Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Nov 2005, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 25, 2005 *Comment *The Canadian Champion Bo\s 48 '875 Mai S, V. Ian Oiver Ptiblisiier Nuil 01i r tt,'1l lffli , / t1ýýI, (9o-5) 878-2341 %Vendy NI cNah %dc,ttt IC Un"'t,, Editorial Fa\:s 905t 878-494 '1Kareni Siniilî Iolittiett l /llIt Ad e/siii, Fax is t//t5876-~j4Iii(rts A,, t ttt),te' Classiîied: 19,5875-' 3 900 (harlene liai t t'/ îtutti l ttet Circulation: 9095 578-5947 Téri (asas Ut//t, The Canadian Champr ion t. ,, t t, i M î" ""' n 'Ai t Mo! 't'l Att' kiF, 'e o i n, Im iI' RECOONIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BV THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROIJO MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: "'tTV AUCTIDII UNITED WAY eFMILTON Showase, Miiton, Parked cars pose no threat to escarpment H-ere 55C go agamn. Country Heritage Park is once agaîn nl scrîus jepardy. but this time will it be sase . . We must express our- disappointmnent n thic Niagara Escarpmnenî Comiission's (NEC) decision last \veek t)) turn dusn the park's appli- cation to alloss cars tromi the Toronto Auto Auction to be stored un its property during the otf-seatsoni. Is the parks revenlie-Scîeratit)e nîillatîste 'cally that 1îuue1 uf' an iSSuie lu1 ur opinion, it poses no threat lu tlic Niagara Lscarpmnent. hovser this deeisiun seiul uad/sthis, rural trcasure. CuuntrIIV I feutaege Park -- te keeper îî 1)7 îagaricultur-al 11isU)0 ry that s 1)055 laieely run by s utesali e Ille Po s e\I/C eral s cars aICO deeided t i Cii Id nu0 h în 2cr tîlo t) Perate1 il s hiil e hile(l nut hindered. At the s ery least, the NI-C( sbuuld bas \e L\cui tlic îxrk moie tinte tI) find a ssay to utake uip l'tr the 'esýenue ]lîîss. That g-eSture- ss uuld bas e at least sbuss n sumne compassio n for the park 's ,,itiàtioni. We hope the park appeals tfli decisiun and that the NE-C 'eserses its authurity for- a mure pre,,sing Conicert). r (Y, TRzY IIR NW ? * Our Readers Write NEC'-s decision on car parking disappointîng (Ili/r'î/ ',tîtîtî t Il it t,, 't \iffi tutti ut t be i kel ,t fieliiýt Pal et'i', iii ilý I ý. ?(l 'Ii ei l îesN ili ds Iilxi lie, î hiîîîîa teîlp s,,î iititt p/tiu lit tho NI I.'abinliiiit adesgiaboutpi JLluit to park canr beuî'e îî" t eus ioiittitiall /\Irientîly. f i\ s ulI eredit to ecral iiîniae,, Cr R'e,- C rest uraii aiid hti't 'tal I ('iiiili N I etalie Park lii l'iniîLt iiiilitlsîes,5 lto raise ltmlitI balancîe (lien biiileeî lu'ti 'Itîtl aiiî dlt reî,ti Iieeîl Io,,'lake (itir ecollectiv e heads. Il Nuulooîk I(X) illies to the îuith tiI tht' park, sue tas e it~ts~ 401 - tule oiI lie \ottrsl eriS ît,,rirreital dis- te, et Io, lippeiu. W le e\tas Adil s tîîittt't'tý, ilsý 41 and L) itîtruli abit lise kliIeîue'tI, fotul.te tr itiiiued rape ttI tîîbi 'tlir bsv te itîtîît gg eal coltipau Perlaits, the NIC if's iupsel bie aise il didni , el a shai e of' the parkintg reseilue t'rîtmt ('IIrtry Herîlage Park. AIl i ct iî lut I Mr. Cressinan is keep up~ flie gtou.l snrk. We's'e aIl bcrnelireîl bs sisiliugi, Country Iler rage Park. as att îur ehildirerî and oarîdehildiru. t t, N t' riatae Ken Wîtbread. gel y our lieald tout /te ,lard andi 'tee lhe lîgîlt. Perlraps ils,ý lune rtloi iia Ili te titlae tirnt) t/te Nif(' I tttkiitiL artîtund. t\e a/st, 'cte tL-ii(i\ýl ofJa\ rrî Ithe e'tear/t Ilei, tiati traders its I i-eiIi,iiie Rxaol andi îtuutît'teil letial îles eloit/uteit otn r'eitaiiie Riid. Andi the NEfC i, ceitreiei abti par k irli a le\, car John F O'Drowsky Campbeilville Commission should've made cex-.cep,,tion to its rules t Shame un the Niagara f:searpîuenl Commission. As mosi of you read un Tuesday's Champion, the cotmmission îurnied dosvn Cotuntry Hnrrage Park's application 10 allosv îhtusands of' cars awailing sale ai the Toronto Autor Aucruun lii be sîored on its propcrly during the utff-season. While ihis may fol sound like a big dcal t Zsotie, il's actually an initliative the park has corme o re/y on foîr Up t $60,(X) of crucial funding. And since il's a nott-firr-pritl organî/aliîîr, rue I wtuld knîîw that every dolilar cîtunîs. J The deeistitn may very welI ha've sealed te laie îltf he park, îhroîsing il ilîlt financial lui tl jus1 as the aur Iîtr-pritl grîîup tbat rurs flie lacîl- iy is in the litaI slages'o ii cqli rîîgl lthe pri peruy t'rom the Proîvince. il's terrible an exeeption tîi lthe rides it tiil have been made tit hîs tirgallizal un Iliats lrying lto dot goîd l'or thuc tmrnunity. Tî'e sad llrirg is, onue coimmissionr nieruer trliered a reasîînahie solun t the prothîcr, but it was neyer acîcd oni. Dave Baldwin suggesled givîng the park a ycar's grace, aihtwîng the cars lii be stored there this wînler svhile il lotiks l'tr ce/uer fuîîding hoptions. This is s(tl/irg park generai manager Reg Cressrnan even stlw as ilf acceptable remcdy. I îhink Ihîs ctuld've appcased bîoth parties, since the cuommissiomn wîtuld sui have had ils way in the end tard banned vehicle slorage oth 1e prop- erry tiller titis winler. 'The reaily is, t/ue park lias heeîi doirtg fihns sînce I1999 -ushals, one mitre vunler'/ 'Whicii brings mte lt rrty rexl pit, svly hasu 't the icommnissioni aîled ton luis mtler untîl nîtus' W/utle al publie itimplain rîhIrusI the parkirng issue nto the sptill ig/ur. il 's lîard lto helieve Iiat The view from here staff or ai teasi one commission member hasn*l driven hy the park durîîrg vîîter over the past several years and sptied ail tf'tire vehieles. One lias fl svînder il'they siipty iurued al blinci cye )to the situation. 1 tbiak il becaîine more im'puortant lU the comijssiotn t looîk good loir that oine persoti or haîtdl'ul of' residents svho have muade it their busintess as o îvhat gîtes on ai the ptîrk's property î/tîî rto conrsider liosv ils decistîtu may lead t flice ulîrruare clîîsure n' t/ue beloved taciity. As Mr. Cressrinai irtdieaied. fle reveitue irom the auciun cars is criticîl lt t/uc f'uture of the park antd uviîhout il the tuturusl destination could be turned back over tu t he Province. uvicu repot- edly îsn'l înterested ni opcraling il. I knouv stal Ihad ils reasotis for recom ning denal, such ils 'commnereial' car parking nUl being viewcd as comttpatible uvith lthe Niagara Escaripi-enî Plaît, buit 1 rh/rtf ltere are tir ssorse /uiîtgs flie ptrk eutuld've tîsked 1,î dut, lise store gatîr/ae otr /uazardotns uNasIe. I liupe the ptîrk pursilesý ail aitueal ii lthe deci- sirt1, îîr is abile îtî furîu aiitîei \\ av5 lt intake tl/ toi- flit urdirtg lrss. ELfe Mr. fr essîtisait] 5 a a îrersîîre here taI use cat illr itîr le. 1 -les

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