A4 -The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, November 29, 2005 MM£UUoijLe02 Sý Milton I[Smoke alarm alerts man M",9 9«M 1,_t 0 V 1@ y, Onliner Temporary Road Closure Thompson Roaci South from Main Street East to Childs Drive The Town of Milton, in conjunction with Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) and GO Transit, are in the initial phase of the construction of a Grade Separation at the CPR crossîng on Thompson Road South, north of Nipissing Road. The initial Phase of the project includes road qradinq in preparation for a track diversion. n order f0 expedite this work, the following road closure wiIl occur on Thompson Road South from forth et the CPR crossing to Childs Drive, as noted below: From: Saturday, Decemiber 3, 2005 at 7:00 a.m. To: Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 11:00 p.m. Accessto Milton Memorial Arena and Lions Sports Park wIII be provided on Thompson Road from Main Street East. Access to Milton Baptist Church wilI be provided from Thompson Road South. Efforts will be made to schedule work during the day light hours, however, weather conditions may resuit in construction activities during evening/morning hours. For turther information, please contact the undersigned: Mr. Phil Antoniow, C.E.T Project Coordinator, Town of Milton 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Phone: (905) 878-7252 ext. 2512, Fax: (905) 876-5029 e-mail: phil.antoniow@milton.ca 11 I x le >l x ;I xx M ilton x l iLI î\I iixi ixxxx i lix i1 x\L'x ('li x'i Lx1 iit \I " ~xx xx'ie l lxxii xl xcII i x 'Il xiiii h, 1 w lx i' xixxx xI \i1il1 iii i( IICIx' lxI h.> xxià,a i" lxx lxi ho a, l x i l], xxI1 pýI lxliii xl' L1 1 L I L' 1 1 L I'I l1 W L Ili iflxx L il- Hi ii 1 l llxitl Il\ II I naxîlxx'1 x'IlIý thx' , lx'i x N Iixxi ýI)Ixii iix'xjxix lxx iti ixixi lxx i"lII \lxLdiL;ii'xxixx x ,01exlx I x', a 'lxxx il IIlx i hiiilxliii" C lose caii xxiiIx ixxxx'lxxxi lxxi,I 1 il xxx) iol Ixx lxx' Ixxl xc xix xxxI Ilx x I xlxxlx' l le iî 'xIxikx' xxx nx i \\axixx.'xx, xiliai in I lx' c xxxxxxxixxx' .i li x axxidx. ixiii i HIllox. jxIx Ilx' ale xxx ile l I andll/lxiii~i. xxîl x' xli l i xxi xi la a xix!p1 ,Man charged with robbery, assault A NAiixix x'xxidexxi lix hexxi xii ii"xHui i xxxiii anx ýItiiiiii xx x xxi an xxii axx kixle îxîîix'x xxii 1111ca lieri x i li xi nt xlIx ' iI Ille xi iiexîx o lx x iIxxi a( abouti iiiiliiiliit Nxi xiixi i xx Ille' îxîixx xl xixx parking ale i xxx ailxxii S ii i xxi i xxII(Ionx lxiIII Ciiillx'xIxxxlxlxxx xx 'Ila xxi e outi !x Ilîx xxii an lxx xixixxi exxx ixixi xai Iliu ii' fix l s [lx erxxxxl ixeiicixaionx Ihitx a xllaiiiii xii xcaii xxee xtxxlcii 'l'lie xxxix mxen kxxexx eac xxi ilex poxice xix T'here xxcx*e xi xexxlixx xcioiixiis i spei'c' i\\ias laiex x xe liii Brapi o oxilxxx xx auniîe- iaied xiaixex. anxd liaixi Reg'ixxial Plicxxe xxere xxii xci 210iy car xxld icaxe C our ('xxiixxi haix heexi cl'arged xx xl xxxhhex y andi axxxaiili xxiii a ux eipx NDP AGM to be held this Thursday lie 11alixîs NDJ)' Riîliix \xxîcixiiii xxii lI hoxi lx inm lý,n la iiicx'ixiie- Ilxxxl nxxeîîg ii Mîiiîîîî 'l'lie exen ciiiI xxie heid It Ille I ( J)Drury I'oxxix Scio l xxii. icaixî oin the liixxlî ,c lîiol'ý x I)iaioi Street camupus, and xx il] start ai 7'0 1i 111. IJ'hixe %\ ho> attend cao mnei atîux' NlDP candlidate. Anoxxar Naqi (~Y - pft)/e»/ pre. j15THE 4TH A TuEsOAY, JANUARY AT GtANCAIRN G AUTaORAPHE: 6 ___T1lCKET9U $125 P BEMm ~ 23Mf ~ 9588O M EEUL Mje. WI AN l NOOCHAMBIERWMI AUTOGRAPHED I GUY LAFLEUR R k) Irne-v * FOR THE SPORTS FAI Ir- HOCEY L6O thr, iJni n TO T HHE Y PuLANum: THE HALmN Co SILVER: THEu CANADIAN CHAMPION - JACI - WOOoeINÈ ENTERTAINMENTI lhOeM: APO PRINTINGa INO.- REXDA MILTON HOME HARowAFu Bluu.oo>a CExamn - VoG Fmumg: Amiiup ELEcnnc - ROYAL LEPAoe ME JovcR HAooxfl & AcAN McDOr Taai. Spouois DuÇiANJT Gçoxw OF CoNpUAwIs- 'Mxu CoeNToiiiw M«lUFo BANK» OF CANnAU -'MOJLON & MIAUdIR - NATA .JlrOxo[ME UPPR OuFen UR GENERU oteoS PONORS, rits PuES OONAIOO D JAOOlOl Ewnu INC 'l'le exeîxiig xxxi! alxix l'eixure gxexi xspeaker Dr. lxxxin Ix ,ýt iviixa xxlx'!Ixl hxîx Ille îuxxexxtxal impact of' ffii Ax aUI ["ILI xiithrexx xii tue i egior. Aller the prexexitaxixin. NDP remberx in attendance Ill xl cx a ridxutg axxociation executive. Lapxed mnent- hex'xhipx can lxx renxxxxd ai. the mxeetinxg. [or more information vixut www haltonndp.ca. ~ "oIlmft(' SMOKING 0 Pm w hat 's the .0 Pm N ON VouR LisT' S eday, yoo'll be offered a cigarette or be templed te smoke. Belore you nIait, thxok about il: every drag yoa lake ocrews up -,Smokinîg can cause permanent damage 10 your boxdy. Once a perxon starts, i becomes extremely iough 10 quit. And dxd we mention ail that cash yoo'il be biowxog in ~4Ur the proceos? iH~ xSa, if you're templed lu start ask yoursell, MPASS "What's the point?" csoN EwrxsTs Irgc. GROUP LE REOt-Mix This mesxage EL A~RT - MILTON TOYOTA broughî l toxu byý inSnnwmnS - ROUe lmc. MtER ociai WOULUI NO! 000 -am