The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 25, 2005 Special Pull Out Feature - B7 MILTON www.chanJber.mlto.o <mca Tel: 905-878-0581 251 Main St. East lav- o9I1O.R5tRA07, Mu.t.7 1 <O' I1 Don't forget your letters to Santa; Canada Post wiIl be collecting, them during the parade. -4 ï à- Matthows Canada Ltd. m BRONZE DIVISION Nh words largest supplier of bronze memrializaion and archftecural productu a MARKING PRODUCTS DIVISION Specializing in Identification Products We are proud to be a vital part of Milton's business coMMunity Phone: 95-870.258 Fax: 95-876.1344 coi1N Ltd. ~~MNdaY Filday Uatwday 1O-2p Scrving Milton & Area For Over 4.0 Years "We Take Pride In Our W<rk" Lock.Sof. ttd.fl1 Wayne Nlkolch LocMtmthh 24 HOUR SERVICE 60 Steohe Amê E. UnIt 8, M>ton Tel.- 905-878-5080 Fax: "06-75-4708 p a i __A 11280 GuephLUne RR#~ w- Campbellille " 905-854-2216 I>r Steplhen Bail 1). M. - Ir jack Druil 1) V M 7 M UR/fI ~J7 7 INIJUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL *POLE LINE 24 Hr. Service 400 Mlorobel Drive, Unit 1 Milton, Ontario L9T 4N6 Fax: 905-876-3903 Login and register at wwwrnîl toprotaryci tdsj cû-ron view items and bld anlytime! TV/WEB Auction LIVE on Cogeco 14... SAT. NOV. 26 TH 5:3Opm to 12 rnidnight 905-693-8291 or bld on the WEB HlelP the Mfilles Rotary' Club lo eztend ils reach af contribulions la wadhby causes ieta aur camlmunily and beyond! )aç r~, )w la 1r000ýý