Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Dec 2005, p. 20

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A20 -The Canadman Champion, Tuesday, December 6, 2005 il f/j h Best foot forward Yong-Soo Do, 18, of JSC Tae-Kwon Do showcases his skills for the crowd during the recent Milton Santa Claus Parade. IceHawks stili Milton now 16-O at Memoriail fol/owving weekend sweep 'llie lelac vks' hisse-ce suIpi etssas.Y ceiIssUes. WViile isu t yl itspressive duritig a hons ase iite stanid titis pasi sseeketd. tlie Westerns Cttsieresce fressi russers plîised ibeir sctird ai Metiseriat Aretta lis 16- w) tti a past tsf twttgîtali sctiies ssisicis tfed tiset is Io 2- i-1i oeettit Sulfertsg troist a iack of' finsîish j fo tir ss tif' Isle it Friday . M iltonî sut-sisîs tise iaseiett dstetitg Bufflot Jr. Sabres 58-16 but ssîsy itres aied 3- t. Andresv I.sverîsc backstîipped tise lceHa\vks tIo victttty sbile scerîitg svere Jîsi Sayweii. Dan Faibe and captais Luke Dubiî - nov back trtsm a sasîy case tsf tcîssnucieîtsis. Jeli Caister drew t is assisis in tise surprisisgly tsarrotw svn. Sunday abteissiti tise lceHasvks goi a gîtai and an assîsi eacis frit Mat Prîce. Keviti Mttrristtn ansd (Cbase Lasgeraap en route te ktîtckîtsg tiff tie Burlîngîtîn Ctsugars 5-3. Rîsîîîdîîîg tît flie scîsrîîg were Aarotn Lesvtckt ansd Jases Bergeront aî 17 yeaie îîd pîitîsia-gaiie piayiiaker picked up last sseek froits tise Bramspiton Capitais aittng svitb 20-year-eid Jefi Aisi svisttgîves tise IceHasvks a little moîre pisysicai presence up frontîsitd anttiier ssid f acetiff stan. (iîg lis Branmptonî vstas Asdress Taylosr, wîile feiiosv supptsrttsg casi fitrvard Kyte Bîctsek lias beeti deait iii tise Nortiser ('isîeretîces., ('ssttîîgvssd Blues. Mîiton is asîs ns tie process t rsssvîng recetty acqutred delesceisat Tyler Tewnisesd. lise lHassbegiît a issu ogaîsse rtt.d trip Tisursday in Brasptotn antd are iii Oaks itle Frtday its. Imoran Infreaio ForsAfet 4uis -T flo pain cutomr Moltw407 aT ustiomes pa teir ilî on ah reguari basisiand CIfot oafnce by plater denal 205Uhnftai ely, trare ofto peples h uste t highy ahe refue tof pay.n haisun t f pyngw cutes af ndidul the refpa se If py usei 407 ETR anboi avl euedtlas.u us yu ienepae Who Cans lTeis Bfecteed Plate denlai im ypa rtt% thm ielandida h reet euse 07 pay Is an blls-lectn pn-ccuoes lh Mth 40oveTRcmenwhu ay toîr boohs o arielrbs. ndke noter companes wic claedncacl cnfredtunor cu sere are ETR canotpreemae whousth iwa arefuse to pay. tîs o usfing opyigcsomr n the highway. Plat y uea was nT ace youhae thefu highway ayovrnmenls, owlcne adewsa key part ofe 1999aed of e thes gyu Pate denia iusalton palace.fo peop who rlefse py anickets Rigloat ae d a ea profue mm the cheadexs ae 07 T ero s a Indîvidual cnnotio hae the reea o , ta e of a y plat dei nes thy whve an ousane dsng baacor t et25ae, 407 ETR mus reet oloewha defsed ta oegslae fromus trhue s handtieins PlatI eIa Hav nae Dispute hgwywsgvrmn-we n a kyo have o the r1ht tal ispte ihwy plate denial noic t as inpe ortto As prtoft plate dental procee you arze gthen hne ofporfytotk. dispe noto aninepene artator e in5depeden ar7TRaut oo aresce by the Ontario Government and the disputes will be resolved expeditiously. Wlsere Can 1 Get More Inormation? For more information regarding plate denial, please go to www.407etr.com/platodenfai. If you used the highway and have nos paid your bill, you can cali 407 ETR Customer Service immediately at 1-88407-0407 or visit www.4O7etr.com ta pay your account. 407 ý Neither team or coachlGM did anything wrong: owner - from ICEHAWKS on page A18 Utotrturiaîely il(George cas 't pros de a sern ce te tbis club ste catit keep etnployisg iîm. George deesntl deserse thiîs hes, a gsssi coach and a decent hsumat bstsig. Forc'îsste '.quashed ruteisur bhat Dupoti sght etsd up csachsng tlie cue l'tletsets sg.1ht stetti iap- î\lthîuzi set ,etttttg nie tsi isucis detati ftie iHask. ssersatd tisai ai tie start sf the seastott lis players stere asked te keep doetîntaionr tnt tiseir es(-t'tpocket expenses se tisai îhey ceuld be ceîspes sated later. We didn't stasit a isack-aiiey type situatien,. exisiaitted F'trgiene. "The icague is isastcaiiy hangîng tbetr bsat tir onse sterd (bettus). Bottem lise is Geosrge Dupostt dtdtt't dis anyting ss.reng atsd tise lceHawks dîdn't dos attyttng ssrtsng. Tise dectstes svas made en a îechnîcalitty 011A presîdesi Bressi Ladds satd Thursday that tise OHA's three-ieiter ceîssîtsîttee ruied isased ets a .cpy et the agreeîseîsts tlie eatss isad s tus pia> Crs tisai tell eusiîde osf, otut ttdeiîtes.- fi regard ito censpessatîsg piayers. OHA guideises stale. nyexecutîve osr staff member cf an OHA team wt sî ktsîss ttgiy esmpensates a player ftsanctaiy fer bts set, s ces or is party ts. or bas kneetge cf such an uîtdertaktssg. istser thas fer reasîsîsable eut-et pecket espettses. ss ii be subjeci te att auteissatic suspension sticit ssii be deterîntned upes itnvestigatten osf tise tiscident. Note: reasenabie expesses tîsetude protective equîpsetî. sticks and skates. travet expesses and edu- cattittial expenses and/or moens and board if tise player is requtred te relocate te jois bts team." Ladds satd tisai wbile tise players tn question baven't beets ruled inetigîble. tise Streetsviiie Derbys svbo srîgînaliy filed tise cetssplatst agaîsst Milton are arguing tisai peint. Tisis suissequent prcstest couid assard tise eigisî points tie IceHasvks bave earned in four stîns ever Streetsvilie te tise Derbsys. i1 dets't kisow,, wbat Streetsviiie is up te." said Fîsrgîene. "(bey cas make ail tise appeais sisey want. but i dtsnt titk tisîse eîgist points wtli iselp tisem cettne piayoli, fiittt - with files from HERB GARBUTT Local grymnasts show strongly atfirst Ontario quahifying meet Mîisît Sprîîsger Heaiber Sadier sitruck ait .îteuîd _soid laie last ttsuntb ai tise seastsns f irsi provint cial quaiifyîng tsseeî. Sadier leook top) liseours ns tise Level 6 i(i year tsid divisin, bigis ligbiîg ber efftorts witb a lirsi- place finish ttn bars and a brenze perlîossance tot vaut. Sise aise piaced fourtis on beass and tilts os fltor. Brittasy Sebrader and Celesa Morgan eacis took bosrne tise overali bronze in tiseir respective divisions. Sebrader -a 12-year-old Level 7 Sringers,& À Notes gytsstiast -earsed lisp marks oni tie vauli asd took sîlver os bars. Sise wsta fourtis os beatc ansd sîxts os biser. Morgan, is lier birst year et provincial cempetittsn. uas sec- ond on vauli and tisird oit beam. bat s atnd ilîssît Lîtsdsa1 Brighti secured geid ots saut iii tise Level 6s. i(i-year-old class. Sise aise placed fourts on bars atsd ses eîsti tsî floor te take filils spet everail. leamniate Letgisîsn Banntsck was close beisind. earning sîlver osn vauli, sîxts on bars ansd eigsul on beatin te finishs sevet in tise aillaround standings, Maddy Battttck struck sîlver on vauli ansd ended up eîgst overail is tise Levet '7, 12 year-old divi- sions.

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