s~st ~ Real Estate SPI Si-( wif' ,, t P( li St~41~1 t~ nside Page )RTS COMMUNITY A2 Idisabled PageA8 i.' abî-n 487 Lern7 N~81 METROLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 146 NO. 75 '? TUESOAY. NOVEMBER 29,2005 $1 C0 (GST included 4PAE ]ng C olltiununu(ti ton Buî/d 8 n (ohoinu - Halton police chief L Y retiring next year By TIM WHITNELL Special t0 The Champion Halton's top cop is hanging up his hoister. Chiet Eau Algar annouiiced ihat he will relire riext year. He revealed his intentions durîng a prixate session ai Thursday*s Halion Regional Police Services Board meeting. The 31l-year veter- an of policing for- mally notified the board that he xvould- iii bc seekîng a tur- ther extension of his ci)ntract when il expires ai the end oîf 2(X)6. a lr The police services board chair and other members oîf the hoard commended Chief Algar for hîs dedication iii the service and to the communiiy. ThMe board ix proud of the chief's many accomplishments and looks torward t0 hîs continued leadership in the transition peri- od," saîd board Chair Keîîh Bird. Chiel Algar 61, has spent hîs entire career in Halton and was the first chief 10 he promoted through the ranks. Fies the fourth police chief of Halton, 6dating hack to the region's formation in 1974. He replaced Peter Campbell as chief on Januar 1, 1999. Mr. Campbell had replaced W.1l James Harding, who ni tm had taken over from Ihere he is An exclted five-year-old MadeWene Salba waves to Santa Claus as he passes by durlng the Mliton Santa Claus Parade down- town Sunday. Ses more photos from the event on page Al12. Photo by ASHLEV CAMARA ialion's fîrsi police chief, Ken Skerret. li*s the second retirerneni announcement of a GTA police chief in the taxi two months. Neighbouring Peel Region is lu need ot'a new chief as Noel Catney is leav- ing at the end of 2005. Chief Algar, who lives in rural Burlingtoîî. xvii be involved in the hiring oif Halion's new chief. '*The board wjll allow me to work with them in the process. We'll do a select ion and transition period,- which could see him leave before the end of 2006. Chiel Algar danced around the issue of' whether the board should be looking inter - nally or externally for ils next leader. 1 thinc thaî's the hoard's choice. We have qualiîy people inside (Halton),- he saîd. As for hîs retirement. he said he has mixed emotions. ThMere's stl things 1 want to do in the service and I will gîve my fuît attention t0 the service until the day I walk out." Fie said heus proud of the continuation of comrununiîy policing initiatives and the strength of the region's ethnic diversity. se SPECIAL on page A2 nside Comment.......... A6 Champion Country . .Al13-A1 5 Dateline .........A18 Clasfied ......A24-A28 www.miltontoyota.com GORRUD'S www.gorrudsautogroup.com We can heip Yod qlet Sredy for the fidays!, Experienced product and colour consultants on staff and full professional interior decorating services available. 'i 1.* T J- -M