas hardly saiisfied xvith lier periîrTnance. l'he sautse cîîuld bc saîd fer back-tîî back seventh place linishes iii I(X) and 20(1- nmette lreesîyle cisilpeîitiun, in whîch the tlouur finishes quutliied t'or Meihourne. Hei- 57.481s ansd 2:013.92 efourts in thîsse xx as aciLially eèlng prelly gestd gig in. I'd beets had in a xvhile,- saîd Piorenta. Thîîs jîlsi didn't cîsîse Jennifer Porenta logeiher. 1 guess il's tilt early in the sea- silo tr me iii be close ts my besi limes.' The Li ti T sxvimmer heads te Barbadîts tir a training sessioîn sherlly afier the huI days belore iaking pani in an internatiîsnal inee ii Sxvitzerland. Frîîm there shel take pari in the unîverxiiy prosvincial and nation- aI championships, hîsth serving as wams- ups l'or nexi sutemer's Pan Pacifie Championship trials in Montreal. Twisters reigu supreme Nords Haýltoiss, B îseesxee girls houckey lier higgcsl helper caine iii tie chansp teatis tîik top lseistuts ai fast xxeekeisd's oisship, wherc Norths Halîîsn eîsjoyed llasx Peterboiroughs le Kais louesnaîsett less cage xvîrk irin Terrilyti Digout lis ihaiiks li se stisaîl pari to aopIe blaiik the Waterlooî Ravetss. ofI local îslayers. Haixx îck alsît set up lxx < goials laisiara McKelxie sIo In t he sesiifisals plus one fi a1 laIl heîxs eî tie pipes ini "% xxeckeîîd îpetsing 3-3 stalenate of flie lxx isiers L'amles wîîls Markhain Stouiixille. îîîcludîîîg a 5-I seissifisal vitr4y"e Th Txxxtcrs los( jusi oe ofi lise games the MatrkhaisSîsutilîlc Stars -sîhile ii Peterborough anîd gave up îîîly six Iellîsx Mîlîîîîîan Vatiessa Hartwîick lied goeals. due largely lis shutouts agaînsi fosr seconîd us «5 erail icani scîîrîîg xx it Waterloo anîd the Hamiltoîn Hawks in fouiiV,ssisis. believe ... third-round play. Show off your precious pet in the Canadian Champions monlhly section of Champion Pet Showcase. If your pet is chosen as 'Pet of the Month" you WIN a gift certificate from one of the participating vendors on the page. Send in photos la. Cbàntpiton 875 Main St. E. P.O. BOX 248 Milton, ON L9T 4N9 (24-2-1-1) itonIcHak vs. Oakville Blades ( 13-11-3-2) (Game finie: 73 jmip.i s fi lît Ritoks Ateta lit Oak\ ille Last meeting: ()akx îlle \%xoi 4-2 Nosý. 12 ii Oak,. île %Vho tg) watch l'or:, Alti hîtS losiig anid geltliig înjured ini litss ellîsîiler s\ tilt flic Blades. ,taring iietiiîder Lacs Kleiiaii x il] he eae ltoi a ltile paý bhack. l'lie skilin NM Nlîttît txI ii ced a tille morîte disciplise anîd ilttil,,t5 iliti xltinitt tsLuîx ii-ip t 0aîkx îlle le siesail. ('hamipioii*s pick: M1ilîstî hy ga Now UnUl Christmas... Open Sundayst. 4* MILTON Pet Food Farm Country Depot supplies supplie$ Propane rl--m 28 Bronte St. N. Equine 905-878-2391 Bird Seed Supplies Éâ Giftware Lawn a Monday - Thursday 8-6pm, Friday 8-apnt, Garden el saturday 8-5prn, Sunday 11-4pm ffl