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Masi noave good communicatiors sk ils e bondabie nove a dean drive record an o our oct nails Joîforro and coor an venine îo v Oe Senice Rad ene i,,yoking fun ai ya 1anenr etr p es taon dst w CP Ep arero nnev Cvrg We ne iiv ioakîn fo so eone ilsr rn yean &operien l anft ainstaivp Toap lease email u reume o an satryexaiso agece se.gd F fl 0 Ofaea HOalie strongt tanraanCaurrg utontri local- edd an agemeor at d mnine ai fihe Soarh aeic roge a d r ei îtx ngfr yn Wor adg t a dyn managent r eam. ti CADMO CA oatbea ecIfeNAmmnîtr wita P xp hîtay at eîa t aeae plaer The ep 55 0fre a potîtînor soma n e îanîit oro re scorsekere n a omntatie poîg brnerese cudtomrs sand avenomt the eour cun caver note statiag sairy eepeatona cv@pian sogecobtrans.com Wetoa al cladidate Coer renfhae nd coadruo iii e caatacnsted Asitatfo ir acrsng eanenr--ý a e t, tieek ir a Cofie T ix as in rim e, prandia en orthi he position teietle rme wre a Tieielo addtfwfIb progressionaponi l ,t tokn iadme management e a.ti PrA/ o fiCiencte ant exetcros Of ic to amlatywith osatoyofb i ng ol cotatere mpa sisoerIn prosoes oinna Porcas raers Mooire dtal oiete Fteaesed catshoud utter resume cvobsQnand.com Reotn er teCondrto fl e h0 ntaxistion geerv ofcrenl admîn o nAmnstrationvemfet rpr An assistance forthe RPr n pr epar en Tb su c eo idea thcaieate w e a pan met beaîl sn ented oan zd ndiv ori u sîn ord, ex e e and acces.Ideiy th appicaost ffi ce ane es Mund edctoe ackran nreting. Please aplynd onfdenme o lobs@emnoeacsm wordcormDomt aIplil irocai a: leusi eaf or iO evai r enper er e Av Ce fini poinrt or aillact fui rire orgaizatioa, the Rv epini,,i mus ic av v ei and highle protles voraliiiîrrlcl n The ir vsei nuri die sojad kiocredge of Juroo and LO x Celer! aonipiei n C iijin in ngil aîîr 1 isvct PIeuse termard pour resame tec cearvîshO )innomar-stretegies.com Websîte: www.innomar-strategies.com, Kmowiedge of gemeral Iede payroll, accouats receivabie & payable. Use of Sîmpiy Accouatmg software necessary Cali Centre Debt Collection Agents Needed FITperm. Roqoîred ta mark Dapi Euenisg seCfs Must have evcellent communication skîlis. Wili trois. Carrpetilive Wiage n pasuses & Besefîto Cul 9015-491-7373 Please Kecycle this Papier Forever Young. Corrodas ieaîng publi co ora 50.. consamnis ond a division ai Metroiaad Printîng, P,.blisinrg & Dis lrîbutîng Ltd. is seekîng on vvpvrîeaced ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE Tee ideal candidate wiii possees a mini- mum 0f Ima years priaI advertîsîag sales epenionco, mîth an impressîve business deveiopomeat record, Agency oxperronce ix also an asset, Tire selectod candidate wiii have an entrepreneurial spirit, the abîiîty il mark bath as part of a teamn and îndependenty, and wiii be eatnemely weii argaaîzed. We are lookîag for e self- starter miro is eîgeîp motîvated and hes encollent communication skîillx, bath vînt- ton and oral. In this noie, you wiii be customor focused and mîlI bonld strong reiatîonsfrîps mite nom clients by onssnîng tfrat tireir adver- tîsing needs are met. You mîlI ho goal- onîented and capable of meeting regalar monteiy budgets mîthîn a deadlîne fai cused envîronment. If you mnuld liko ta mark for e leader in tire media îndustry tfnis npportanty may ho tire ngirt ose for you. We offer a cnm- petitîne compensation package and bene- lite as woîl as possîblîtres for future ce- reer growtir. If interested pIeuse formard your reaume indicating Foreser Young in the subject fine, n0 latter tiren December 9, 2005 to; careers@haltonsearch.com fax: (905)632-0308 Wo approcîaeo tire intoroat of ail eppfîcamts howover onty tiroso oofected for an interview wili be contacted. No phono ca//a or agoaciea pIease. Requîrod /mmedîatoly New Car Sales Person xponîncxd prxfxrrod but mîlI train tire nîgirt candidate/ Exp. F&I Manager Installer For Fast Lane (ail, filter and tire changes) lsterostod candidates are învîtxd toi fan tiroir resamos ta. David McDxrmott Fax 905-632-1876 or Email: d.mcd@TerraceFordLincotn.cam Fareven Young, Conado's ivodîng publli- cation Ior 50+ cansunreru and o divisin ai Mvtnolonst Prîntrîrg, Pubini mg & Dis Silbiilinq Lia iv vvvekir-g on expvrivno.ed ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE tie ideol icanidate wîi pasuesb a îîîîrnl îîrîîî of ico yearv pi or averlisi n ' ales oxpr'rienoe. cîri ai înnpressîvv businress devolopîrreal reordl Agercy experience iv nis aon assel. Th e sveoted candidate wifi hove on entneprveerial spirit. the ilte, 1 onrk bote as pntari o rvtam and îndependely, ana wîii be evlrvmviy wvii anganîzed. We are ioakîag for a self- starter mCa is sîgirie marîvalvd and sas evcellnt communirîcationî skiffs. aulir mut- tva and onal. la rais noie, you miii ire customen focused and wiii buîid stroag nelatioasiîpe wîti new clients by easurng tiret thir adeer- tîsîng neede are met. You wîli be goal- orîeated and capable of meeting regular mnntirly budgets miehn a deadlîne foi cused envîrosment. If yoa would lîke ta work for a leader an tee media lodcin tlnis appontunîty may be the rîgirt ose fon yona We offen a com- petîtîve compeasation package and bene- fils as viil os possîblîties Ion future ca- reer gnomte. If înterested pieuse iarwOnd yaur resoma i ndicotiag Foneven Youag la tee sub1ect fie, no bIten tan Decemben 9, 2005 ta, careern@hattonsearch.com fax: (905)632-0308 We opprecîate tee anterest oh ail oppicantv however ooly those selentvd for an interview wîl be coatacled. No ponme ca1 ti o geacies pieuse BELL WORLD CAREER OPPORTUNITV Bell Wortd - 377 Main Street East in Milton is xeeking an INSI DE SALES ASSOCIATE fi oremanent fu ll nnioenîîal wCo ns iv nîlale to vlanl imvdialy Candidates rnosl s' costomer service oioal work weliiin a fasr 0paed niranalent ana enioy orna ag iorng Creail erperivace coold se on asser. Cowevvr, troann wiii 50 prsviOea for the right candidate Please uppip in persno 377 Main St. E. 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Woî id Cov likv MeiaDna la coîk i as [ipecaIe iun nî a x ing envi DENTAL rormei-r Thn Nor-ASSTN cair Tihe Farnîtare AS IT N bleu a aul ice t LEVEL Il Please fee yoar C-vil lime for bv e resume le, Brigitte et lover arieoied 90f5-332-6748 Cîgir loch proor vo ' optl Cati Joan MdpI,[Dental 905-878-9882 VON VON HALTON Georgetown and Acton Areas PSW Conitract positions (34 hrs./Week) available immediateyt We offer. *Paîd orientation *Campetitive wages *Trovel reimbonsement *DuC. eavanig and wvvkead ehifis Pteaae appty foi: Humain Resourcen, VON Hatton. Fax (905) 827-5476 E-mail: hamanrexources@vonhaton.ca Only naose candidotvs seiected fan an Vterinary ep VterinaHelp HetR el etaurnt otel Retn lis now Iooking for Fuil/Part Time: -Une Cooks, -Servers and -Deiivery Drivers We provide a tus morr envîresmeot thira inciades: Flexible Heurs, -Advuncemenit Opporlunsîes and -Regala Wege & Performance Reviems Appty in person at: *550 Ontario St. S. -1505 Guelph Lino Miltan Burtington Or ornait reaumne tai: Haiton.pizza.hut@gmai.con Tise YMCA of Otireille reqaires Eartp Chitdtsood Edacators for sac Toddîor, Preechoal and Schsotl Age Programa. Thse are FIT cxntract and sxpply positions. Competitixe saîary and benrefita. Applicants must be 18 yearsof oage. Crimninel Roforonce and Medical checks are reqaired. 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