26 -The Canadian Champion, Friday December 02, 2005 WCnei = ýeý7 e ML.,esCresr Dries~ Diee7; Dri7 ~ vers Schooi Bus Driver .ýyý ýI v 1Cal Mar v-~? eaiP95299-0834 ar Are you a stay-at-homne parent? Aiea aie 993 t1i07 -Too young ta really retire? -Need a part-time incomne? jMjneral telp YWm (mî(I f i( p notih tîîivîî ii i im piitsm 'm poiiSlalO u pportive' s-ny'ronimior Join the Ministry of Labour's inspection team and help reduce injuries in Ontario workplaces. As iii Occepatinnal Heatth and Safety Inspector, yoi ail: eiliiiiiiiiu Oiitiiialth aiid Salets ActîRuîyiîiiiîisý t)iidiCt ii1imîorviss istvi imiis ii repit,* engage mII efflimoiei lct)v1ties, iilmîlnq iriser milmiîu,er vsil amitmt tiu iiiî silrty parOies .nvikiŽi airnd iii tuaiamtinvit h ii ot n are 2 ra i lin piamtici-,,amui kiii i A lir'. Poit ions vie as ai aOlu a ivaimi, [ocai.imiiiLr-ss Siitari Su)fII POSI t Wan ar o rIn4mu ilic r eqijiri nîîîîm i(i. ri i ii A i ra lu mi wd IL v i ii ( ta mmii ),ii i riorrato,î iIriijrls diussmiimimsi sain Aiitîmi iii 1tL(l IWýý rIlIa nf 1ýIii laîn nisit www.tahour.gne.on.ca. Ii - iiiiis e Io i, at Recruitinglnspecto-s(nimot.gne.on.ca tOR cait 1-888-429-3475. Apuri latn ideail iii- 5 p.m., December 9, 2005. &Ontario CM-EEER * nmi nvgea *GnnM. Wy Pvia M-a111i èmnnm Royal, Leag RatEsae erics t i.- MIv va tar ikig npr 'nv% fi,av coî ia wt 8-rt opra rg f M .t0 aîn ir(a:I Roal g ea Restate c S ecaes !25tdc ,s îmie Raogs Weal n Caa iv oeîg comn nie Manager, Operations n thîs position, yoa wîll manage the adminstvrative staff inctadîng planning, vchedutîng yod otaffmng, av vieil as manage the IT systems in the branch. Yoo wîlt be responvîbte foriîmprovîng vperatî ng pro- cesses, liaison wîth Accoantrig, managîng thîrd party sappliers and handling procurement of ofhice suppties. Yos must have 5+ years office manage- ment experience, wîth an andergraduats degree in business or elquvatent. The încambent mont have esperience in dealîng wîth staff issues, a aemon- ottated abîlîty ta work in a fast-paced, sales envi- rooment and gssd communications skîlls csapled wîth a good andervtandîng of accsantîng and yen- dor relations. if yxu are qualitled for this position, please forward your resumne toi: humanresources@royaIt5page2.com We thank ail thove who apply, however, only Ihose candidates selected for an interview wîll be conlacted. Royal LePage iv an eqaal opportanty employer. ~I~eea www.labour.gov.on.ca ~~rieerx, ~~ers Vil GEOHOUiDAY EARN 6 FIGURE INCOME Are Yoir *Entusiastic - Professional * Dependable *Qualified Ieads - no cold calling -Foi poil Training - Attractive lenefits i1.800.822.3732 or 905.829.20i40 ovappsocictrarisport.com www.stoktransportationcom SSTOCK LMGeerHep EuGIHetp I HelI Leadîng Otario Road Maintenance Company reqvîrev îmmedîately Tempxrary On-Cali: DZ PLOW & SPREADER OPERATORS DISPATCHERS and EXP. WINTER PATROLLERS to maîntan Oîghways in the Tarants, Hamilton and Mîsvîssaoga Aiea In order to be consîdered, you mast have a clean driver's abstract, Shîft work iv nec essary, TWLI iv an elqaal oppartvnty employer Applîcants înlerenled in laînîng sur team shoald fax a carrent resame in confidence to. 905-637-9774, Attn: Ricks Milbe WO. Vilt Miss the Veadilimelt for fuida » Ttnrsday Il 11ia -2 for Ftiday Immediate opening for this position is flow avaîlable. Must be able Io: *Do repetitîve lifting, 50 to 60 lbs. ExFcellent English written and oral *Math and computer skills *Be organized, tidy, detailed oriented *Possess a strong work ethic and be a team player *Certitîed torklift operator an asset Fax resume ta Fresh Start Foods at 905-878-9010 Attn. Guy Ramsay DON'T MISS OUT! Great Opportunty in Buriîngton! Guaranteed Monthly Plus Gas Subsîdy Earty mornîng door to door Delivery of the Hamilton Spectator & Toronto Star Must have Reliable Vehîcie. 7 days a week Cali Now 905-639-7700 Ot PLOW & SPREtOtP OPERAtORS OIPAICHERS and EXPCIfi7ER POTPOLLERS JOBS AVAILABLE Production enork in the MILTON aiea. $12 $13, hi Ail shih avaîlable HCR Fax: 905-87h 4090 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Milton Lookrng for a great opportunity? 111,4 niiuld niiu like iii le rnvarded %ih greai heinefits. corrmpany inalh kkIS pensiom. safei% bouit and cliîihing allmances. iippmrtunit limefo griiînh and ILI nicenties?. Guardiaî Viherglass Ia Icadjîîg mnufacturer oft resideiiiial ilierglass iiisulaioi miiih poisiionm iipenngs for: Supervisorfl'earn Leader Iiv. .îviii, un I ý I,\ i ,, ii i a vi i liv lii i i î îr LI1 f1 1 i i ]il i iiicc îI i L i n i i i k 'i s 2 id \n II t'If nîonkInîI1 "ri mni~î îkr 'i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~I I'il IciicI dl- iiii- i i, i ,ln[,: Ili il ii ~ i i i.11' , I P>roduction NWorkers 1I4.1hi-. loistart- iimerciing lu Il.2l/thr. alter 6 moiniths fi l," nii i IIlc ISÇt I li i n-i k mmii u i[ mi Sec oui eh-mi 511 i iiiU mi i î-l t[III 1 - - mit1 mi ,lim) \11,iîii Siievi I u 11 -t ' I miii Rit 1 1 r i il i ~I *IT ici i - I I ali' Ili joiliII fii il lIn l, 5ii i~ i D)IRECTIIONS: iiî oil ' iiîiiiî itl I l'ii -il 15îî mo i oiiuîm 1iil Ille (;iard+li1 i mnii Inc.. i% an Equial ()pyîvrtinîie Epriploveur IFax-lie potîlne IExcellent viages. Cali 905-689-9812 or alter 7p.m 905-961-2014 Part-Tlie 'vei nring Ins(ructors Cali 905-8178-9747 PlE Sl& Spa Help Salon & Spa *Hair stylists *Aesthetician @Salon Attendiants Cali Shawn 647-286-0541 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 1 Careers 1 General Help