Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Nov 2005, p. 29

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The <Ounadrîn Ohurmnon Frtolan Nrovemehr 25 20505 - 9 F' Fme et Toa0,ntsest I emr Ina~ eMeram UNwAces ted CeeTrainig i CerTraiuing RENTALS,,,,, $ITO til $l-:.-,; '0511 $ $ __________________ slii g go O l ta 830 rlis Nelo Tr Hu5me.7 3-bedroom. 3-batbs, 5-appîtances Near schooluý 416-936- 7197 3-EROOM bunga- low, matir Itour Frge stove sharea taundry. St 200,muont plus utîtîties No smok- ing pots. Fîrsi lastroter- ences. Cati 905-877- 1 1300 3-BIEDROOM George- townr Beautut unie- yoar new erecsiîuo tonhomo ai Mountaro- uîew Mapte Close ti GOD schots and shop- ping. Nestrat dcr, 5 appliances. A C. gar- age No smoking Weilt behaued pets wetcorce Wbute bosse St 405 plus utîlttes Cati 010 259-6279 DERRV THOIMPSO0N. Nec 1800 oO ie roums 2 t 2 polo. tire place 9 Oceltit-s No smoking pets mrseîi- atoty Oit-Ou mn etO -uIt1Ies 90 59.1 1i99 GEORGETOWN i lirn upper iloi 'f I osse îvingroomo in- it-iO t-ë îlt ,c baih iridge s',vý vuoca- et iryci CA Aoîtuoto Decerer rsî Si1uX mii - stîlties Aher 6pm cait 905-693 0780 GEORGETOWN 3- bedroom, veto t-eur Oardwoc floos lin- * 5000 basomeor. excel lent l3,o rlton St 25i month plus utît- lites Immediate or De- cember itt Cai 9050 8 77 -3 0 20 9 05 -2 9 9 7435, MILTON -3 bedroom bungalow, 4 appt,- onces, SlOOOmonth plus utllîies, would pro- 1er nu peluno smokin-g (905) 878-0964 MILTON 3-bdrm main Itoor bunga- low dlean & treuhly 'enovatod/close lu air omonîltos apjpîr aocou taundry Aduts Onty Nu Smoking bers Avatonote Dec t SîtOýmo. ,-shared uttitties 905-592-1841 wwo 010011 thruherenet MILTON upactoussun- ny 2 bdro o den on main leoau-l of bungalow. Central location on goret utreet te ulder Mît- rocý $1350/mth te cludes utlitîes, basic cahie, parkicg, 00w sloe Irtge, OOparte ocîrance. No smoking, relerenceu, lîrstaut re- gaîrea. 905-878-0970 7 O 3Opm or teave mes- sage. Auat mîd/late Decembor NEW 3-bedroom bon- galow in Georgetown wîth trnîshed lamrty roomn in basomeol Close lu att amonîtres, Att appîrancos January Idt Cai 647-887-3727, q0587 914-t99 MILTON 3-BORM Mii ai los inc dea. tii- sriokvttoîiiatie iti iitttOy Si 10011tilt sîtîiltts Please cait 905-693-822? MILTON. New O Lieu- room tonhcvîvo ini dronte Meadocu S1200 mvont , utîtîties Cai 416-534-1124 OAK VILLE i Oeil vrs totiitusos .1varît abie îîîîmedîareu thttugb .tanîîay t' i oppliances Hopedalo Mai aroa. Laheshore Managent 905-870- 3336 & aoîed FOR toor Itictudes large backyard, ose c-t kicheno BBO. oStoi No smoking pets 5550 O 0111 inclusive 905-86-1-6076 MILTON. Reni tut oîsbed ruors Prîsate ParhO om Prîsîteges 0;520 montb 905-87h 0350 lm Acmodaton MILTON, bcedio 'it-n dota 0ec1 hoose Iasti dru. patkic-g internet no snikit pebos pro S00nn Ot ((c i 940' WANTED Matoto cet sOtOtOt fsae 500 iii I 1edor vît- rtr,-î t ?-caths 2-lvia toouts lOa u1, i n,- Air1 o parking S60Qîn tti ait o ýýLIsîvp Cal Bi Oiaut 90u 693-557C, WANTEO Mature pet- soir lu sOute ?SOOsq S 3-Oodroom apartmoor 2-batOs,2 troîog rooms taundry room Ample paîktng 000munt al dncusivo Cati O iao 905-693-5570 rkK 95-878-2341 t" pArîjuirroei fokg lot peot onnucmn LMV ouI na aat alon for apsorle tr conyîrc nm hos.l41- loer 206 leble stant and finish dates 905-854-5801 MY homo, movîng oe Milton Dec. 2, E.C.E lraîned. 20 years OrpO- noence. prouchoot pro- gram, excellent roter- onces & ait ages welt tome 647-998-33d5. 1 Ei e Are thri d tiethe, al t 'ivl ofîthe iv 111vr, Rega P'tricati-. o Novtibti iror?00 Ast ighn in 9ip t o0 i s t t'it- it lits u l ts '100 t F mo t i ii p rit n 1tVodS a l trtvly t ape ile Spiiv- KE'th qI KOCtEas Io anoNESA the. ariait Mv i M t e Cheiloper fLon diap 6i -o ry N .005v1i 250 005 ai f i 00 e li sita TornttoA ittl rie duoarn ia trieuin atiy andoc Fasidge to w outO e ll rcaned ln CraNp u Auenr oband Elzaetmarrionand San andpiri 123 n hvemb er 2093 il Tho lie has cone tIr ult sardyfite n ?oco n 0m bouse u3e d osi am n poac An you q nover r Mu hou agaînTu, Foer 39Lr1, years)r yoaoreb m 5l Pou te mi ec s sîme itvî rimes, rnilyaf Now n hohre v t( pti es ts rosi ria d ntion t the titi l and il o eF ur Il emor ttitri I n Memortiam ir il 2/ l8 ilce be 1v~ ittl iv Alen vou feair nd tut n An Wounv r lhlart a/irer, F ogers oo.warc b &l3errr.ao&e Adyu andysgaveme gryo/rrUrvrr No ntb os fpAc pai ou hertsi 0eu e o h il Ma t b atew&a oros M DîtrE c sIWIN EDARy A ll ig111.%o Mr mdýo na,11 s ma i/M Rd Eýý ci'c Qa1 11A tc %ritob F0 .ly do o iiicio M iLglNotices M LglNoie NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS tr the Est île MARGARET GUNBY, deceasod Ail danms aganflot he Estaie of Margaret Gun by lie ot the Town of Mitou i te Regionial Monicipality of Halton, who died on or abouti November 18, ?003, must 0e t led wth the undersigried personal representat vos on or about the 30tb day ut Docember. 2005, aller wt ch date the Estate til On distributed I au ong regard onty t the ctains tf Ohct tine Es- rate Trustee theo s1 att have or oc DATEI) ai Milton. Octrio, lbis ?2d dao of Nouembor 2005 BarbrarAni Wrght Est tar Lte Wtti Wttl Bu Dlouglas A Do rt Hoiden & (Jut Ia rstors rnt Solicilr t189 Mai Sotreet Easr M lton Ontario lL9T tN7 ROMANCE uolrarned Afocal a Home Bakery S325, Caewt i h Dusk 0600 Batemani adatae of otnramted bîberrai NigOt 00 Brondoîs *vtrit scrooning. saloly and rote ronces *Urrscbeciuea munitl FUI.t pani tio frofr n weeks of I .r -Exclusive Wee Please caîl: 1 -866-75t1-9332 WAée IN rry tîroo 00,-i 5tO -tyrs H rittiy iv iio-s sti t ksý Ptov iii-e Nisirioitiig ur vttiitttettt i0 ycars t-r lorot . Oocrcnoî t James5 'ow Poikooy &Maîin St CLt Ar aeta 905-87506100 toit li47 ?95- 3656 E5PERIENCEO Tuturs Curriculour basea math and longoogo pro- graros LGrades i-8 AIrordabte rates Colt Carolyn 905-875-1177 STR EETS VIL LE PSYCHIC 51000 Spo tai Noo Tatet c-art, lti or psy Oc Hel) ri, air Forl Sale58ý15 BOYIS clunobi OcrO ITrhh Sotta plue sbutîlet Oodîvos, ? bonks S350 090 410- 303 4208ý FIREWOOO FOR SALE. CALL 905-878- 2712 LOFTACO 0001 3-drawer desh ana 6-drawer drosser. bolîd wood, Mencnnte Forci- tore. Askrng $550 080. 905-876-2715 MAYTAG caburai gas dryer, excellent condi- lion, $150 080, catit 905-884-3271. BEAUTIFU carveia untl te package/brand 000 Hooker Dînîng Sot + Curto @ 112 prîce $5700.1416-726-7534, CHERRY drniog table & 6 chairs (80 -100y10 uld) reauonabty prtced, caI 000,-804-28d8 trainod 1-5k cof eack bobo oo Cati 905-875- 330d or 905 B8b5-4963 A dinirig rcuirr -S too O sttu podostal table 8 chars tull t d ov - ii (,I irý Coit 10 fi r- o S-t50'y90rO"î.tt ANTIOUE Jiing r tir bordl snîid wod i 0ot ýoîdition oio 905 86h4-4507 Colt ti1C '29 17f i BED, An oving rîrain 110000 oftio la yii p iOWtop set nein plas- tcw warrant9 $2h0 905- 567-4002 udtl deltor BEDROOM Cherry wood, Bed, cOesIr drosser. 2 nighîstands Douerait Construction Nouer o poeod c Cost S8,000 Sacrifice St 100 905-5674002 CARPET i have sper- ai t 000 yards of new Staromaster & 1 00ý, nyl oncarpot Wîit do liv- îngrîîom & bail tut S389 tincivascarpvr tait & itîstaltioni (30 y.rrds, Steve 905-633 HITACHI 44r L'iv coue tetovîsiot Paît 02000 last yoar First S1000 takos il Cali Ricr 905-875-0062 HOIST, 2 yoars otd, 4 pour drive on, 12,000 Obs capacîty wîth 2 rolling lachs Cati John 905-878- 8595. HOT Tub JSpa) Cooers & wmrg Pool bal ly covers-Best Prîce, BesI Oualîty. At Shapos & C olours Avarlabte. Cui 1-860_ 5850056 www.theco- verovo ca PALLISER TV/enter- taînmot unit. Wood/oonyer, 5 shetues, 2 largo draw- ors, 50.5 w r 48" h $100. CatI ana we'il ornait yoo a prcturo 905-878-9291. y id rrat y905 l3t ?077 1ePets, supplies PORDER cutîto Austra- bril Sheppyîrtaxpupi pies 7 woeks, îoady iii gou ti shots & de- worîned. 5300, 9050 854-6007, 6rsWrý 1990 Morcury Topaz, tons oeill good minier car b ted new brakos, St ý000 Cai 519-853-3087 or 9050 875-0232 1994 Pontîac Bonne- orie, barber. loadea, 177,OOOkms Cor- tlîfed e-testea Excel- lent conîdition 50h650 C.rii aller h OOpm 905- 877-8h20 1996 Ford Taurus LX Wagon. avtîîmaîc. ruity toadoît ait oow brakos fotuttires0 Cor 158 OQOOms 53,500 uSe Cati 905-077 0672 emaîl mati îîy@tecbemat com 1990 Chovy Lurnîn L'o CD. puwrr dows, reoto entry $5.000 0110 Cai 905- 702-9135 1998 i300go Strats tiOOOOknîs Sot-y qît O iconditton luadoîr A Mtîit soc' 55000 bit Ccrîîtîod e-tOsICO Cati 905-87' Iti Garage & LOCKEO nrîttt amprs Wlitas lOi SI Oo Cal Si19i855 ('eadin oloog Be aTEACHER or ASSISTANT Teach Engîtot- TESL DIPLOMA fit Educate Ottîdren- ECA DIPLOMA p/I Progîams startrcg Janaary. Apply nowt Pegîotered anal apptuved au a prîvate Career Coîlege Pecugrszed oy the Minitny of training 905-896-0000 rAnO SeoTeacuotca Are yoer a persoîî with a disabilitv? Are you unremplo>îed arnd available ta work? PEP COMES TO HALTON PEP lis a Personal Employment Preparation for people with disabilities *Labour Market Information and Job Exploration *Resumes and Cover Letters *Interview SkrlIc and Oealing with Oroclosure *Work Readrness and Action Planning LIMITED ENROILMENT Find out if you are eligible for thîs FREE service! Cail 1-866-DIME (3463) ext. 239 19ONTARIO l1 lMARCH I& idOF DIMES G.tvettiiti-tt of datiadé Personal Support Worker Program Sherîdan's Personal Support Worker Program prepares you to Iel clients enloy the best quality of life possible, whether those clients are in their own homes, supportive housing or a long-termi care facility. Information Session /Location: For the neot available date, location, and further information, please cail Erica: 905-845-9430, ext. 8052 (Qakeille) or 905-459-7533, ext. 8052 (Brampton) Start/End: January 9 -August 18, 2006 (El recrpiento may be eligible for fuodingi Ir Sheridan wmwwsherrdanincsrouteca SI3ASONaé CARING I'Ile a< ie e ro I t <'hr%îtnan Bureau U-und ai Ct'nip1'bon 8075 Nliai., Si. M1il1lin. Oilnt. :]l 1 iI fil - FREE Information Session! 905-333-3499, xt 121 www. thecentre. on. ca The Contre Siis £Oeoelroprent & Tc-aini-t

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