Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 2005, p. 2

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A2 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 29, 2005 Algar will be missed, hard to replace, say colleagues Colicea-ues and adulirci s 'a> ibai xx ben il liii tutîice Chljet Lili Airre'tires next yeai, afier a caiieei SI)îiîiiicg neai y foui decadces, ibe policinpcotiuintiiiy -iocaily ,itiiaci-O',s i niîo xiii lise osue of* the preat pi'îiessiiinals Ioi (toit a îinithîil ni serve and protect. Police chieïs front across O)ntario,. pol itiians anid laxs, eiiiixrce- muent associatiouns praised Chiet Aipar's xîncaiuiy abiliiy tb l'rge pai'unerships. his admiîrable dedicatioint iils crai onily sul passed by bis commîiitntent iii bis t'auxily. lits uiileîitinp clelence ii' Haltxii, and a sense ot'hximloxii- ibîit mtade so iiiiiy leel ai case dfur- ini- flic itixs tense xxi situsitiolis. He xxiii prose ditlculi iii replace. Seseti-xear OxeiSounid pxolice Cliiel" 1km Kaye said lie spxxke tîx hi' triettd ofi 15 y ears a couple of' xseeks apo anid Cluet Alpai reveaied lie \vas toyinp xx tI flic idea xii reiiriiîp. 'trîed iii talk finit into siayitp," ('hiel Kaye txîld The Chîamtpixn Friday alter leaminp hjs friend xx as olffciaill leax up the sersice. Wliat sii ick ('liiel'Kaiyc about (flet Alpai s fils "iaixiiai xay' iii dealiitp xxit tii uifxiiicers iii flic police service ,aid the fai e lie treated ex eryxîîîe l'au y. -H[e bias bai i a butie irapporto iii lus xxxniu[iity," lie said. "He says xvlat lie ineaits aind does xvhat lie says, anîd li ibis businîess, [liai piles al loxig xx ay I-î credibility. xvlîclî lie lias pot a tonî of." (liief'Alpar alxx ays plascd ait empliasis oxi xxpeiiiess anîd coin- iiiuuiication ii tii Haltonxoit iiicians anid fihal vas appreciaied and respecied, Bxirliiiptui Mayoir Roîb Maclssac said. lie nîîîed Clîmel' Aip-ai tever xvîrked iiidepeiideiitiy i'iîisleser becîî Faits style," Mr. MacIsiac said. addiiip lie lîxules the îexv Haltxu Puolice cliief sviil exeîîpl îly siii- cbarac- terîsîîcs. 'He bas aixsays xsxrked coilabxîrativey xvîîl [lie repîxxîî I xxil] del'iiieiy miîss lîiitî." [lis retîrelîtelt xxiii noi dît be a iîxss iii piiiciip, nxxt Jxst i Haiixii Repîxîn but O ntairio," said i1 iyea M idiaid poxlice ('biel P>aul Haittelin. +Sofas, Chairs, Dining Rooms, Bedrooms & Children's Decor + Mattresses, Hot Tubs, Bed & Table Linens + Pictures, Lamps & Accessories. &cxeUo W,/.z &y We carry: e Superstyle e Decor Rest e Trendline e Magnussen e Shermag e many more great brands... TWO LOCATIONS TO SERV YOU MILTON GEORGETOWN 9o5-3-m890473-2753 PM 7 MYS a SUN 12-4 ;iii \], xî \aix vý a, dsc l aWii, ixîii Ix c il i '[flic. ý Haitxii police chiiel, presidexi of tise Ontariox 'biel*s of' Poîlice Assoxciatixon and cbairinpl, the Crîmîuiiai Inteligence Service oxi Onttariox (('1501, Cisiel' Hamelin saîd: "ibat, in itself«, showvs the kîîîd iii ciaracter Ean bas aiid bis cximitient iii pxlice work." Hllaixîî poliice Det .Spt. Mîke Eacrett of' the CISO has knowîî f'hiel'Alpýar silice the late 19'70s xxheu tue> weî'e partiers in the drup squad iii the Oakvilie Police Service. "['an tauplit uic sonme fundamientis abxout pxîiicinp that have stayed wîib îîe rny eutire carecr- l)e. Spt. Eacrett saîd. "Eau lias aixvays beeri cxîmpietely dedicated ixi poiicinp. fi wîre xoif on the people xvbx wîxrked wîîlî bîîîî 1-e pave lii0 per ceiii ail the titue. Shxiriy alter rniivinp iii ihe ('1Sf, I)et. Spt. bacreti lxîuîd hîm- self ixuce apain wxxrkîng wîth Chiel Aipar, svlîx became chair of the iirpauizatioi iii 2()3 and bas scrved as such until the prescrit. "The oniy thiîîp ban waîîts tii see is the ripèbft îlîînp beîng donc," be said. addîng Chief Aipar's clompassioin and peoiple skills took bîîîî far. The prxovincial l.iberal gxivemnment announced on Friday that is puuting 1,010 more poîlice officers on Ontarioi strecîs -34 in Haitxu. 'Mat announicemrent ix due in large part to the loundation laid by Chief« Aigar twîî yearx ago when he was president oif the Ontario Chielsý, ii Pxîlîce Association, xaid the asxociaiion's director of gov- ernment relatioîns and coimmunicaions. Joe Cîîuîx said Chief Algar made an indelible mark on the asso- ciationî he led foîr one year in 21003-04, wbîch încluded ensurîng there xxas a strîîng partnership with levels ofl gliserument. "Chiel'Algar played a big pari in brînpîng the needs of poiicing to gxiverninent, insistîng ibat (the Ontario)> povemrment live up to the promillse of' I 1)( police cillicers. "The chief« is, in my estimîation, the role niodel fxor any police Ofii'xer in ibis proivinc. [le leit a mark lin ibis organi/ation" Special meeting called f rom HALTON on page Al As iîî r an> repîcîts of* tbînps leit undxîne oir nîissed opportunities, lic saîd bc bas a coxuple. "We arîe xseii equipped as a sers ice huit) I'd like iii be aruaîd tux selc entîre îîcss cxOmputer systeicî," be cbuckied. Oît a moîîre serîiîns noîte be saîd, "Il I hase au> regret its not beinîp able xx spcnd more tunîe xx iitue ficaî îdfl (îifficersl. 'se becit busy eisexxberc." [lic police sersvuces board bas calied a special pruvate meeting txiiîiorrox iii cuinsîder the process it xsîll underuake Io appoint a ness chîif for Halion. ('bîitAlparearnied $i(i2',()ltlii salati'> uJaliîost 59,)110n heu1 ctils iii 2()4, acilliding tii provsiniîcal pubi c secxîx salai'> dîsciîî C'hair Bird cxpects a sînootb transitioni for Chiet Aipar's replace- mient. However tbc paraîlîcters of that process will he decided by the board, lie said. "Yîîu loîok interialiy and externally. Thai's heen the pattern in the past lin Halton). There are pluxes and iiinuses on either xide, lntemally, there's a conîfori level with your own personnel. Extemnally, there's almoxi a fiduciary responxibilîty to (try toi have the hext person at [bat point in time in the (top) position. "There are a lot of quality people out there. lt'x going to he a tough decision," xaid Mr., Bird, If [be board looks from wibbin, candidates înight include long- time Deputy Chief Gary Crowell or relatively nexv depuîy Mike Kingston. The service aixo bas four veteran xupenintendents. In 1998, Chief Algar heat out five nmale and female candidates, tbree extemnal and txvo otberx fromn vitbîn [laiton's rankx. The chief selection protoccil hack then took Oive monîbs, from biring a consultant to accepîîng reuimes to conducting the final interviews. It xxas dîxîe l'or iexs than liaif of* the $30,000 hudgeted. Mi' Bird said lie xvasiî'i surprixcd by Chief Aigar's decision. -Fiii disappointed -foîr selfish interests. Having served witb lîînî (oii the board) xvben lie was an inspector and tdien as a depuîy, I've eiijoyed xvorking xvîîh bim," said the 12 year board mnember. "We are a bappy aiid sale cxîîîîîîunîîy and ban bas earned tbe respect oif f'ellow o«ficers,. We've becît viiîdicated in the trust the previxîns hoard put iii iiî iii bîrîng bii. Mr'. Bird said Cliiel'Aigar bas a persxxnalîîy iliat endears bini to people. "[les vei'y personable. You xxiii sec lîim laugît and sîîîie. I 've iteser mii iii arnybody xvlîx doestî't lîke bii" As loi' fliel' Aipar's iepacy, Mi'. Bii'd saîd be accoripiislîed much iii sesen years. "He's posiiiied the poxlice departiîîeit xxeii iii tenis ol ts'i\ti anid dis'eisity. Eau bas spetît a loti of'îî xxi Ii various culixirai piîusatd îîet lîead-o xii at leai faîctor. "[lis legacy is respuîndîîîg txî chiatnge and seeîîîîng iii kîîox \\ lîie xxe xbxîuid deploy resources tIx as'uxd a prxihlei." M A

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