Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Dec 2005, p. 9

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Th. Cana.dian Champion, Tunsday, December 6, 2005 -A9 HIH CHOLREOR *RPR FO THE OA AID Next course: 4 Days Dec. 27, 28, 28, 30. 9:30 arn - 4:15 Pm www.youngdrivers.com 905«875-0480 YOUNG DRIVERS@of canada Your licence to survive. ISO 9001:2000 w ww.youngurivers.com Registered MTO APPROVED EGINNÉR DRIVER tDUCATION COURSt PROVIDER "&MUSTANG MESSENGER" Meghan Sinclair Megan Cheema Sara kîimury MILTON DISTRICT RIGCO SCEGOL Welcorne hack Mustangs! Another sseek ai MDHS is underway. As the colt imonth of Decembher crept up on uis, nîany were way t00 husy vvith e siracurricular activities tri notice. MDHS'\ very own imiprove teani lias been busy svith ssorkshops anti practices as they gel ready for an intense season of corupetition. Making up the teao include. Steven Dernetrtous, Georgea Brooks- Hancock. Nicole Kopera. Annie Shanti. Rx an Black, Gayton Corkett-Turk. Coiti Counitons, and Tyler Carson. Gooti Luck guysI If >OU like hockey and like hanging out Nxstl frientis. then stgn up for the intrarnural hockey league! Grah sortie of your frienîts and niake a teani to corne oui and have soute fun. There is a sign up sheet on the S.A.A board in the cafe il y-ou are interesteti. Ls.eryone is sselconie! On another noie, this year MDI-S is going international' Wiîh destinations that art lot att.d ail arounti the ssorld. students are delîinitel> ntio depris cd of' oppîîrtuities. There is te tip 10 Killingîs s Vermnont for 4 day s oîf skiingý and sniovs hoard ing. and an ans, trip 10 Nev, York îo expertence thc urtan s the andi culture oflih hig apple. There is als.o al soorkcltng trip tb Belize \%here studenîs can gel their scuba dis ing license, and there is al trip to Romne, the honte ofi Caesar. thte gonîdola, and Gucci. So geî your passports ready to experietîce one ot these awvesorne trips. As the holidays are approachtng. it îs al tinte io thînk of others. Those who lost everyihing in the hurrîcartes thai happened eariier this year. and those victimîs of poverty arounti ttc world, don't have rnuch to ceichrate wiilî. Stutients. you cati help thts change. Bring in tltmn- perishahie food itenîs as part of utur food drive or hrtng in a shrîehox xvith toys and essentiai items that cvery kid neetis. Everything is appreciateti and everyîhiitg xviii help. Bring these items loto your S.E.P teacher tiurîng the month of Decemiter. Ail right Mustangs. lthe holitays are approaching. sumrmatives and essays are due. Late nights anti eariy mornings are unavoidahie. but just think: Tsvo weeks of sleeping in and hanging tout with frientis. Keep thai in mind as your siaving away at assignments andti ests. Until nexî week. Take il easy Mustangs! "DATELINE DRURY"' Natlhan Michelle Malt Luansfia Dubois Lalonde E.C. DRURT BI10E SCGOL Welon tis edito otDtl )niry.W hpei. hat necl lent seek. ilis sseek's colii Is lsill Ioosnlsi w ith [sasI. taute anid prese.,nt ex elts alid intoniiaisi for votir trarinug pleiLsuRe Couril doîva anid eiiîoy Three Past: 1. Lielts. caiteria tion' 01i Noxeiii-sei 28th. ilte i)nuîa sîtirlents aI i)riy tiait lte ssisliiiiis îoslîhoi, iir talentI al "(re4iiilg a Selle". itsexeIîl isol tace al i -ii xg Arts Centre in Mississauiga and stts dentsý liai iiîaniîy tliîi elîsi \xer able to teutorni iniproiilii plass id uîteet nue\% itopleBa thespiants peýrlikitte play entiled "Lxýeixtting i NeedTli Kiîiîx. i Learner ln Kiiîdlergartuii A Th-ank Yori Tolahr.(jiniri ssiirk Ms Ritherns and casl 2. Ils, an escellent tuine tsi lx, an tililete atIL)muy' Bot the svixn leatIt idk lte xx resîlers liait dieu chance lis shne. 'lie t)nir Wrestiîîiig TrvuIn tr-axellcd lis Beaiuiss lie. ixhr lthey rtisplasad liter Iiste Sîain spirit- li adrhiiion. tnslistsîd a six ili inetl oni Niuxeinittr 251h. in whhelî eveul st-hiirls siiipele.d. Nean>y thuee hiiired sxiiinersý gave il lteir ail. anid lthe es'eîi %ixas a estitipiele success. t; Fuitni lit i a.ier hivx As pies isisly itteîioueti. leaciter. and sits dentsý ai ln liaid tue chante tIo jxnt, pl)ie ]ni lie Nser> lir l'Pie It.iig ('s tilesI Ve ,ne plese to is nin use dutI titis esetît %s' as al sictess.' (hi No ihîer ýt li, lie hounî siie iepirseililIixes %x eut lieiti o lis er i hiid li e il leur lises.Uai t lse i ti iir hauts. sîtîtet.s nid leatiii crs alîke dlise Ili liea. lisI, Conîîgratulatsins ti die ceet citautîposîi lie yelluxx triait' \Vay li gis1 TWo Futue: i. taisers ofI itisit. rfluidec ina' Aiitial Wtiiei (Concert ssîll takeC place oîîiecîie 7di on ltehtLiril iiudtrtn.' %li % si ili staut ai 7 ti0 pit anti nîn foîr appnssttîtatel> nit hostr. anti tiekets are fi se dousiar ai lie dsor. Sus gel tlteoe eariy. tutti a geal seat. anti enfi> ie muical extras agania! 2.Ari anid )rania stittetits. lîsteri upî5 Ms. irntk anti Ms. Roi.,ilsuhae iitganied an excusiunti-î gradie eleseri ant iselise sîtîs ents ti lie Auil Gallery tif Ontario for Dýceiier 9tit Stridents wîli have lte sîpportunt- ty iri gain an unders.tandng ontIetitprnny art ant i s hisîsial uon- texi. Drmn't Isrget lii sîgo upl. One Present: t. Shakespeare hiver. rejitce' Mr Keanesý, grade eleven Englîsit ciass iîli travel tri Moîhawvk Crîllege on Tuesday. [)ecembher 6hi tr se a pro- duction of- Macbeth. Eveymone is suie ti have a gucat uie, so sign up f555! ln tter ness dear reariers. lte hrîliriays aie jusI aniunti lte etiner' Gel your shopping duone soion. sit back. ansi relax. We, te csilurnits tiI Daieline Dnary. wsiuid lîke iii wîsh yrîn ail a happy week! ""TEE ROYAL REPORT" Erîn Hntheringtan Lindnay Jnhatn Caaron Smîth Jua Riddlitl Breanna Clancy DISIGP REDINO RIOS SCRDOL It's beginning to looîk a lut like Chrisims... thrriughout tite halls rof Bîshrîp Redig! We have hegun celehrating the season in truc Bislîîp Reding style, by showing our compassion for oiters,. The anitual gîft drive is in foul swing anti the choir is making ils way tri Bethlehem tri share ils talent with others. Speaking of talent, the Bîshrîp Reding Arts Department was; prouti tri present anoth- er successfui Arts' Nigitt. Reati on tri sec ail the gries the Itîsîde Soiurccs have iri share xvith ytîu titis Sk! Chrtistmas is the season otf gîvîog, anti BR is al gi-al example. Maily htimeroont classes aile partlcipating in lte annual Christmas gift drive, in which cacit class adopis a family fi-rrm lie HaIîtît Wînten*s Shelier. Mtîney is colleeteti froo lthe stu- dents fil huy gifts for te enture tamîiy. 'he gifts are presented to te tiuniilies hy lte shelters just hefore Christmas tri hring some hope anti cheer iii less fortunate families. We wrîulti like tri thank everyrne inssîlvei anti. mosi especialy the atiopteti families xvho arc givîng studenis a chance tei experience the true meariing otf' lte itolidays. Facit year Bîsiîop Reding*s studenis have aisvays liketi tri be ovrîlve in helpîng svitit eommunity Christmas projeets. This yenr s tno different. Maity duil'ernut groups toi studenis are active- ly iîtstult d ie "Oit lte xvay tri Bethlehem" Christnas pro- dutctuion. Ltst xxeek iîlcx tiv fMi. Brandreth*s xvootxvtrking slu- dent.,s vtliitiercd lteir fitte hi lîelp builti tite set anti props frr lte production. Also. il yîu plan ron attenduitg -On the xvay tri Bethlehem" yîu xviii hase the pnivîlege of heing entertaneti by lte angelîc s'îccs rtf lte Bishrîp Retiîg choir led by Ms. Cauisa. So support your ièilow stutiens anti attenti lte pli- ductirn tif "On lte wvay tri Bethiehern-. Aitotiier svay to support the riversvhelnîng talent of ihe Bishop Redittg student is t0 attend titis year s Arts Night. On Deceniber 7th aI 7 pin, te timau art anti voeal classes xviii shoxvcase tie skîits, sriîgs anti ai-i ltai titey have heen svorkîîîg uirelessiy on ail sentester. We are privilege te,1 heuar te vocal class perforrn a s ariety tifchoral music, als weil as some beautiful solos, duels anti srall group pieces. We are also ail] lookîng forwarti tri see- ing lthe Bisitrp Rediîg Dance Team perforro for te first time titis year. Mucit titanks tri all te studenis anti teachersi that xvorketi diigenly tri iake titis event a great success! Tougt the Christmas. gifi drive we have raiseti lthe spirits rif people xve don't even know personally. The spirit-, of our hani- wriing stutients have been raiseti by bt)th te choir in lte Walk tri Bethlehenm. anti Arts; Nigit. Altitougt homevoi tioesn't sent tri enti. Bishop Retiing hati deeketi te halls, anti we're ail exciteti as lte weil-tieserveti Chrnistimas brea drws near.

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