Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Dec 2005, p. 37

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 6, 2005 - B9 Date/mne - front DATELINE on page B4 TIhursday I)ec. 8 T'he Schizophrenia Society otf Ontario, Buli /îîtin c/îapîeî. Ilui/ts lis siipport i c îii/ li01 frîeîds aind i'aniîîî/ oie , i peoîplex/i /1.1 e s /,ciipolliieiîiii ,îî 7 p.iîîii it f/ic lîhiai s ofi Fort Ne/son Unîîited /./î/., 1/32 Southi/ Dri., ini litiliiîîieîiiîî liii morîe inforatî.îioni Cal//itil n4i7 Mliuî D)istriîct I lispiîai io/ls aî treast- fee(Iifg clinic \i ila iceriiii d lacttio conîsutaint liîîîî i ( p.iii. i illr t n mîaiionî a/bout file prîiiîahi iii ii iîîîke art ippoiniiiiiiii. i/I ieaîî Gal/in ai i 7i/'i ,s- 2383. exi. 7013î, T'clie ine ý\rts Sox.cit of miltoni Evenin G;roup of Artists iieeds /front 7 i 10 p.in 'The irîlurnial eux t iiiîîsseî Piro- vides artîis x sas \%i ltpan 'iiiiiiiiy ii c\eli cîse their drawite skil/s. Foi msore infor-î mations. ca/i Janst ai9/05i 854-573. The Winen's C'entre, susite 210I li 1lipedale Ma/ as Rehecca Street aid Tîtird Lisse. in Oak\il/e hîi/ds tîs free Peer Counselling hv sti/ittteers; in persiii ioi xx er the phixtie Ifrontî /0 il . iii 3 p.iii. for xx oren tacitnt, abuîse. unef7lîîss and re/,i timnshilp issues. lis fice \Vonien's ('aring and Sharing ('ircle îîkes place fronts 1 iii 3ý p.uni. An\d lts Iree Mature **Vonen'x, Network (W ISE) taLes p/ace fronit /11 a.i tii nîscn leasurie al sessionî oîî the iieta- ph> xîcs of lic birt/i (il' Christ. oir mocre infocruscttiisi. ca// 9//Si 847-5520. Hlatot Hatîds ii Mioin Kiittiuî anid Crochetsng, Guild hîslds a dessert potluck /ront 7 lis 9 prît,. ai flice (ieîiruoetîuxx s Seniors' Cenître. 318 (3ue/ph Sti rear enîrancel. Dîsn't liirget a domnatioun focr the food bank and cash tior al raffle. Membershsp costs $25 per seasois. The fsrst vixit ix free. Ftir more snformattion. u.all Diane as (9015)877-1521. Friday Dec. 9 The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. i rear entrance). ix sies /sîgh schlsî stu- dents inserested in playsngt a gaine îîl poo/ tii drop hy frîsn 7 iii 1/ p.is BOKEEPN Bookkeeping Service -- RELIABLE AND TRUST WORTHY EXCELLENT RATES Phone: 905-875-4091 Ce Il: 905-691 -3041 www.staytunedcaaca Satsî'eLs Ihe. 10O 'l'lie Fil/oi MLItseLtii l'iîtdassiis hiî/ds lis Musical 'Irihute te the Year of the N eteran leatui itig I/te 2/1 piece senimitental Ox i rchiestra anid s cit Wetidy WIest. Il ikcs /p/ac e alî (;cll elilîx is Jhn I//tut tîteitte. () ('/ici Sti. .11 8 p1.1w Tickets cîlsi 'S li ;ll Ic1 nd $'i lii' i scililits andi \ ciel ails andt ac ix ,ilah)lc bk cli//uic i >05 i 877-,370//. xxix xienioiî.lui inlori tiiisciiiii Esîchre is lie/lda T1 7( 3/ii,1 atic lIinI /1 Ciuii2alu Nii xcii Suliiîîi /xýc'i îilone s xxelcitii. Mlondas I)ec. 12 'lie WVîssîet s Ceitre, suite - 110 lt Iloîpecia/e Ma// ai Rehecca Sitreet attd'l'/itt SUne. il, axile ti/lds lis lree Peer (.ounselling hy s il/titteers lit Kisois lt luxer tlic pltumîe irnt /1/ as tii 3 p.ini. lîor xx iuînen laditeL ahttse. re/îs antd relat ttiotssip issues. Fo'ir tmore ticrjttatiut oîr tii igitnca// (9/5i 847-5520/ [c/p ieIla/lit Peel /. suxppot tiet- ix iiik li- caticet patientis lan1 iliel til /ts /iiilts ils t.ymphema Support C;roup tronît 7 iii 8.3/i p.11 ii .1 345 Sixili IJn itc I )akx i//e. Foir mtîore infoirmtationt. ca/I (905) 257/98S. I lie Onutario l'ari Ye.trs ('enstre. 9/7 Ni/iissitg Rd , lilds lis f ree 'Kids Have Stress 1I'o00!' pilîctati frotîtîl t / 11i - 3/I a.i I/uis ilci lc tix e pi icetain he/ps paretnts anid chi/i/res \%hoi are ire-schIsool ige anid î/ler îîtderstaîsd chî/liîîsîd stress ansd pro- vide ksids, xx 5h the tîsîls tsi dea/ xx îth il 1iiiiitetl cîns/tîcare spaces are avat/able. Pre-regîxstraîîss ts requtred 'lise cenître also) hîs/ds regisratiosn thîs xxeek l'or lis Winter Parenting Workshops sssc/sdsng it s Mcunday Moiir nsg Nexxîcrk (iniup ansd 'luesday ex ening xx îrkshîsps Workshsp topscs include nsaksng hahy fososd, hehax- sîsur tntd flt trainng. bIntssted chi/dcare foîr kit/s up tissix years îs/d is as ailahle titi msore tiîrstt.îtiist oîr Ioi recîisser. calISiea (')Oi 876s 1244, ext. 21 Prof essional bog Grooming 10 Appointmnents avaitabte 7 days/wk. q» 905-875-Tail (8245) j$ 438 Kingsleigh crt. Milton 905-854-5517 E- t> 2staytuned2@sympatco.ca yam Givi9 Enter tor your chanoe to ninunt. NWINprs 10Of 15 SGift (ard Grving Spplément Witt/be -obuted toi1 Mil/ion speca/4e se/ected jhouseh'o/ds December 6-9,2005. or A o cmn enter onKne at contests.leb»olndcom MIENRSTO: Metcsaiand Ce prate Sales. 10 Tempe Axe. WilwdaieOntane M2H 2N& ADDRESS:I UPOSTAL CODE: --TELEPHONE:-,.- Deadhne for titi ex xs Detee 1t i 2005 t2pm Wiens wilb announced by you litai Metoland Community NewsasDcem 21-23J,~c 200 nioies ot Mii nIant Print ng, Pubisi ng and Diti ui ng Lid and lhi Ian lex aie noi elibe t in thelift Card & ig Cot es Lmi one ballot pi onr rC Miltonl Import 1787a-E-CL I Car Centre Poesoa etfedwnomzZe USED CAR SALE VW Golf Jeffa, Ga & Diesel, TO/S5 Speed &Autornatic & Station Wagons.> Specializing in a/il îrport vehic/es Vo/kswagens 26PalS. io W fcw ril w.oelp.0.o -Fuel Injection & Diesels 9 58 60 4 GERHARD & RUDY (905) 878-5330.; , 583 Main Street E., Milton HOIDA GIF IOc~c BDSG We off er: con [ Digital restoration of t>R E 1<L damaged/antique photographs orph is Design Group *Digital photo editing I~;1 Change a picture of someone to be in a special place/situation Preserve your film memories: Analog to Digital Video to DVD. Add stilis, tities, music, etc. Please email for quotes.

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