The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - A13 /Ice rink to be made at the old ballpark By ROBIN DOWINTON-POIRIER Speciai to The Champ/on N îss iris ya i icsidents xviii have an tee i nk aîgaîn thîs wVin- ter but il xvii bc at the oid Carn -pbeiilei b,,Iîiiak off' of Wheelihan Way. Duie tIo s/ili/e 'st/,es lait x ea. theT i o,it Miltontîchi',e o ci/ai/Ce l//cati//ts. suad W.ird 3 'o//tic illur (4 ilsti/au. -Lsi s ear file [ce rittk \iUsiil uîil/ nte ttC/S (Uti//phelix îlle hallpark behitti the J/la/ci. hiut //ý elad is.shes \% itI imipi opet lreeiting dite /// the gr.iss andti there was a itttcecihle si//pe xc ere tlc ua/et- u iiild nui off', stîd Ms Littictu -Thle ice rit/k i/as b/itî at the uuit hall iaiond \%iti rnuch success xii xse clhose tutov ti/Set hack tîtere. We tteededla lo/cattiton tith t//axtt//ur availahilîty four residenîs cmnd ptiteîtial success t//r fi/e CCai a inîtimal ci/st." Ms Lunaît said the bitards are atready tri place antd tlooding xxiii begîn as si/in as the grîtunîl treczes ihiiriughly. "The ice riîîk wîli be ilutoded hy the firefighiers ai the number 2 station as soon as the gnîîund treezes. The one îhing we are working iowards rîghî nov. is instatting si/me îempora-ry lîghîing tor nighî skating." she said. Once the rînk i up and ruiining, the Toxvn witt ma/ntain it by clearing the te alter any majoir snowfalts, saîd Ms Lunau. "We fret thai we's'e chosen the hesi solution to tast year's problems," said Ms Lunau. "And sve are hopetut thai sce will have a successfut and greai coînnî- niîy skating i'ink this year ai the oId Camphettvîtte hattpark." -Helping out Sema Biay (lefi), 9, her mom Melanle nd her friand Rachel Ungard, 10, were among 150 volunteers who holped th. Kinme Club mugit some 20,000 gifl Int bagaet the Boyne Commnunîty Cente for dlstbuUton at the Mliton Sentas Claus Parade, Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Need a water softener? Jt's mthe detais! Tired of bad service, high bis and equipment breakdowns on- your water softener?- Switch to Culligan. Tanp into over 65 years of clean water expertise and engineering - just say.. 'Heg GWligan Mari-'" 623 Main St. E., Milton (905) 878-2474 'I I