A8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 6, 2005 au* q -Po7mrar Ac __________________________________________________ Vs7l s StS Mr. Carbeil has knack for making sehool fun By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion David Carbeli, who wvas always a bit of a class cl own, knows what it's like to have horing, straight-laced teachers with no tolerance for humour in the classroorn. So he decided neyer te, be oneC of themn. When he started teaching four years agu. Mr. Carbell brought a sense of fun into the classroxin that students instanily took to. 1 ulways like teachers like Trsi who were comfortable," Mr. Carbeil said. "I patterned myseif afier the teuchers 1 liked.' Mr. Carbell, a teacher at W.I. Dick Middle School, isThe Champion's Teacher of the Moonth l'or December. lE wa.sn't a difficuit pick aller The Champion received a couple ol'glowing nomi- nation letters. -Id I ike to voute loi r niv teactier. Mr. ('arbell. because he toutes leaming fun aond os very lunny voi he is teachinig us things.- Megan Wain vi rote in her noEminatioon letter. Jacquelyn Streck. whu\s aisso in Mr. C'arbeil11s grade 6 class. worote sinootar sentiments. "He alooays tries Io itoake school funi she sorote, adding. "I thortk miy teacher deserves a round oif applause.- VVhen he lirsi louErdi out he wsos l)eo.esibr's l'eacher ut' the Month. Mr. (orbell said lie thoughtilt was a juke. When he realied it was- nit, he saîd he was ihrilled. Thoough he's only taught ai the school sotîce December, Et seems Mr. Carbeli bas had qune an impaoct son bis studenis. Making ssi t'un cornes easily to bi, M. Carbeli saod. He approaches litle with a definite sense ut optioîiisrn. and that spilîs oover in bis teacbing. \Vith kids oot hos îown, lie ai1so understands the nature ot kds anid dooestî t try to t îgbt it. "'ii 0140 a ver> stressed sont persoi Mr. Corbeli said. Thoit iraiisters well tnT the class- rooin. The inor îîîcooîssteîîcîes lite kids beong chattery on a Msoiday inoomong -that's not gooog to boiher nse iuti [le tres iso create a lig-ht aimoosphere where hîs students are free to make iTiistakes, hc sasd. "I tell thenT il oe cotoot iak iîiisiakes in thîs class. we're on a wbole heap) id roîube. Mr. Carbelt said lie osn'i someone who alsoays sticks to a reginienied ieaching plano. Soimetinies. he saod. there are moire importanti lhongs to do- loke play sin the snos. -l'Il say 'I have iothing planned tor Ehis pers- od. let*s bnild snow fts'." lart of' creating a inetaxed ainosphere in the class is talking os oto students, isot tatksng ai thein or down Io them., lie sasd. And he maskes sure they tnow tie mates niostakes. to. I-e's beeiî knosvn to stop rnid-tesson anid aidit hes going aobout the tessosi att won si -Sonmetimes l'il say oshat l'in (teachong) ois hsorrible. lits shockiiig l'or tbeii o hase a teacher say he isn't pertect. Mr. Carbeli toot) np teaching as a second cooreer alter owniîîîg a restaurant. The long heurs sin flie business osesenis coonducise t0 havong kids. be said. and tie koseos, hid be ao goodK eacher. As he expected. he said he loves teacbing. -1 lite the fi ,t tiat 400 diflerent Ebings can happen on sony (,tie day:' hie said. And he enjoys tesoching t0 and t I year-olds. *They're an awesome age. In hogh scbool they start iii dostike a lot ot stult, but ai soge t1 t tey*re stîll relotîvety happy. Thiey're getting their owin odeas anîd tbey're really quirky. AIl of' a suddeîs lbey get o it tat fle is fnn. lits a cool opening phase to tlie rest othEeir lives." Stephîoiii Thieo 44,0 cioi bi reac/iec si .tIisi'.0'i iitNiOiSdisiIsii)<t.OO ~AY OG CQ Cogeco Cable Channel 14 Programmîngp Schedule - Tuesday, December 6 - Monday, December 12, 2005 Chifm RepIoy Chiýp Polol ; Paride o I itoliyeorgloNt ' 2804 [ 005 w w w .cog eco .Ca 12 30po ugdliETA 10p, lahr HiI omi 1T M loloto ocl 5.titm Pluîîed In! EXTRA 4 00oi lbq SpotSý A 's t,oAtot, 6Jopr PluggO I'A' EXTRA 10 400IOlol eNv2 05 1 PnqCi EXTRA 6 OOpni Tlge InQP EXTRA [00400e SeoiQeluoot O 00pn Mito l pt 0Ee It NORTH, HALTON STUDIO 6 DOpOO Pugqed loi EXTRA Ro1 6 3tpm Roîkm.ood FRooeero Os I MAtR & 4 ~ 110 Ilot otAt 40 [IR 8tOOpR Sporoid ive 10p Su 6Op, r' otn , 0ii lkn Aeoft o uItIIO O Parae o, LUghls 6 5flh ifl i liETA 9 Mdih liQdnlETA 91jpi MtooooOt Plusset n'EIXTRA Clau Parde 630fo lakq Ca, ilyinu f hi, i30 tE 'At0pc îplo Laurier Plaza El R0o Roidal Haho Rou 0ru P[ge liiTAI R okev 500 Laurier Avenue 8 tp otigo oi tv 8I Rom t[ý Exet i:pm Swap Tat k 000040o 10 Opio Modooo)0lloElotiq n EXTRA Milton, ON L9T 41R3 il et i (Lre) ROIpu Saivotio Aiotoy 900 01100 RolloIsCîourci t 0l ot Milto ourîtl Clîthma I RoR ott 905-878-9306 Novl 22001 NI, 14 2005