A14 - The Canadian Chamolon. Tuesdav. November 29. 2005 THE FORD STORE IAie:, Value & Trust since 1967 '-4 u_/o 48 Months Purmcha Purchase Financll to 48 Mo Financing Ca a Sm homay cash capd wM tb pwchase A w w Ime et Most lu-stock 2006 MOMIS, op $1,000 w F-150 ftcks.1 - ~Fr oporate promotion, limlted lime otter, see tiallinger's for detaila. *rice plus treiglit + applie taxes, no dmin tee, niited lime aller tee Gatlinger's for details. FORD LINCOLN M5 MAI1N S T RE ET E AS»T. M1LTO0N www.gallingerford.com A Tradition of Value & Trust sInce 1967 1~~~~~~~~~ SLSmLAIGeSRIEPAT*COLSO ETE Scholarships Cc ï i _'r members f or projects that enhance comm unity By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Special ta The Champion For the past 12 years, Farm Credit Canada (FCC) has been offering scholar- ships to 4H members to help enhance rural comnunities across the country. Operating out of 100 rural offices across Canada, FCC provides business and finan- cial solutions to faonis and agribusiness and says the scholarship programr inspires comn- munity improvement. tunity for 4H members to demonstrate ini- tiative and leadership with projects that leave a lasting benetit in their communi- ties," said George Kossler past president of the Canadian 4H Council and FCC accounit manager. Members ot 4H clubs across Canada are encouraged to create projects that cas be implemented in their community that will bave a positive impact in that area. The svinner for 2005. Caitlin MacDoLigall of Ormstossn, Quebec, creat- ed a project she called "Keeping Kids Safe", where car seat safety clinics were conducted by provincial police and the local media in her community. Ms MacDougall said it was rewarding to see ber project realized. "Educating parents is keeping young children safer in car seats and booster seats, hopefully preventing injuries in the case of accidents," said Ms MacDougall. "It was empowering to tee my project come t0 life and realize that the skills 1 learned in 4H cas make a difference in my community." Although a winner is chosen from each province 10 receive a scholarship only one national wsinner is selected t0 bave their project brought to fruition. said Leanna Jenkins, communications consultant for FCC. "A 4H member fromn each province will be awarded a $1,500 scholarship to be used towards their education," said Ms Jenkins. "In addition. one national winner will be selected t0 receive a $2,000 scholarship (for education) and a $3.000 budget to help implement their project in their communi- ty. Usually local businesses and organiza- tions provide help and resources 10 get the pmojects off the ground and the whole coro- niunity benefits." The deadline for entries for the 2006 scbolarships is April 1. 2006. For more information and entry forros, visit Farin Credit Canada's Web site at www.fcc- fac.ca. r 2005 MUSTANG V6 COUPE 4,01- "E C r, ý,j DÏ-,i *,:.ý, p Seat aiijm whees -treraý MSRP S25 240 F'2006 Fl 50 4X4 SUPER CAB XLT H CI L 1 D,'ý'-Y C "ý'n 1ý) Y I&