Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Dec 2005, p. 13

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vTiree remembers losi ioveu oMes Although Christmas is offert lauded as 'the rnost wonderfui lime of the year,' that isn'l the case for everyone. In fact. Christmas can sornetimes be the most painful limie. parlicu- larly if if's the first afler the loss of a loved one. The new owners of Scott Early Funeral Home. 21 James St., have corne up with a xvay 10 mark the many emotional facets of the holiday. while giving somnelhing back 10 the corrnunity wilh ils Memnorial Tree. Residenîs who've suffercd a loss are invited bo corne ifllo the funeral home and lake a white dove from the lree 10 include in their holiday décor as a memorial tribule. In exchange for lthe dove, participants fi11 out a miemory card with thse name of their loved one, which is Ihen hung on dise Memorial Tree. "We wanted lu do something lu miarthle Christmas sea- son, knowing how difficult il is for people who've bad a loss," said Rebecca Hunmer, president of ScotEarly Funeral Homie. "Il gives lhem sumelhing to incorporate into their own decorations ai home to symbolize thse person that's not lIse." Tht funeral home will also be holding an open bouse December 18 from noon 10 3 p.m. with refresilments. Licenseci Mechanic on Dut>'! Snow Tires on Rimsa P205/70R <BMW 7 Series> *3GB plus ~ 2005 TOYOTA COROLLA CE The Canadman Champion, Frîday, December 9, 2005 - Al13 There 's stili time to buy a bulb Uts i the pai 25 years. Miitiit D)istr ict II ipt.il liaS citc laice ii lace \iit aitgcix iii tic liI i ofi gcîîcîîîîîx lorits Foi flic tbild ycai iii ai îsiss. tic h iît. is cîîtutiîIiItîc il,, WsC Oc! cx c ii Aticcix Bliv-at-lib1 catpigtii xviclî dittrs rccix c a liiiiîitcd cutioni kecpsaîke atîgci îîrîîaîîucîî Aixîî mit cxi.haugc l'o iiradoatiion, lighîx xxiii bc lit oi flic lîcc ii 'Cariug cttbcer li the duîîîr's îîiîtxc our iii bitnuir iiia iiîx d Oue. A secoînd irc, thc Tree oif Meinoriex, xxiii bc lit xxitb xwhite iigblstii bînîîcîrliuvcd iincx xvhive passed avsxay. A iighiîtig ccrcmîutîy ti thc Trec of' Cariutg xx iii takc place'rucxday fri iîî 7 Io 1) 1).11 ini te lobhby anid oii uic front iaxx tl of' M4iltn D)istrici HoIispitli '[he ccreîîuîîy xxiii celebrate lbeaitb antd buipe mît Miltont. Eiîertainnenî xviii be prit vîded by flic Miltons ('butisicîx. and refreshinents xviii be serxcd. Parking is free. Since the Buy-a-Buib priigratît began 14 years ago, $8211.IXXi bas beeu raîxed. l-undx raîued ibis year xvîll go t oward flie purchaxe iirtarrict anîd ix ,iven tIo attytîre xvbî diîirtexs) ti0 r nmire. These dmntîrx xviii aixii taxe i large qtittng iii igbts lit lin the Free ofiC'ariîg. Tlîîîe xvbu duinate betxxeen $150 and $249 wiii reccîve aî giasx augel sitapeci omnament. and bave a small string of ligblx lit, and ibuise givîng $50 t $149 xviii reccîve a Milton District Hospital Ftiundaîion personaiLed keepsake orna- ment. Tbey'ii bave a single bnib lit on tbe tree. of a colonoscuipe for the hîîspilal. Foîr motre infoirmation oîr 10 make a dona- 'Mis yearxs final angel in tbe xeries ix the tin. caîl the bîîspilal founidalion aI (905) Angel oi" Celebration, a seaguil pewter 876-70114 or vixul balîonbealîhcare.on.ca. 111) . .. ~ < N#ee l;4 Fxd 18 KG. BONUS BAG o + FREE FOOD SCOOP FULL 0F MARRO BONES S7e14 The Management and Staff of Terra Greenhouses would like to thank their customers for their patronage. We look forward to assisting you with ail your gardening needs in the New Year. &fWnu d ai/a Iae i~d~,~~ -~ -à & edîil 41LB BONUS BAG SAVE $5000 il GET A FREE BOX 0F NUTRO BISCUITS Fkrndo& Cdf FS BUY AMY SIZE 0F EUKANUBA CAT FOOD AND RECEIVE A FREE CANISTER LIMITED QUANTITY NO RAINCHECKS LARGE BREED &krnaé*i Mah~tewnce or 40 LB EUKNUB C )EAR L. Natf Cdf Fcêx BUY NUTRO CAT FOOD ANY SIZE AND GET A LAI DUILtK LIMITED QUANTITY NO RAINCHECKS NO MESS, NO FUSS WITH THE CAT BUJTLER Hd,ai SA/I$ e 0$tà flow o, ,riAk Hmstr CapW afodAccessor/& 35% OFF AND GET A REGULAR HAMSTER (LIMITED SELECTION) it - ii. 'I t il IL m 7CE NT RE SI

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