Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 2005, p. 18

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A18 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 29, 2005 Dateline is a f ree listing of coming events only. The column is available to local community groups ta assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest f0 the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 875 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed ta (905) 878-4943, or e- mailed f0 miltoned@&haltonsearch.com. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items aren't accupted by telephone. Tuesday Nov. 29 - Dec. 24 The Satvation Army Kettle Programn needs volunteers to hef p maan the kettles. For more information. cal! Rachel ai 1905) 875- 1022 or e-mail ber at rachet@qkhicommunity.com. Wednesday Nov. 30 Child Find Ontario presents 'Beyond Street Proofing - Safety for a New Age' for parents. educators and caregivers ai O.ur Lady o! Victory ('atholic School lrom 7 to 8:30) pin. For more information, cal! (90) 825-600, ext. 7785. The Milton Seitiors' Activiîy ('entre, 5(10 Childs Dr.. holds a general meeting and lunch f'or $6. The purpose of the meeting is to change the constitution withi regards to eleciions and flie appoinîmenîs of advisory board members. Contract bridge is held ai 9:30 ans. aîid shuf'fleboard takes place lrom 1:30 to 3:31) pi. The cost for each aciivity is $2 for members and $4 for non-nmembers. Ils Wednesday Lunch Counter takes place ail a cosi of $6. Sigtî Up aitihe reception desk in advance oir cal! in your order. For more infornmation, call (91151 875-1681. The Women's (Centre, suite 210) in Hopedale Mail ai Rebecca Street and Third Lille, in Oakville holds ius free Abuse Support Group (romn 6 to 8 p.ns To regîster or for more information, caîl (9(15) 847-5521. The Khi Cîimmunity hîîlds ius free Girls Night Out frîsm 7:30 to 9:30 pin. wiîh a scrapbosk card workshîip ai 497 Lowe Lane larea of Trudeau Drive aisd Derry Roadî. Participants are asked to brîng four to six phostos to mnake a holiday gîfi. For msore information, cal Rachel ai (9051 875-10122 or e-mail rachela khiconsmunity.cosn. The Milton Stay at Home Parents Association meets ai 7 pin, ai the Miltons Commnuniiy Resource (Centre on Nipîssing Road iii discuss upcoînîng evenis. Anyose iterested in joiniiig the group is invîted Io attend or iii e-mail presideni Danielle Lalonde ai brendani(à syinpaiico.ca. Thursday Dec. 1 The Women's Centre, suite 210 in Hopedale MaIl ai Rebecca Street and Third Lîîîe, in Oakville holds ius free Peer Counselling by voluisteers is pers<sî or over the phtsne (rom 1(1 a.m. to 3 p.m. f'or woinen facing abuse. griefllsss and relation- ship issues. Its f ree Women's Caring and Sharing Circle takes place (rom I to 3 p.m. For more informsation or to register, cal! (905) 847-5520. The Fine Arts Society of Milion's Evening Group of Artists meets f rtm, 7 to 101 p.m. The informai enviroumeni provides artisîs wiih an opportunîîy to exercise their drasving skills. For more informattisn, caîl Janîs ai (905) 854-5753. Milton District Hospital bolds a breastfeeding clinic wiîh a cerîifîed lactation consultant from 7 to 9 p.m. For more infor- mnation oir to make an appsintmenî, caîl Jean Gallen ai (905) 878-12383, ext. 7030. The public's invîîed to attend the 14ih annual general meet- ing and auction o!' Prîsieci Our Water aisd Envîrtînnieîsîal Restiurces (PO3WER), sviîh speaker Peter Timiserinan. prtles- sî'r of' ens ironmienial siadies ai Ytork University and tIse Uivesrsity tif Titirtnto. Il takes place f'rom 7 to 9:3(0 p.îî. iii the gallery ai tIse ieîireoit s Cultuiral (ceire/library. 9 (hurcs Si. Foir morie u information,. svss osltselalî atr c,îll Leslie Adamns ,îi (905 i 877-4760. Wellsprîing HaltittiPeel. a Suppotî seissork foir catncer patients and iheir lansilies. lsîlds ils Patients Connect program tîtîtî 1 iii 2:30 p.îss ai 2545 Sixih Lîne iii Oakvîlle. Fosr more informsa- tltti, caîl (9015> 257-1988. Brtîokville Public Scbîîol holds a Christmas bazaar (rom 3 to 8 p.m. featurîng crafîs. woodwîîrkîng. pottery and jewelry. Tables for vendors are avaîlable. For more information, caîl the schîsol ai (90)5) 854-2424. Friday Dec. 2 The Deck youth centre 200 Main St. Irear enîrance). invites high schîîîl studenîs loîîkiîsg to play a game of pool to stop by between 7 and Il pi. Friday Dec. 2 - 5 On the Way to Bethlehem, an ouîdoor natîvîîy pageant, takes place ai Coiunitry Hieritage Park. 8560 Tremaitte Rd.. lrom 6:30 iii 9 pus. e.ilig it. (itesîs start ai the Gatsshrel Barni (or sotîtie inusic by aî îniss choîit. Ihe lîy lei otis snall, guided groups for ais iteîractiv uc t stdisr i urticy ii Bethlehcem rev.ealitsg the Clii siuas siîîry. A (rc tsi Il ofi erîîg is collecied. For msore infoîrmsationi caîl 19051 878- 8151. Sa! urday Dec. 3 Euchre takes place ai tlse Hornby Cii operai se Nutrsets Schooîl ai 7.30 pusi. Lt tr> iie's s'.elctsîîe ii aittesd. Lots'. le Uîîîîed (hîrch. ai the coîrner of Guielps Lîne and Britasiia Rîîad, hîîlds ius Sweet Stroi trîîîs I1) aisi. Ito 2 p.n For $7 pet bcox, participants can filI ihemn '.iih i vartety tof cotîk ies. squares aisc catidies. The Wonîen's Centre, suite 210 in Hîspedale MaIl ai Rebecca Street and Third Lîîîe, ini Oakvjlle lîîîds ius free Peer Counselling by vîîlunteers iii persîsu or tîver the phonue from 10 a.m. to noon foîr women facing abuse. grief/loss and relationship issues. For more information or to register cal! (905) 847-5520. Saturday Dec. 3- 4 The Milton Minor Hockey Association holds a fundraising home party from 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m. both days ai the Milton Sports Centre feaîuring 10 vendors (rom companies such as Diseisvery Toys. Mary Kay and Partylite candles. For more information, caîl Debbîe MacDonald ai (905) 876-1554. Monday Dec. 5 The Ontario Early Years Centre. 917 Nipîssîng Rd.. holds ius Developmental Early Identification and Prevention Program clinic fromî 9:15 10 Il: 15 arn. lits designed for fami- lies witlî chîldres up iii l'ive years old. offering a 15-minute con- sultatioin svîîh priilesstiîtials in the areas tif speech. hearing. behavîîîur aisc pre-scîsîstl and insfanît developmest. No appoit- mn is isecessary. l'or moître inifoirmation,. caîl (905) 876-1244, ext. 101. Wellspring Halioti Peel. a support îseisvîrk ti canicer patients and their (ailies, holcîs ils Life Affer Cancer support group (rom 7 iii 8:31) lin, ai 2545 Sixti Lîne in (3akville. For more infonssation, cal! (9(05) 257-1988.

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