Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Dec 2005, p. 2

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A2 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 6, 2005 Halton candidates launch election campaigils By HOWARD MOZEL Special ta The Championî As a tîormtet- hotckey lly et. i laltîti I ici aI iîicuiiiieiîî Mi' ( iii Cati say s <te's tit stratîgel ii tîte ctild. .îlthîuglî he'd pri ee Io lit\ e a anioeterc.ipaign jui as lies eitlîyeut seseral tîîttes bettîre iii iis long: political careet. Unttirtuîtately, he saict. the amîbitioîns ort the tItiee Oppoîîsîiion leaders liasve iiacte that imtpiossibte -t1yuîîg iii the lace oft the 71< per cenît tf sters \o hot \ ould htasve lireterTed tii siait maiîîl tîte sec- ttnd Goiiîery reputr s released. -Ttey hasve neser tried ti tiake ihis îîîîîotîî îîy ltiaîieîts iii k. said Mr. Cari. xx iii especîs lus ctilipetitors tt lel te heat <rnit stîters Mihen îhey gît door kiiockitg. lIisteact. tlîey hase îiursued their tus ilpersoîi.i agetida. Tîteir tit tiiical iiitciests arc' moîre uîtîportant.- Onic ue <p-sîde. Mr. Carr said lits es[ierîeltce mieetinîg vîtters ~F (~ q.//~N\# Ct~&fffl~on ricut i Illiiii. lCii 21 Mîist Pe poitve îep alîyîeî ratie <aIl. Asve a rsui vttter ele tintitti tîsan îitialssbs sthay ie t inlral- i as 1eMalt îvrîîeî etu trîtîttiss ta diiire t eitiiticudn îîîîy<irbatcae rîst ofî gaime tax TI 2e88éii îis î cettt adsbti /H'/î4/ /r(wY/ tiitu«& Ructum IPÇtOrEO ro TI4E CHAM BER SCHOLARBHp :UAI1C PURCHASE VOUR flCIRTS BEFORE DEoEmtBff 23Fm MO BE EUGBLE TO WIN AN AUTOGRAPHED I UIESOAY, JANUARY 1 7, 2006 AT GLENCAIRN GOLF CLUB AUToG.RAPHS: 6:00 PM DINNER: 7:00 Pm TICKETS: $1 25 PLUS GST 905-878-0581 INFU @CHAMB3ER. MILTONON.CA 0OVEp Sao GUY LAFLEUR JERSEY!~ - $ 7)ikfihîi# *~Fo FO 5p$om1 F,4# o# Yoi& Le.u Ir-G t0t4 HocKEY L.EGENO j- -I~c.<so~ WOODBINE- Va imanlfetasments ARTuR LEcRicROYAL LEPAGE MEADWTOWNE REALT, ARTHU ELETRICJO)Yc HAGEVIK & ALAN MCDONALD 7' -AL-PAj CoitmucTiot SEwIcEs - OuRANTE GRoup oit CfPaEs - GoooLitE FITN~Ess CWBS - JENTY COSTRUTIN MLN- MAIEU.A COtITRACTING - ROERT (PIE) LEE INsuRAi<Ic AGENcY MANUuF BANK OF CANîAA - ITNPt lIOEAPY/RIVER RIOBE PH«SWHBWYY -MouwawG & MIU.WORK - NATALEx SERVICE - ROXUL INC. 55 ý d[i. \0i Sic vi iý 0 Mi. ('ai i\Venii on Iii say that lie's partîcuiarly priiud of Mr. Martîti's handliiîg iii tht spoîisirshijî scandai by ensuring that an investigation ivas iaunched and charges weie brought. "lie didn't sweep it undet the rug.' he said. Mr. Carr was a Tory MPP front 1990) through 2(0)3 (serving as speaker of' the house t'or the aist toîur years) betîîre jumnp . îng tii tedeial ptililics as a Liberai. wînning the Halton seat in the 20034 electîiin E Mr. Carr can be reached ai his catnpaign it<ce ai (905)467-868<3. Turner started early Haltim ('onservative candidate (Jarth Liberal i urner said last Tuesday rnong that he's Gary Carr relieved' the campaign is tînally underway aîtd that the deadlie has been set <or Canadiaits tii decide on their next govern mient. Mr. Turner has heen arty candidate I sînce Aprîl and said he bas been actively camrpaigning since May. dîne betIore the winîer,- be said, explainîng this includes establishiitg a campaîgu tice (86 Majit St.), organî,ing hundreds o)« vol- unteers. putîing up sîgns and gettîng litera- ture priîtted. -That's a huge amount of Conservative ssirk.- Garth Turner Integral to is ettorts bas been meeting people. and iii that end Mr. Turner saîd he has kîiicked tit 7,1<1< dotîrs in tbe rîding 6<1< thîs past sseekend atone -so he's in a gtiîid positîion to gauge the inooxd out there. No tne. be said. is complaining about the t iiiîiig ut the (hrisîmnas campaign. In tact. the [)euple <les spttken tii are ready and \isîling, tut use the puiser they possess for cttantgé. IThere ls a <air appetite <tir a s ote.* said Mi l'trnter. ait autbtir, brtadcastei. coluin- NDP îîîst. spteaker. entrepîretieur aitd tietober iof Anwar Naqvi parI imnent <tir the <irriter rictirte of) ialton- P1eel froit I 1< tlIi 199 3.i-le siet it on tii s te <iii the leadership oiI the Progressive (isestieParty. theit sersed as tederat Mtitite iii Nationtal Rex enue.) Mr. Ititei said lfaltitî residetits at-eut coisile iîiii ciien ie . ibit t aiitiei isses. ciiîisuorei coithfers bbut cnoi ise., ile 1ag t tutu hîiet iiiigaetasti i.esîieritelx ieeded tas relie)7 e Iare, alsit c riips uit. lie C[ititinued. but s tters are mottre ciiuceried abut access tii care as Green Party es ideitced by xx aitiitg trlles -anîd luit tbe Dr. Kyle Grice qnality ofi the care itself. As for xvagiuîg a canipaigit îîî the %vilier Mr. Turiter adroits thîs poises a challenge giveu tbe physical liitatiotns iiipcised by the ýwatber. especiatly silice ontdoiur rallies and other such events are tînt tif the questioin. Rentîîîg halls aîîd sîntîlar veitues svtll sînîply itake bis efforts motîre empensive. lie tmnly good thing. be langhed. is that ail candidates l'ace identical iturdles. It's a levet playiiîg field,- be saidt Mr. Tunier eari be reaciîed at <905< 33(1-858 I. Green Party about more than just environment, says candidate Haîttir Greeni Party candidate, Miltoîn cliirctpractor Dr. Kyle Grnce. istît pleased about tîte timting tif Ibis election but now that it's Itere. tîere's ntthttg tii dut hut get tint and carnpaign. Aithîîngh he adrnîîted that gettîng the public lui utîderstand that tlie (Green Party is abtout nîuch motîre than the envîririnment wiiI be attit Itîhli clînîb. Mr. Grîce reinains enîbusiastue and is happy he put lits nîaine torssarct ftir nominiation. -The Greetn Paty's vatlues are also iiiy persotîal values su ti w ill be easy t'or nie tii represelîl theti., said the iiiamied tatlter oif till soit wviti aittther cltild lin the way. Acttve iii the Green Party siltce tlue <ast election <sîben the parly fueldeut candidates iii aIl 31<8 rictitgs frint citast ti coasîl. Mr. Grice was pîcked tiinuit jusI tItis past Noveinther 8. Because uit that. he tîasn't liad a chance ttî gî dotît tidtîîr yet. but lias been gaugitlg tlie îîîîîtd tiI tîte electîtrate. whIicit lie said iruibably isolit tlîînk set îuîusly abotint fe electioi nttil itie Nevs Year. -I durit think flie timiîng liellîs aiiiytiiie.* saict Mr. Grnce. irbits a cltîrîpractîîr in Totitutti aiîtîg wsitti iis t'atlier auJ sîster. That said. those tii whoîîî he bas spuiken appear receptive ti the Greent miessage, especiaiiy sînce îîîaîy people are ready f'or reai see GREEN PARTY on page Al17 SPORTSNET'S Christine Simpson ?* MASTER OF CEREMONIES 0'N el~ THANK YOU TO THE FOLLowING SPONSORS: e ae' THIE TIALTON

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