The Canadian Champion, Tuxaday Noxember 29, 2005 - 25 Crat ale CrftSale& 3ea 35a 11À11I eMeram I 3morim vgF oesvet ep-I CgEorEe -a zar - I t! p 'Pfotter> Studtio A Peruonsi l'oueh Studio 359 Pit st. Mitonî 4 Maîî ettî't Nîtiaits "Stalurdl Glass'f Ait & traita Dee.3rd &4th 5 Sait. & Sun. ttazu-Spm Conie In! We"ni Open.* Catie - Heather &Rab Are ihrîllea te aceouxce Che sale arrivai oft Cxii aagerr Reagan Patriciu. bore on November arC mxigtriog 6 los 9 oz We misS t0 ihaok ail ot ovi clieots ai Orale Faim for their e ippo0l ana kîeaeess doriea sacS a minexirvii ion oui [ies, il ts irai8 appîxciaixo Speciai reanko le Sasao and Charlee for eonrothiooi REEO Stephes and Kelle-Anne IDiamaudî and big bruther Ramas aie iriied Io an couece the bioS etf Scurtette Etma-Ann on No- vember 7. 2005 ar Paoi Hospital en Faoli Penn soIvacia. Searltce meîghed Clcs, 40z, ana is wmarmly meteomea by giacapareers Diane and Cob Diamocil of Milton, and Barbara aod Lotis Revit of Hamploc. Vîrgîcia Auci Metîssa and Oncle Robr are dxlighlxrl milS rhxîr oe niece Place y aur Rbhs Birth Annauncement in t he Milton Canadian Champion, tîd you wîil î&ceive t vouchtî for ýoe Fret Oraisoi your ($2500 etise) ofOitmeto Cali 905-878-2341 oa plp yosî moeneiel I B3ureau rîease give generously ai 875 Main St. Milton, Ont. UST 373 DUIGNAN, Elizabeth Auue Peacetuiy, milS tamîiy by et aide or Sueaday Nover eer 27, 2005 aI Milter District Hospîtal. Predecrased by ber Cossard William. E/aogC ter ofth1e laie F.WC Fitzgerald yod Oryba UcCenaban Deai molCer or Patricta Anne, Vennti Elizabeth and 0cr buabaod Jeo Sugi- îono John Fitzgeraldanud Vitoria Jane and Cet hosoard Roeret Ooîdae Freotia miii e 10 xîved aI the J SCE/TT CARcO FiaNCRAL HOE. 21 James Street, Miltron (905)-878-2669 or Tvxaday nrom 2 d and 7-9 p m A tanerat srvice miii e heid in tire Chapel on Wedresd av aI t1t 00 a m milS îeteîmxrt te toiiom rn Ovoîgire Cemeteny Il destina ir lieu et tlomera donations In the C roadrar Carncer Socoetym vudbe api'eciulrl CORDINGLEP, Margery tPeacelvil aI tho Mtltoi E/trt rHos .ptat on Sataîdlay Ncveîntier 76 2005 tr, fier 'iirS veat Maigr8 C rfdoîjicv tree 'tiesitti t)elcvcl 'd f i jE/i) Ct-io.1ý DEr mte0v-r tf Caleri ara hos mUe Keei Lieds anti Soi Soseara Waiiy Masscn Davia attd hîs mile Cathertine, Draie ara Ser huade T i vrMarn Dsîvg ataîtasmité LSaia. Wa1veaand iSl Rose ana John ara Cia mtlc Darit-ne Lovîeq gtardmolCxi ot Ceaie, Nîil Couriney, Tort Carmer, Dayra, E/airer, Tracey, Steven, Danile, Jodîx, Veîemy. Melîssa. Kyte, Myrte ara Aexandta, Predeeaset iy ber brotCer Ai- bert Johcatat. Restieg a; the Lee Forera Hume Lîmîlit, 258 Ouer Street SoutC Streets- ville lUisaîssauga Rrad soutC et doit or Mon- day and Tueaday from 2-4 and 7-9 PM. Fanerai Service te Eden Unoued CCorcC, 30Cr Caleixord Reat, Mîsaîssauga (Ballixiord aI Wîesloe CCurchll Pied.) or Wxdeesalay Nouxmbxî 30, 2005 ut 1 30 PM. letermeet te SI, Sîxeran' Cxmeeryp Perry, Geaorey Suaîtenly ulth1e Mltxn District Hospiîl on Sue- day, Nooembxî 271C 2005, eoffrey Pxity of Miltron, belovea Cvsbaea of Are)t'onny Loving laitier et Ho yalon and Cms mite mrece Vtotan Pxiny, Lcaioy SCerman Nîna ana Cet evabara Pau; Cmrson and Greg and Ilis mita eorali oadiy mîsanti ey Cia 14 grandchîidîee) ana a ti iý soit Hi,.lit w'1 tuit otvyt Ot', bovrg mite and enLs lîîoîîdi Soîla of Fergus and Cxeii moodertul poppe Mytfie Foodty rîrunîber by Oie cidrit Matra8 Lîpeat (joy), Fraok Ltypat (Laîri). CeIC Lîppai lHaok), Frankîx Chartra and /orîao Kace VJoire) Robert miii be saay miaseci by Cia grand- ebîlitîxo Rachel, Micirael, Robin, Christian. Tale, Antre aed Jazz, Oumîvea by Cia biolCers and sîsiera SCirley (Rsudyt, Zita (Joie). Tberxsa l(Don), Dame, Acne, Rollanit and Margurîle (Feuei) Predeceased Sp bis brolCer ArCur. Robeot miii torever Se in Che creîeory of Cia trîxoda ai Maple ceaI Acier te Feteva, co mork- era aI Mueller Canada and mary otCer lite-long Irîxucta Robext courugxouaty axîvea i te UniIxa States Aîmy dorîrg Che Kxrear Coolliet. Frîeda vîsîled milS lire lamîily aI the GraCam A E/îaay Funeivi Home and Chapel 289 St. Daoid Or Southr ni Feigus, on Oueaay, Noonmbeî 27, 2005 Fooiai Service mas coodactea on November 201C, 2005 ai 1 Oitpm te 1Cr Funrai Home Cirapel. Cremalior tolen Memoriai donationa car bo dîrxcted le the Heart and Stroke Foooicalîoe carda avaîlabie aI Che Fuxxîai Homne (519t)843 3100 mmm grahamgiddylhcvomi A.S. May (enro Loi FaiI Artd Woi ed inviled la visut ai the 12ERI K5 H.00 ' = AtclsWne NERAL HE/ME 114 M2ain rt t2itltt tic 878 4,IS- fo 2-4 çn, and t/teii tTesttaysss Tii, eaiaservcomi lt'e in tii- iir i Wnrti tOlGCina Sil S iei- chapot 0o Wadrtcs iay N 'veineetit ver, L-01tUil Ici ups. 200'5 aI 11 00 ;iri ANs toînrssen if syapa ýiyii [9 ,Itout 'ometrsý rCy mentia donatiees la liii- MîSon Disetrc ski. Glass i icwilier8 Hospitl Fouedalîoe or Word Vision moald be ela leys, caitectîies. appecatdost aies Cali relit apoîcuala - Tracy 905-331 2477 3111 nMmoram M 5 e moram FLYING 'lION Car fr al lu laviug memsryr 1993 E/edgx Spirit Cxi- ai aur ulece aud cassis tîtîxitîx lxalxd, on tuai NATALtE CLARKE Aakîng $1.650. Coli 905-878-806C or 518- Ilia Card la Seluxox unether year Cas goce Cy, 853-9495 Yaa are musset mare eaoh day unit mut ai- maya Se un sur Cea/ta, Hor musitertul ut moult be la spent some tume anCh pou aeaus to esîoy yoar ense ai humour aird pour love ofifîle. We miii have to make due wuth xvi memuruxa sutl 1994 Pontiac Cosse- me mexi agate. We miii trp iv remember pour cîlle, leather, Inaited. aditece howxcer ix, luxe aur lices as ut N'cur haur t77,OOOkms. Cer- tsarn fire'! titeitte-testeit, Cacel- Lave Atwayu lest cunitios, Sd,6C0 The Beckett Aunts, Unctes and Cousius Cati aller 8 Oiipm 9105- ______________________________ 877-8828. îeadIed Fi 1 new Ike fo't Cire (e, tlîlînî l e ts i 158 OQOSrai S3.500 oSe Cai 905 877 4572 emalý maxn ey@ecrxmailcent 1998 E/odge Stratus, t 3t,OSOkms. Mcmy nod cendtîon, loude A Must Sexi $5.000 oboe Ceutuie/ixated. Cuti In Memsry ai PAUL MARTIN wha passed sway Decem ber lutl, 20014 As the tri yeaî fiisSes l'm îoaay to say ChanNa o Faut loi the aimoal tour yxars wx mere txgxthxr. t miss Nia vocx, Cia taunCter, Cia marm aveCh, Sur mosl of ail i misa Nia loxe ICeui as almuys a feelinig Cx as eot lai amuy. Ose aay me mutl ait mxxi agaîn, With ail my lace Murian lu Memari ai Natalie Clarke Nseember 29, 2001 sud ber graudmaîher Mue Clarke Nuasarber 29, 20014 CavC anti eveiy day me remember Natatie mîlC love and pixe and keom Chal Cxi daa E/raodma. mCo passea amay te Coir 9elC yeai, Cas ooit her Wx kexp yov botS close te oui earts Bah, Curai sud Shawe BERNADETTE SERAFINI Aprit 13/38 -December 1/2003 The finie sas creethe Masvisa i Tond vooi sa8ernxand pain 5o con t tnt oa)se, and iratin e tace Aed toc opea miii icIl aao Fot 3Vi aas yo vi ey niy lvd Aid iyo taimystiivet'me vo visi Ytcieeriw uuý ftee ltln trocs No t. aotpýt,ae eieaoeivrst- Fue sixmarp miiill N e tergaiten BE AN ER Legatc IÀ51111tea Notices NOTICE TO CREDITOR$ AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F JULIUS MAGYAR, DECEASED RETIREO BUSINESSMAN Ait dlaims agaîcar lire Fsate or Valis Magyur, lte ofthIe Tome aI Miltron, on Che Provîcce ot Ontario mCe dixd on or aboul tCe 71C, aay of Vu- ly 2005 muaI be tîewtua mtChe undeisige pet- sooai repreaxetltve on or belote the CrS. day et Vaeuany, 2006 aller mhîcC dure the estle mtll Cx dîstibuixa Caviex regard oety o rire dlaim s of mCîch Che snexsnnea Cee saal Cave no- lice. DATED ut Miltoo. Ontaro Chia 141h day of Novxmbxî. 2005 Maria Gyargyi Magyar Estate Trastee With a Witt Ny- RONALD FLANNAGAN, O.C. Suite 105, 13 Chartes Street Miltas, Outario LOT 205 Estate Salicitor Be In Demiand! Personal Support Worker Program Shendcan's Personal Support Worker Program prepares you to help cltents enjoy the best quatity of life possible, whether those clients are in sheir ows homes, supportixe housing or a long-oerm care facility. Information Session/Location: For the seat available date, location, and farther intormatton, please cati Erica: 905-845-9430, est. 8052 (Oakeille) or 905-459-7533, est. 8052 (Brampton) Start/End: Jassary 9 -August 18,200h ICI recîpierti may be eligibleftan tndisg) Sheridan mmm vvsherîdlanîusgtate.Ca Be a TEACHER or ASSISTANT Teech Englîeh- TESI DIPLOMA fit Edacale Children- ECA DIPLOMA p/t: Pragrams alarting Jacoary. Apply nowl Pegisterno and apyteved as a yrîoatn Cameer College ttaogotzeo by I/se M1iroiry of taiting 905-896-0000 eau OeaTeeneî ,,a DRtIVERS Deiver nxw trsoks th rougboat the U.S. & relaie siO caw trucks tram U.S Placta M ot2e1 proo idxd, eîig htly No coat tamily medical Freqoont ilper ailes Muat have AZ licenax w/OTR T/T exp DaW't Miss Toronto's Foreosi Brliidail Event BRIDAL SH1»W January 6-8, 2006 National Trade Centre, Exhibition Place Name Address City -Postal Code Phone Wxddreg Date Fax Email *~ ~ i i Snd to. National Bridai Shows i t il O c/o Premier Consumer Shows 461 Speers Rd. Oakoille, ON * i " L6K 3S4. Fao: 905-337-5570 A, DIVISION 0iF MEt/tOID 050'INtING Pt BLI H ING & 0158TURBiJTNG E/ontl forger oe pick up pour copy oi mE0004$i olrt4&Magazine on eewstanda te December EPeerimîntos 3ersmînîea E erTînnu Clm abo r 0.0 So alrue "N..d a part-trne income? We offr fee top noîch training and competitie cages in a positive and supportive environment. Cali Stock Transportation 1.800.8213732 or 905.829.2040 oakvapp*estodc-tnhprtom www.stockrmnportation.oem 905-877-13t11 AZ Driver G"arage With tanker SVans, Lm Moirge Space eapeîîence. cm 4-weDrive Haalîng paint 1999 Chxxy Vesture toi US ruts. LS. ldO.OOOkms. Pam- LOCKED mndcci stor- 2 weeks et wusdaowstlucks. age, miii accmmcdaîe paid training. CD/AM/FM radia. Royal large matai homes, Cai Cise. Ceduiuied/e-teateit campers Scais. Fîsa $8.500 uNe. Cai 905- $50/mu. Cai 510-855- 416-670-6570 877-8102. 880