The Canadiar mEýtetiýep MO inrlHetp j iep nra Hep enra Hep MItHeta ep ijiep i Champion, Tuesday Navember 29, 2005 - 27 W hyS ut tord1 (t irrîrvcir ROkSI'. tîeiiîi saItt htî anrd viiiliiiîg altiiiiarîccs o p hiii %fr grrirîlir n v iril n irî-iiis1 tivriiaii -uiertaiss is a leil in, IIIa tIf'a isiîtie f eidIiiaIîc nir llli41 Nil ,Super-% isor-/FIein Leader rriir il, -r v ýI,rr u u i , - 1111,1d rrli irir- irri i\ rrr rr il nl r ILI. r i r i r \ 11 1 riril r t r j l rc, r rr in - -- r, rr Ili i " I i ll I ý PriffllLctjtîn W orkers S14.11 tîr. lii -tart iiiin-asîii[ Io ,16.20 tir. aller tr noti Il-i l' 111 1<1ý 1/45 LI? R 40,00 tifF/,R il) R. liv- rikr. - "i ifl ,1f Lfii i , v. ,ii mi t, i \ ,I 'rllr irrrrr da\ li i oithr rI i v Fe, oialw n i iliriair, soct liii isul' icui I"% r uni' m( ,n 0o ovi Yo iie al h scîrrn I iii i p p Ilî i riinîi li DIRLU Mai IONS îRd1_4 F3 u - rîî ri t O- ta /rio . OB r n 1T lîi vîîîî v cviri i rs irr t lirrcîpînrt n (a inný, utin IIrîI rr-ît, Guurdan iiberinîs, fric.. is arr Ceirai Oppiirtiîîric frrnpiîer teaarng Onrarro Road Marntenance Company requrrea rrnnedarely Temporary, On-Cati: DZ PLOW & SPREADER OPERATORS DISPATCHERS and EXP. WINTER PATROLLERS lu naînlaîn hrghways rn rhe Toronro. Hamrlron and Missrssuga Ares in dcer ru 6e cunsidercu. yov mvst have a dean drrver'v ausrracî, Shift wsrk !s niecessary. TWD as an i/quaI upnrrvunry employer Applrcanrs rcresteo in jornrng sur cari suld fac a cvrrenr resune in confidence to 905-637-9774, Ato: Ricks McCabe. WD. ADULT CARRIERS We arc seekîng indivîduals, preterably with esperiecce in dlour-ro-door delîaery, who waaid lîke ta arin car team of inde- pendent contractons delîsering an impar- tant Oakvîlie publicaticn Wednesdays, Frîdays and Sarsrdays each week. Tf/eue pcsitions reqaire adaits who are reliabie and cccscientîos and are bdest ssired ru tf/ose who enjoy the ourdoars and an incarne based on the amount of work they pertarm. To explore, please contact Bob at 416-720-1666 or 905-637-8795 s.U ILE' PPETC Douer Indusries Lrd -Haltun Flour Drvisron sas an immedrare Full Time upcnrng ar our Acrun Flovr Mll. Wc 08cr un rhe lob trrarning. f/cer package avd pension plan. Srarrîng rare tri so /oui vhrf work ru requrred, Successvl candroare musr have Driver's ircense, Grade r12 cumpler on, vtrrng me- chanîcai background, perceprive in priorilrang and lirtvirIl mrnimal svpervision lnovvra environ- ment and neauy if/mng vs reqaîrco F case fax rcsume to 519-853-0446 or spply ru 45 Chvrch Street West, Aclcn or erraii bsegarn@auvergrp or, NO PHONE ENOUIRIES PLEASEI The Oakville 1B"ezver We reqvre relini ofrrrrar dev-iverrrrigf vrrr ror,,t rn WVVeire v Frrr r vir v, r ih vver-e ""rL ri j r il )V r r -, rï Irrî --v-r-v or- ci r ,q, -, i ;Ivil lie iv 0 have nr-irarý i hyei r 6r 1rire -la/ it?, 'irr .tY ni: ve rvrvr iv noo rir,, rrý - r,rrr 10akviie ana rf/v cr,rp vv nased on the nvmbr-r vf rJI-lavii-. rmade We in vi[e vti lv vupirî th/,rarr i Cumte uon our teai We are luuning for Full rime employees f/aurrgs Frogran Healt/ ýDenral Plan Competîtîve mages Pick ap an i application ar 515 a lrove ~rr (4mins trom QEW & Ford Dri Drop off or fax toi (905) 844 2017 j OZ PLRW i SP9E9DER OPOIOTOIS MS8lÇTlERS ad EXPIiNOR 81FbLtRS JOBS AVAILABLE Prodactiun work in tf/e MILTON ares. AIl shf/r/l avariable HCR Fac: 905-a7h 4090 or Tel: 9b05876-4661r 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Milton (Ai rr u n t I ii r eut 4491 ,ýil: resus î, i Io de ivEr tire p aper in mer fov/raig areasý Kerns Roacd Lytord [ane Cavendisr Dr Klrriu rive Wr ittaker Drive Msicor Civs criC vheril rve If you are irrterested in a route aboce, please cati Ryun at 905-632-0588, extl. 263 Anu!t We corcd ~IeI ~ Zetiers Mitton is file HIRING IMMEDIATELY P/T Server (16 to 24 hrsf [rv P/T Cooki (16 t0 24 tirs) F/T OCercight Associate (28 ta 40 nri C rr1r rtîv-' & c -l Ptease apply ut the Customer Service Desk Z +eeriHetp ieral Hetp DON'T MISS OUT! Great Opportunity in Burlington! Profit cf $600-$800 Guaranteed Monthly Plus Gas Subtidy Early mornrng door ta dool, Delivery of the Hamilton Spectator & Toronto Star Must have Reirable Vehîcle. 7 days a week Cali Now 905-639-7700 Top wageswth eceent benefts IOwn transportation recommendedl j eafax resu e toi: 95-87891 j Attn. Chrts Nogalo I ookn or ian energetic saves orientated mndivîduar t0 loin ou teéînas a SALES ASSOCATE AI 1he Georgerown !ocation i-oy/O are SalvrOayv 8 QOan 4 0Opm and Svrdays 10Offam d 2OOpm nlerevîco candrdatev p eave lorward yovr resume to mnaovm@applestorage com or lai to 905-873-4672 PART TIME SALES 1. paint and housewares depar. 2 evenîngs 5-9PM & îc4aing weekends. Most he comforiabie voîna a confiet and have sonne decoîaing soîls. Fax resume to 905-878-4049 Mitton Home Hardware Buitding Centre 385 Steeles Ave., Mitton mittonhh@bettnet.ce FREE TRAINING. Laidlaw 10 lookîng for RETIREES and HOMEMAKERS îvj fon our GREAT TEAM of School Bus Drivers 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 I/719 Fuit Time Postion Acaitable jHev flig iv veo FaP rune o 519-833-0644 LABOUER1 l -v iti u bie loi w, Eincto 15198306441 MAN, -i-1 ha a vacafiyf WEEKEND ONLYI SECURITYI Fax 905-878-1790 bit Fr De 2,5 LABOURER Pari Fu/i T/me posîiins avariable, Pie/ereirce aiven Io owners of eiheî D ni DZ Lîcerise Eîpeience wih îunnrng Heavy Evuremeni an asser CatI 905-878-6258 or fax 905-878-9493 Need a Job? Are you 16-24 years otd? We can help Cali JOB CONNECT at Sheridan 905-878-4956 Ecelet oppurunyl foi sel starer ooking Lo baida areer.Ful shippng, recervng, production etc. Fax resumne 905-337-0328 Pc ý tmol perfomri pubnelectrical oepuis on vina I Iswnihoase unis in experienced. Fac e- same to v16-661- 8772 Mac. 3 pages 1:COR r;,- ýj i Ir ,- 905-8069526 uve ciif ie ieh ir a ootdetreire tpIe.i wentremedo opoit nt I S vrvr re n pe& pernonal dlays, ai ela i-h-o riig C va 1,f ctin n -Capabl e or nsveraely heavy in/rn ,ash ardcausrp erie epervienre ne vivelu p/naît vvriv yovi resvrîre bc fax tu: 905-946-1860, or by p maril ru Reîune wii aisu ne acteFiev ar PET VALU' WWW-!ttYAtNColêI I INUITECH Engineering. Milrun pro- .. j~j- ~ vides rndusrry virIl custom Automar- j- r J ed Welurg & Dvtring Solutions We îa~T~~~'flî are conerantrp uearcf/rng for vni the irs & Most Talcnred peoule, & haue tf/e tsilswrng spenrngs: Senior and Junior Application Engineers Creaive Mechanîcal Engîneer wrrh utrong wrrsfen and oral communictions skîls and sarlabe experrence in rf/e design ut atonnarea machînery ana rsborrcs. Prutîcrency in AarsDad and Excel reqvrre A workrng kvueledge uf weling pracesses ru a defînîte asset. Customer Satisfaction Manager Daurdînares a 24 f/sur service team cumprîsrng electrcal, mechnal asd con- trois personnel, Tf/e proven ablrty ru sulve custumer issues avd deeelup a parts and service business rus reqaîred. Ecperrence sererng tf/e aumurrue cecrur lu s defînîte asser. Senior Mechanical Engineer/Designer Manages rf/e prujectus mechavîcal design phase. Respuvuible for ff/e on-rime release, engineering design sud aunctîunalty ot innouatrue and cosf effecrîve automation macf/rnery. Strung commvnication ukîllu. tf/e abfrty ru lead others. 0061, 3D CAD and a nac/rnery f/ackground are reqarred. Senior Eîectrical Controls Engineer/Designer Manages proîecf clectrîcal desrgn. programmrng and cumruurunng. Respon- sîbe tor ail aspecrs of electrîcal design, PLC prsgrammrng. and installation sup- porr Srrong commvnicaion s/Ills and tf/e abhrf/ Iu lesd urhers in a cari envi- ronnent is a nui A-B. Siemrens, robur programnrng and AvtaDad eeperierc is reqa red. Aalomorrve eperrence is a de/irte assel. Please respond via fax at 905-878-2817. Dniy those candidates veiected wr// be replred to. THOMSON MuraIs & Dispcsvi Protessionals in Meta! Ru cîrrOng Wvvte Managemnt yod Deriolitor rs 00ok rg for o LICENSED TRUCK & HEAVY sEOUPENT MECA 1,,5 Yer Ceieneo Tirucks'i i& ieýv Mus rnpvt rv . -: r ner v ici Fieaue torwari resume tu Maintenance Manager 961 Zeico Dr, Bariiogico, ON, L7L 4Y2 Fax: 905-637-6267 Full Tme MlonaF 905-878-8156