A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 6, 2005 *7 Comen t Chilling election ahead Fthe iCscontid lutteC Ent file pai 30 yCEErS Caiiddiaiis \x ill iha\ et fiE iranEE[ Ehriiutl sIIES ni electiîn CEa JdiEEidi 23 alier thef-II dls sseek utl Primle MinisiCi Plaul MarliinI heral EEo\eI1IIneni. V5Ie'l a5 xilceIE eIcEECEEEe.iiEcE affct Ille dxe rage s Ceer more sie tîxin a spintice(EE- t'ait c WEcaEeEt\e ihiik not. \iVe Cdl'ile tel SSatLe ashC an excus CEIEC i \oteEr q)athy Ispresient EElitl SCseaEsos. \îcEl I rEEic the ( 'lrisEEias/Ne\s Yi E's IEEEIie.ldteeCk. SSIEEic \\e e\lecE ESiii OC ]-l- aliSels qietC oii ilcc politica.l frot aCnd .dtes 45 id. d.isîiiihicII£ \ ieEe., in tche EiIddle otE ICEE EEe.S E Eh itil Ca llEpaictit shlctEiEiE Oc EEEIkeC ait\ otetilc Voer>E\\ Ell he \tCe.ieC lit IEiteE uio te. Cad te.iEs ando (tien le.'uecsý Le.tIoEnEEE Eilent oiE hECil celcic and.' pielan'E. ,Isls intielligtec qestion'EEe and EEElaîke ici iileiicee. ointEiton bte.lte c.ESEEEEE E alo \\cll. EIlatEs ES hEl \\ e Cp lEcChcial ipCeEl 55IEe' C. i Cle'.to tE E, CEuca. i ti t l tui i lcc oLil. lits n oldpie lEiall bc ai EEEIE"itetEEl point Elle ECEItl« 1EES toi 'Ilîtl.l lce CoItEStE E cEES l' "lIl I checcîsý lii uia tic l ccc dii llieileEI beca cE S eEEEIEE.l it cl le Ii t i lt le aoiElîCI S lepoil l(ietEIIEC L Ili. l e.et lgîîîîîîîîg fi l Bloc,. eaclc ociluic minpar tie ECs l'icecd wSii dciilid Challeniges i Ocrais. (iii ilcCy oeSCre.ileic he sportî sîtislcip scadiI filcai sICeES the uic it s sqiiiiiered mcillionsi iii id\td'C S eýEti adie.lE CE sEt iie.l ini e.iiIIy anidiE kick- haieks ilcai sudie.lelCî sClcdraEisEl loeikCe. goeiie. agiiti Ioi Iiii3 QueECccEe. (iii Marini e.EEiicc iC h ele.iict iii to ise hit atiie u aiC acWiy e EEiICh .lace? (ieiE riSaiSe." L e.aer.' stejclccî Jli di Es dt.diE tie kceý ad illCit OC abeOI t Ci ice. SiteECs CEE se'leEili OniEtio lOi! lie (itle.'is a re.'soiblel alie.'îiiiC.. lie dEil llSe'dll ist Eîîcîc ('tfic lie ciike IEEEEEse.li ille' lEE te Onîtic CEEs inE Ile cSEetliECih \\e.e.ks! lie.'I 'etiEe Eitiittl citi.îA I Ee î NIAIi Riîce' (hiin ILii iEeiEc Elle'(Ile LEES, e. 'l 1 IE Io n IESEtl EEI lEsl, icES îte' 'iEeEIIIIE"1 [lltEle'o loiti fitlai EIEEEiý Ille ( lli tE îlEs'th Ioic tEE.S cEEl E I E uc ESou i ,E E thle la ýie. I niiîeEs aie lIE e. d lie e.it Ilse.' II, p [ce.I Eu I e.EltC. SitlELt lle hilli \c'EEciiclS ledit a 11lic 11(qe ett lla lii' ( IEset clce'iiticE' i e.'e.k" Ilic lîcc cc tc \Ill oýIt. cn ccl' lidi S1Il 'd l lit L't' ES il e.s APO1-oQES lb SCP.UL7- * Our Readers Write Stili way too many teenagers lightîng Up We need sustaînable development action now tAccording 1o the recently-released 2(X)5 Ontarioc Student Drug Use Survey. 14 per cent of youth sncoke in Ontario. Although that number han dec.reased over the years, there are stili tue mnany young people addicted Io cigarettes. 1 was very pleased Io read the article, 'Anti-tobaccu advocate delivers hard- hitting message' by Melanie Flennessey November 18. Educating youth about tobacco and the industry iii critical to allîcw theici lic icake infuimed decisions. We cîîînîend the schcînl boards tor wel- clcîing, Geîcrgina [Lovell into 1 lHuîtîn schuols and ss'e thank The Chamipioni for publishing the article. Smouking is ufien glamurized in the media and Ms Loveil encourages sau- dents across the region to thinik critically about what they see and hear. Cathy Thompson Centre for Addiction and Mental H.elth * The Canadian 2»1Champion Bo 48, 5 Main St i; Ian Oliver Publrisher Miltn Ont 1.'l %Z3 Neil (>1 er i a (905) 878-2341 NN ndx NIcNa h ljj , Editori Fax 905-8g7S-4943 Karen Smith EEîmîîýîeie. E uit Uderlisin Fax: 91h 576 2364 TInn ('oies JOeîduî etc .IItiieCî Classified. 905-875-3300) Charlene liait te, Eîeîî Circulation: 9015-878-5947 'Teri Casas ii3 t, The anaian Chapionl c it bit i 'i T aeîi larid"I t 8i Mal t EI MiIIta ()I ic 1Mt BE , 218, ',t1 te 'Mptroiatt( Pr.ntirq P..nlstiinlcsteLITîîq tiiiiilty Al eîeg'Si acepel ne ro itiritdt m te, everit nia tîitE i ,Eii e t hatitl t Oacijltý; pi, o(Ue )th e,(reoU teen togetnet ittaeeaS rtabe aloîaacetfor Scgnat.e *aiH mtittiett cliagdtitît thte 1,i.îîl ttitaet"tietiE e lat t c a t a te rate Te Tobe r eeves the rgli to cangoeizeaee t ccrt dcltn CCAB Audited RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE 8V ocPm Otario cttmty 16C C o.îeaettee /eStîtej~oeihat o tbai eccippr Newspapees ANec)paat tot q E e s ;taees i ri U oe Arneceta THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: Tii AUCTIoII UNITED WAY OF M&TON MitnSanta Claus Parade Sho e.ase Milton z (GAIA A.ard, Te MiltoneCanada Cetarnpe e tieciable Preeic U I)ear Editor: Re'e.IIIN 1~ I skCe. e. i cE.illts lEiEhE ESou t eCil .lEe'seEE IiS ý e.'s. E IEC niEe'i. Eo ilel ES cl lus1 EECEEEEEe.'EEl ('îeiîlEînssioneîc Gtdonlltl iElleE s lesE relciEl Eie. îlie :e.e.irlN S dEie lateCs thiEt ur Eicece.'K.d CruESi Ehîriiheiu IeilsSý dss ed s adii. cîiibcsl. ES, auiiiîî us iiiS d.erainiii e.isasiCr. 1p. io lict qCSic huES certa.n I [i it S S ndCrCCý e ii e.CIldII roffe ntiic OntaEiri. ustiECe.d SiiusiiiCric thi )îIiaieI SiSidie iid 2. Wi dre.i'i \e EdllkiEg aboutî 3. Why dît siCSClipers Cet lrcC 4. Vu/y ari ' ciithe laning i e.les I lis IES iciudl ClpoiE i ii QueeCis airk, ('iicssîioii MilIser siiie's SciE ES iii oiur liE cilannEEingE/ s> S ES Ie' an Elle. chiEle.alEisi il, liEs ESe aie lire.'î poingSEE dli e.'EEECICCi Iirc et cElEur CEES l hlîcdl adlE. i li 'h5itiElEl lits i.ile.l rep.'l ME. Millcr IloîîiEd lui thtdi e.lCEpC S appear Ioi dîhEays '-et Ince reiniise' ciî S nul liliîi il la SEcre niEcdil Ioi Sctle/,,liard Ciiir susiiahil El>. \Vhcis dris lEi, luur future'. Foir llcsIdiie.' x5iithiii the (reaer 1 iroiiiii ArCei. Mr. Millet poîictd ilit ilîi SEC hcave e.iif1Iily(c15 ing iiuîlc lel od ian liice.iiig dequtld CeneqL'> IISI lto lîcec the iICe.lS of' lie.day s liit illion iti ills. su Icîts are %E pEEssilI cscer iciii ii coiic ssit file gic 115 ilceiciS pro lC'elc îcî e igi illioni ip cl is ,e fo lle future!sîi iii Ille. iliS lise ciskjîîc of lîîrîîcî pteople lIo jouîi îîc Cc li Ticc ilie 11151 at1tcr site lut (lie îccbcru. Wco gelS fic shitil-Cri OCiieli El d Elle. ssc is Elle liiî IllEEli i Aie ssc flait N'Ir Nliller Socisie. EC ters dEECElES adl ctriiîîoule cCEiEeCii d.d 11ILCII' lLECSe tS (li ut hC- iisein. SE ikce.îpi e.dl. [le espcI'ilcikIIcSS I- Ce.ICCS ES c SCerliouS add hisîî shliiofdi'ciliniciaiid, diuciurs. Scs- plails. eiecîrîcîiy and an îîîcreasîng Se.arie.il fiiicl aiid gas supplies. With ail this. il appears SeCv aE cEaillr diSsiser loncing ihai needs iiie.use. attieionc. rîgi il1115... [clot citer. If' lcere CEvi 55 cis d finie fior iiplecîîeiig sisiaîiiahle deveiop- menti illiliiSes. lE s ii'uly 111155. Wuiti lic reply receîved yei. 1 cas oiilA silgiiesi ilciit il' oi- regiincîl COitle.'l caiic' or ESe.Sic ade.iiess this impotantii ssue Cii oîuî behdlt., thec ESSECC ide s lc ioxli es t e i Bob Beyette Campbeliville 1Have your say on a local issue wîth a letter to the edîtor. - Pud by Steve Nease