Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Nov 2005, p. 31

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The Canadian Champion, Friday November 25, 2005 - 31 GeIHetp ep GenaiHep GentlHep jGiei ep GenHep 1 GmIaHep GeeIHelI We nemtlHe ip pll îiiiI u like tu tir rrNartil ih great haeteit, co)IipansI match RRSP, pension, sft ' t~ hoot and clothiiig attou arîce-, ipportunit ' for grovtih and mniN iicrai Gu i iardimn I ittrgluas i-i a leadiiig imanufacturr r i residrotitit tihrrgliis insilatimo vti poitioniopeiingt or: Supervisor/Team Leader Tttiîiot i dt!1 piiio focruy tî i tunipLi c ii iqu iii ,l II 'f, id itii, m 5i Cici t oi uîO îîtcuîc i l aiii,! li are tikiîti tir a LI.1iii ý flie[] îi Lo Ici îttî11 i t utc1W %,,fi itil e111 \ýIII Production W'orkers $14.11 r.tii tart increasing tii $16.21hr. atter 6 iounttts POTF'TI.l TO 1i <)f'R $40000Ï 4FiýTIR 1 )-R. cii i \]Il ,iieriîiiiieL \%et, tIeiîiei 11.îî ,îîî 11î1tt of'fli l anîti itîîîuîîîuîtîîc teicupc ut01o ii Iti lke tiîfi i oppotiiiiîtî t i"ii I i i ve il Ilet I ,he vt u iiiî,tiri an iitt i ifiîîiiiii t iil niti one i iiî l Pleac ndudc a leilcr iiil ý,1JI 1c' iie Ifi I.fi .îîtîteî, te Iîîîî iîcal,i I' et Ilp iO 111111 t-t11 0 li eu \ fi i l Iii , ei\ v"it l'ii il t ' li I f \uu u f le,il utt t.iteîtii ;0i îiiiiuî iiriiiitf sîîîîîîîîîîî liiiiii, "111 Iiittiiî u ;imarotian l ihmrii;. Inî., il anm Equaf Opportiîitîoî nîppfîîer Due te rapiti grewth, buy Miltten truuk anti traiter duatership reguiren: - 31 J Trie e eriin Wu effet exuellent morking conditions, benufîts paukage. training anto p puy. Pusitiuns aisu avaîtavie ut uur Waterluo. Mussssaugu & Windfsor locaiouns FULL TIME LUMBER PILERS DAY AND NIGHT SHIFT Canidtate toiusi ba ovysucaiie ftt capable ot medium ru heavy iffinrg FULL TIME DIMENSIONAL PACKERS DAY AND NIGHT SHIFT Must have gouti deotesity ana lie phystuaite lut. Lîglit rapid voue woîk us repetutuve un nature. btarfîng Rate SIt 150/Four Dupo $t2.5O/hour Nughts Benefits anti Bovus Oystem after quatifytua perînti Appty in persan ONLY 9am ta 3pm Cherry Forest Praducts Kerr tnd. Park 24 Kerr Cnes, Guelph (Aberfayte) Hantoo Eapresuway Soufh from Gatep Luit on Wellington Cunfl Rd. 34 Rîght at birut crosoat. Atways surth ut the 401. Rîgbtuon Kerr Crus. Duver Industies Lti - Haiun Flur Division bas an immediate Fuit Tîme upesung aut iAutus Ftuur Miii We uffer un the tub training, heneftî package anti pension plan. Startîsg rate $18.00/huur -shift wurk us regutreti Suuceosuu uandidate must have Divers tuceuse Grade 12 uvmpietuun, utrung me- chusucat bautkground, perceptive us prîoîutîzîsg anti wuîk wîth minimal supervision, industrua envirun- meut andi hia lifting iv teguireti Pieuse fuo tasume ru 519-853-0446 or appty vo 45 Chutuh Sliert West Adtos ut amnati lisguis@duueigip cue NO PHONE ENGUIRIES PLEASE! Sitvevns tIecturca Gîoup is a fast gittwing thumain resoarce comvpany tootltng vor a suit sîvrîvateti hîgh-eseige pvrsuo wîth a rteoamîc persvoat, 000 cas sîviti-task. The svccessu canidate must possess a ove or twv-year coitege tiîpivma, eocetlent comuctonotv and iînteîpieîsunui sfîils, cvstomeî semtice auperienue ana the aliîy to work in a ueiy tast paceri evioîrvment, Musr haue wvîbîng knvwiedge ut MS Worid amd Eocel asti shara an uae huis pager. This is a temoaiy positivn with the vossvîltîr of goîng permanent tin the yuai. Pteaae senti pour reaume and cuver tetier with saary expectations lt Fax 905-078-8312 or akett@stevenareaourcegroup.com -eAE RWIGA PLUM ING ART URLIGTe Design Consultant This indîvîisuat uhautt bu oeilf metvatod andi have an oye fer durait. Previeus au- perteoce wîith kîtchun anti bath design, produet specifîcatton, accuratu measurîng anti computer diafttog an auset. Piumbîng Mari wîtt train thu rîght indîvîduat Warehouse/ Parts Desk Associate Luukîng for as îsdîviduai who wants to work thaîr way up in the boumtsg busi- nsus of huma impruvament. Fouettant customaer verviue skîlis ara masdatory for hasding thîs busy parts devk. Complte raspasbiîty lur raceivîng ant iînvestuîy masagement. Sonne heavy lifting reguiruti Fax resumne 80 Kathy Dzugan 905-639-3581 [~ilGniHein As idear uandidute outti have a sousti knorietge of the Ftsaouîai tsdustrp and preferabiy lie Secur- tries Lcuesseti Pau shoalti povueus exuellent com- puter ukiffs, le capable ot oacomîsg a valuati member ut a team mOite aisv beîsg alia Io woîk sn depesdesty on speuta proleuts in a rtmeiy masi set Bîlîngua wui lie an asuat This positios ii îsîtîiipl ha purt rima ua or leadti r a flitrime par- manent positiun lot tva rîght candidate If you be- tieve yuu woulu lit sn wat the abuve regutremeots pieuse matil vi lau resamae lu DUNDEE SECURtTIES CORPORATtON Ctaude E. Leeaaaeur, BBA, CFP, CfM, FCSI, Branch Manager 3385 Harvester Rd, Suite 107 Burfington, ON L7N 3N2, Fat: 905-331-9454 CCTF Corporation A Master Dîstrîhutor ut tsdustiiai steel prudauts. has immediata opasîngu vs oui Cavtilae acîiity for MATERIAL HANDLERS The gaverai dulies asti rvspursibi iras ut tva posi- rions isuluda cosuidatîsg asti paukîog customai orders, operatios ut mateiai hasdlîsg eguipent, ohiloadîsg asti ioadîsg of trucks. raceiuîng, stuck placement ua assîstîsg ot mainteance of a clous asti suie woîk asutrosmeot. The estrasue iv- gutrameots inuluda a minimum grade t12 1dc liov, ahiiity oa wvrk wîth minmal superviiîon sn a lust-puued team esuîronmest. Duy usati sght shîf positins are avuttabte. Please tan resumne to: 905-842-1466 or emtail resumne ta: Igagne@cctf.com No tetephune cuttu pteaue ADULT CARRIERS We are seekîng intimeisals, preierabfy with esperienue in dloor-to-door tielieery, who wsutti like te joie our team of inde- pendent usntractors dehevering an impor- tant Oakvîife publication Wednesdays, Fridays anti Saturdays eauh week. These positions regutre adufis who are refiable anti uonsuiustîous anti are beot suii te those who enjsy the outdoors anti an inuome baseti on the amount of wsrk they pertoro To explore, please contact Bob at 416-720-1666 or 905-637-8795 AVILABLE î o bu oMILTON a Or 5t3 h1 0 ir Fa 905-373500vi Stme 2, Mîritone inWeMINTONLVIe FArt sitesume t:e Fax: 905-878-1790 o LABUTtRERf puîts vaalitefo Fowr esue wîtb Fax 905-878-199 poins aaJb Arfre e yo 16-4 ears id? Wqpen can hsep Cali f905-88-496 The Oakville Beaver Wu reqoîru eains ut inolividuats wo von douives hîgb uetuîMeS ut toao pubtîcatian.s un Wetinesdays, Frîiavs and Satorclays ut each week. You muni have tha use of a fuit sîzeci van or targui vebîcte and be avaîtabte tu have tieries cumplttut by 6 pm on these 3 tiays. The eitvurios wîtt bu doo ta door in the resîdantia parts of Qakvîtte ana the compunsation will bu banua on the namber of dutîveries madu. We invite you to explore ibis upportunty THE BURLINGTON POST ta currol luokîsg for CARRIERS to detîver rhe paper sn rhe lollowîsg uruaa: Kes Roao Lyturd Lase Cavendish Dr Kîttîbuis Drive Whtrrakei Drive Princeton Ciesceot Sheffieldi Drove Malcolm Ciesceor CavendsO Driue If yau are intereated in a routa abole, pinase cati Ryan at 905-632-0588, exit 263 Adut Welcumred, DON'T MISS OUT! Great O1portunityin BurIington! Guaranteeti Manthty Plus Oas Suboîdy Eartp marnîsg door ta duel Delivery of the Hamilton Spectator & Toronto Star Must have Reliobn Vahudle 7 days a week Cali Now 905-639-7700 Ngtsitfor Milton warehouse Top wages wrth excellent benef itsj j Own transportation recommended j Plaefax resume fa: 905-878-9010 Attn: Chris Nogalo Isi lokn or as esaigetu saivs onated ortîvudual Io join oirtn i3 SALES ASSOCIATE Ai i v a HiieSara4 8 rCn docpr iii',naýs O ' 200cpr oiýrse itt.' o csumcr Io tgv (aap OsL u iaxt 905-873-4672 Stvn eoe Greue tUEML LRHSUI1Kt11111 * WELIJtN5 FORKUIFT OPERATORS a OFFICE Ail Shifts available "P~1~Local temp tii permn positions to begin immediately!" PART TIME SALES ta work In aur peint and housewares depart. 2 ovenîngs h 9PM & îotatiog cuehensn Must lie uumfogtahie asns a computer anti have corne deuuratiug bskls Fan resumne ta 905-878-4049 Mttton Home Hardware Buitding Centre 385 Steetes Ave., Milton LABOURER IFuIi-Time PositionAvailablel Heaey ifting nvovedl Fax revume ruý 519-833-0644I Or cli598330255I FRFFTP~miN!N(~ Mystery Shoppers Wud yvu ika luto aextra mooay tus uîsîtîng aîîd evatuatîug butiques anti restaurants sn your areu We are okîng fur retable individuats wîfh a guoti memorp, guvd cumputer knonetigo anti otid wnt- îng obtuls t u in ur team. ou must have auues ru MS Word asti the Inuerf ta uvucosiderei tur buis posittîn. Il titis position toterasis yu pieuse vîsut oui ouhoîte ut wwwvisionciient.ca/missions ast i li oui an appicuation Ware-s ASSISTAN - pan-tîmej to peaorm Excellent xppertunilly plumbing, electrical, for self starter leeking carpentry and drwall te build a career, Fu! repairs on renta time position inclodes tewnheuse enits in shpping, receivtng Burlingten. Musi be preductien etc. experienced. Fax re- Fax resumne seme te 416-661- 905-337-0328 8772 Max. 3 pages RETIRE ES and HOMEMAKERS To join outiGREAT TEAM of Sohool Bus Drivers 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 FPlaoef' resume o: 9utt 877 9111 a odp rvoa Cai.a 905-8 -95 26 e ead ya U xeinc.N ci a CesR an ettl 400 pesoa houat a 0-8092 eier an ik p nd Coos ucA P u i tan eei ec Cnass ti rna Tox Peuk e a d e vo Oestrc a05d840-9se GNRLABOURERS Fo Muintnne Pno nst ton auabi voeu an a u F uao ToPc, r Ttean W ee e s . CPstoact o aabn mu0Nk a905-7138 Herbatne ePh osConter Mitton Nw Hîrna lien 300 pm 701 p vMuntt Musave on rtea rat E- ai reume le 519offa-83 ro06 or dreni op oItar i en ately 385 t M ai on r (Bosiien Bail Worid 1 AlIIIi

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