A22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 29, 2005 JeQTTv~v~c ~ ~.riif lu By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Il Itistirs l'ias ilYittgll- tii say abotiii il, file IcclI\ssks ands (;ieiîrgetiss i Raiders ssillttt filiîts see iiiclictl in îtliay tI baffle Contce aizaii tIis seasiitt 'lic proispct i îi pi iiliiiicligbai pilsi seaioi lis ait: blas Ioi lc stîticli Io ii l i l t liiti lih îtig ff asscs iiis alle ls il III as nItaIiý ti ps iii Goriduii NMctIt Nlîiiial 'tcena. Sati-sas 's S 2 sctiii lîîîîlîeî sfsigli"li tI oti on uuiîîî llot fl> lccllitsks, tasc tii ti îecliiie Niitl I lalitit slpielias s sil( lisis ci st) oIncý \\ ittti' ili ltkcls 111)11 1)111 il ithe lîilstItis yeaii. saiit 5't ani slfecintai R'1au Hs'iitaid ssliiiscc lb haýlis hcsiî iiiiiiiesl hý GLet eil tte last i lii-c s cars goItit back Io a iii c c1aIIte se\l s ci lîîle us cil tci sotitl-ci il chlattlitisltif lica t- hi caker iii 20013. 'We\ s cgo lcitt talet and s alaset lîerc Il bi1 Iitl the anask ~id Ridsers sscrc a littl sîttstilîcil Ii tlcrlaiesi ectisittitCi sducs Ilaiiils iii [spls)insi'i (Isai s miolc able ii \sscailler pesonneiiil abseces, s tlth its dlcc)î'i Tteis in iclistI fnIltsý Mtislt sîtut litsie 43 ý hoi lo I CStisbseii stif)fiii il tif) 55 itlis ll sl oIiti 'i lîiirî.slitu reccitls sîcîtesèl ss it l)îu isutt a II>tc Sltts 1- nittsiIN iii De'troiitus nissýisIctl oit lc su istiisl's mie t) iiiiii sstatile scptsii cail t ini flics fii ' I tiîîk \15 s'ot oIll cLcc. tit Getircettieý scîs \s Ilicis'1 lîtutî flic 's ll l on uit Aa iiLeSt s ( coiiitiitiCsl a torid iti \s\tlCil 'i ilt a a1IsL iss assis.s. ille scltsîse liartniies JIlf (aisier andi (it GioloIitelsîîtrîhîitesl issu puints ech. Kes iii Mît suit sscile titi a hugle rush \i th 3:19 rettiittinti i\gie flhc Iselîtu\s a lit- le bieaihiu îîuuuît ands Miait Rcasl ceitdth ut'sii i it a Lm- tîtîtute enmpty liciter. Biith Geiirgetitssi t utals c'arre tit isîeticasl iiti iil I tilti the puoint hy Eris LutIIilmark. sîttse teaiti Itas niouble sa i sit jts guesis anîd did't -et ittucli uîuît0 ils si/e ads tic Ati Menîtrial Ai etia I-rida>. Militon sctirs's tou-i pîýerIlas toals en roteii ti sisltusi- of tf lic RtiýaI Iiiik ('uf) hiis Sticcts îlle [)cîbss 5-1I 'lI'li Cti ilti baiigctlu tiltinne îîîîîîs c a Kletittai ansI a tliree pit i îîîîl lir Xslaîi l)eiiitg liiglilîglicsl a tie thai is as mtore ltiîsise lcltiat flic scure ss tlsl itidisate. Vitl ta iiil si-til catît iipgt asîs heisie Ilile pips 55 it tlie tesCîI ýIis'tiioii tiI Dat isd Wilsoni lie Dstrhiys cotinue itiCi sui- l'ellîtutît al lack il dissciplines andlsfCi iii tiI o lie CvCi tiury- imIo iiiiilaic (lis' IcîIlsks lailic liait hcat iteit N\s a testil. ihes îscîc tisîttt 48 17 antId5 scl- tiescI, fitl> iii il hcyn titilie tîîii> lit aikl, t' c alie Nitii dlti sîilis' siiiq .iisil teil. lîîîsscscî asýt, K> s' Biichek's unassisted ially 5 tIi fur secontds lif tîtuCles lt ilt -atite-ensilt brassl ihat resuliesl it a isVo-gaittC suspensiont fori htiti antd al thîceegarne hiatus tior slefetceriuaît Jaston Etîrtîttî. Deiiiig, Lesvicki. Mii stut atîs (Chase L-atgeraap SVCi Cflic tîther markstîeit. As tiast tiight. file 21-2- I- Iclslawsks tatI al tise-pit leatl tit lhaittilitii ali) fic Western oi icretise. ssit hlree galîtes iii lîaitd Militîti hgitis tlie secondl liait ii' il, seasut tililt iii Su eeîsvî le atit reiius homett ['risla> ii lace fleC bascîtteit Buffaîig Ii)tlt Jr. Sahres. IceHawk stars ready toi shine at premier events Price to suiit up at Jr A prospccts game, Goloub./to p/avfor Ontario at world (1-17 By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Icel-lawks ouI have to share the services tuftwo key perfortiers next month. Mai Price and Cody Goloubef ecd amîîng tlhe tros) talented playets iît the Provinicial Jr. A Leagite ai iteir respective agC5s t- Il he hictidingt Io Saskatchewtani foi Itigîtstakes coulîpe- tititti. Itrice tsill hie paît ot the inaugural ('anadian Jîînîîî A Hockey League Proispects Gaine iii Yiirktiin, He'l he atttitg 40. players 19l years tif age anid under Inuit across the cotitry cîtnut- peting Deseniber 6 anid 7. A native Miltontan amd assistant captaiti with his local juniors. the specdy 17-year-old centre has nine goals aîîd 16î assîsîs in 24 gantes tItis year. Aîguably the inust sktlled Miltoît- area player since Darren Haydar, Price still play for NCAA powerhouse Boston Cîtîlege next fail. Celehiraîing hîs l6th hiirthday tontirrotv, rîttkie defencentan Goltmubef was recently namned ttî Tl'atn Onitario f'or thie annual World Under- 17 Championships Decemnbet 281 to January 4 in Regina. The event will tee the highly-touted hlîîeliner hook up olîli a handful of Itonner Toironto Marlie teanmnates including ex-iceHawk call-ups Johln Tasates and Sain Gagner. Jusi hehjnd Price in tlle team scor- ing race svitlî six guoals anîd 18 helpers iii 25 ganes. Gitlîuhef cotinues a grotvitg trentd of ltîcally ctînnecled deètîce *nien oho've cîînîpeted ai the World Utîden 17 Chaipiuînships. Alss doing so in necent years have heen niative Mîlîtîntan Elgin Reid and fornter Merchants Rîck Janco attd Mati Bannan -aIl tif whoi tave brouglit back medals. Goloubef and Teant Ontario -led hy fonner Merehants skipper Marty Williamson, who's now coaching thie Barrie Colts -will banle [the United Stites, Slîîvakîa. Quehec and Team West lberta) in pttultntnary play. Cody Goloubef AE atoms down Tecumseh to win Strathroy toumey hchaflh a hmg sultMM of Chiu'uMas gmwuo as Wou as plctiu'e trame, cu"ide~ accssswos, gweu Mccesorte, ruStic coneipuwy Muia, mflOps hmn, dcur amI much mIN'e. Nl.îiltuu lsicttii ssuîssl t' t" is le lîî s l1oh ituti u ýi i-- 2 iIoIt ýiiis Flsîîîselî I iilte final of flis Siiltit anîd Diîsîti Mîtîtî IlIockct (Ilstiîs. Miltonî sîtuiI ail l-its'o iiius pailles \is îlî giais l stati K it as ands Mas'k Mitîdetfitaîl alîtits pitil> oll it e goials iii thic toturnitet. The Wiiiierltatt ks iipcted fic totunia mîetît i til a - vâ I i i Telesnseli atîs tîîllîîsted tl up %ih ilt a- SI cuir> tîver Richnmond ill amd a 5- Il latkitti îîl Mt. Brydges. Miltot leit edgesl Siraibrt 2-I tii advance tut the finaI. Ryaîî Tatuasitu paced ite Miltonî tîletîce wîth tîve goals and ttsu assists. Pîvet Cutrat-a scîîred three imes andt set up îhree mitre and Tanîner Brîggs had a goîal atut fitur assists. Haydeîî Britdigatî antI Sean Walter each had two gotaIs anid to assî sis. Kyle Waters scîîred onîce and hll three Rep Hockey issisis \s hilie Bsrgiîî ini lid io goails mnd ain assist. Zach Wadhamn and Riihert Manning each had a goal and isso hielpers M. ille Matthevw Levîns and Victoria Medeiriis had a goal and anl assisi each. Jake Lebloiîd chipped in wiih iwo assisis and Marcello Mule had one. Kivac, tvh< posted a shutout. and Mindenhaîl each ltad two wlns and shared the viciory in the final, AE2 atoms suifer f'irst home Ioss A strong third period led league-lead- ing Hespeler io a 4-I victory. hianding Milton*s AE2 aîorns iheir first lots ai home this season. Jesse MacDonald flac! ths' fole Niltttii'itt Issu îîîglîîs s'il ici Keettit Vettertis set Il) by ilonît I 'îii.r itp'eil flie sci i î attd Matihets Beipittin added a slitlattd- ed iirker lii 2- I i ii ver Oratigeville. A flue goal spîîîled Atltiiy Ieitt' îuîu bit). Tîte AE2's are 9-5-3 on the seasoît lead- îng itt 'Ihursday's reîîîatch t'%ith Oranges île. AE2 peewees' streak snapped Hespeler dealt the Milton's AE2 pee- svees a 3-I lotss snappîîtg an unheateit streak that had reached four gaines with al 4- Ixiii tiser Orangevîlle and a 4-3 tri- uînph oser Fengus. The Winterhatvks, ssho nîow sport a recoîrd tif 5-8-2, huilt a 3-0 lead on gotaIs by Quinn Kerr, Mathew Tummers and Megaît see REP on page A23 8719 Hoipate Cros. Milton, Ontario J~ 905-876-9902)x301 For Directions pises visit vwww.dandeecand.com/warehouseshtmm Nominate your team's coach for Champion's monthly prize Is yîîur tiai topîs" îîey'rt titi I - o fic tIi. eld, or ithe cut- e îly. ands tue> 'te fltc last isîtes iii lease. The> teach tus tuti tutti the skills. but alsit hîîs iii hase titi. ss letîter te're 'a îîîîîîîîg or luîsîuug, Aîd ithey gise tif their tftnte tut mtake a mtajoir contîribion îî iiiîîî sputs. Sut tns\ us flte fitnie tut retsais) -reat soachtes inii sigii satît 'ta> II ani i uutiiei s i tl tut it aietisutu iii aysîtuoic re tnitid lu sîîhiîit ulieî iittitiititii] loii lit 'li ittuis (iai iilue Mîtîtli', tti isîi l lt i ii iiitks Itaisle ý\isu iti lîc lits ' sae Io luI11 o fil e ic sîu Is \t0tttiil\1( tutti ls'l tiInI iuts'its tn ti//t t\il>liil c tutuel uts lltl,;1( îluîîuîî \\C tti tutt uuw ýI il ii tutusr li' tutu l Iitis' li istuu it ittti' tu ' t t.l il' liu 15c lut lIC ' lle 'ti' 't iti s ili iii'i HALTON SPORTrSMEN'S TU&RKEY ROU December 2nd, 2005 8 pmn to lami Shuttie bus every 1/2 hour f rom the Canadian Legion Buffet lunch club House Location: -_____ 5155 Steeles Avenue * 905-854-2641_