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The Ontrearios Fîre Caide requîres Ihat every home h ave vo rkî mg snolke alIar-n s Instail them in your homne or cottage todlay' UIi've-iîx' u/fVlurvlatud By STEVE LeBLANC The Chamipion 1lie si-s a i ll0 0o r tIoa I 5 i 59 o NTi y lasis i s hiso i s t lie%\îs ii .s thesaIiso sIoil. sawko(si a ex/k lia, 'secti inosisria fi Le. issi1asO as losi msille tlii t\irs aiea saes sald sort sxi' itlo lies- liIIis tsr iu aii ta ts ire asi a ge (Il 12. isirai aial a'ssel suIs and rilsrra sceinl lne lia 20 x, lai \loiio lias arrichli toIs N"Ja'iiciii srsiuh flaeileî or oi io'ltrsaOtroi lia spOit e itO at il lic ce loi l1i soisoLI waTalo oi0l ha i I1 ,sssld soia ri [lias liers li[ Ilile 5a,IT ,11' iOi esisSacal ilietca 1 .ioiliriai soiL iand . 1olr nsso's liw loîsalis i k S k îOOI\rlOi îsiak ýýZX A Greens Christmas One need look rio fuilber t1ban thp mortels of nature, to spice op theit florne foi trie holidays Fresh greens inake for a great festive leei incloois or OLA DeCOrate YOUr entrance to vielconne file qeasoii with great selections of everqreefis berries and twigis Great for planteis wreaths, doo; decoi inantles nid cellier pieces a huge selection is waiting tu inspire Ille decoralor ni Vou this holiday season Mien cricating youi boliclay rnasterpece renieinber tu keep il as jursrush and full as possible Heinlock, tir cedar and pine aie gieat evergreens to end support and texture to Vour afrangeinent Ilex Manzanilla Berry and i)epperbeity add fabulons colour and eiiýefn1b1e addiiiq both culutu and dinieiisiori Excitinig iiew auditions arrive all Vie rune ýù Iliis veek ctieck ont Vaiierjated Holi", and qloss", Magnolia leave', Che(k oui üUl GreeHý VV01VIVI1ý111(j th1,ý df)(j jet ý(IIjr illaq fiation bling fel'tive l1q)irat1(jflý to lire Listen to ÀIIM900 c H ML for more 7 72 5501 Onîîirio St S,t nil 8, Milîon,<)nt 90)5-8-6-122-1 SPECIAL INVITATION TO DISCOVER AN EXCITING NEW DESTINATION Il>lîtsi lir e I dtsi s ast i r x s lIislisr/l xîîîuk I sîtîrs ant helii lîtîiisxia l'îsîrst Boian 'ts toi' an1 i'xilig î'sr'stssg. Location: Travel Leaders ofice on0 Dec 5lh-6:3OPM RSVP toi 905-876-1224 or email inifo@travelicaders.ca Dti nt ionsrs lois î'xa'a'i eiî's i c-, t on îîs of iisOi . ra-siioii-il loi î5 SIs li tof ilo i ' e .1.. PRt '11 S itod V-St 11.0 tl lois î1lî's iîî iîo os aî rua li ri i-iiOtaisis 5 star Propertiio i îaoli îgti r. liiig. i -i t lt riaklist aind inîr liail l, AII Irasîtsrus la ixesl Bdelc'nljan 10 - ýMar "7: 15 dais=$2 189, 22 days=$2.399 Vicki Chliszczyk -l' il ielo5cad lli los suI l)i ai() sil \'s.k srsi.acs 'isorteo Caiipbcll. "Site ao ,î loxs. iatily aliicical aund sîso-Lle- soossalcal lela ad sîes kes îhi îsaiioIs tliers aidiiio 10010 Aond to tlîî irai o orneIn eloi- osîlss 1557 7 s'atoisis ail, sitl et ofr lescis [siir lis lis ,aIL (lli.siaiy k allis l i tisa sesîlîs iran riahl aI te\wr 50001 00lciss isîsîjali sopeIlsi fics'iei boiso a1 si-osriii directir l'e Ic,îîsscd 'or inucih lcs c.' Ailloli,-, tire thIi - ,hts sie Ieass ie- ai Voiid watlias lsiow to elleetix 1 "p5'[ot gymnisiais. luisý ls0s ulefliitely gax ail liers le(, sp ri) soudas tcosale Ilisu O. icors. Iloisi o \osrs cailter s9airsaix trons file spoi Iiis asxpect of' caichiss or driiIpriaua porotiies al il -Beiss aible ils spiO is a rota siresitsliti soe,. said (lîscsk.slio' aui'iatly spe- ciai , s ossn balanîce heaio iisiiucting ii Niasylanid. 'il's osie of buose thiîsgs ýou ixv co uslo a millsisn lunesc untI yrîu really kiîios wha yîoî se diig. Aisd] su s ceslaiily sîoI)IelsiiILht tsrshssss ust wi sheu a 125 pi rid Lyrilssit s- \ osillisg iî r s spsriied hy ,îîstr rue iiia genissally the sainbe Site ilso cuisseffctivse communsoicaionri a )i ilises iioto-,oý ,is, aaadîssg ilas~i crime frsont pariibcioa t,i i ritue "Porrt fsn.sso "'iio\%ii sort rou ilss grs aire grosie I cais sciahic suesk iis o Ulorî aul tile tea lsr l lil. \s, lor lier sers\ leasî. ('hisciyk sas sîse loke-. N1nslaiSAs ca oises Ssii saacacsý ibsss î.~adhigý ITe lcamcîle lisp six ai i es rislasîs la:-t y car- ,iad rc se il ai presly st10Iroi ICCoaILlit iaiss tîîsein si Silver lining for Twisters ait Parry Sound tourneo.y 'l'lie Northlî aîllisî Tssislers' C peessees deteacasx ssire baîck îis-back iss sover the ciiuln caislise oii a seconîd chsance, aînd ('ildsvaer bigles. \ýos ns Nourth Halion ld lis settle lîr seain sisales. slsuîsped 6-il aînd thesa edged 4-3 eia roule Raiitîî ios Sisses aller playisg siorc lii the final. Laisses saîssae 17 hîrurs. tie loal Vaîsessa Consigio siasid out ini the lasalses gase aiu pls erloirraie inisaI s iciisry xx t a pair sof gisais a Isl le Iorst P s S Ind anîd ain assîsi. xx hile telloo Ilîî,iittiisss Ili tîorssaîssseît Cain- Miltias AIy sîrî Van Rassai pis ,'Iîasl piaix SisaIx aý elll ore I gil îîunser îhree nst tIse retui ons Isle raistir isas 2-0.îsaesîeî Ili'lsaie s siýi as a' è Irltîsîsca 2-i h9 l'air io ie osg tIs e r liocal piiye- srosi îlots soiti rit (lia' flsst roundîs. i osîsg o11, a gîoal w ar 's peesa ce P 'loiisters aire Jaîsanî us Ill limiîer loair minuastes rei esaîsssniitest as saî Bs isake Seully assa Siidichla ed has os cai sîsese iia rrrî su Alexandtara 'hihauali - Better gra for your child. Fewer grey hairs for you. loi ci i o n w l l f rSaiiiL o-aiuI, î11ooî i -oo l o bil 000rl Il i0'iiii I iiii i. 0i.io0io ý . 000o1r il h o l ,. ],:;,]rîi î o rroîrr l c 1 lo i %' oui ololo 00000-000, ,-I ,c in a i iî.î no[iiîi luroi foi Ili, i io lso oi i., iaO 1 lir , llI jor Onuol o .00 II0 11Iii r.0 o 'îi'0 i)( io i 'or O ilo- brr ilOi Or .000000 i iio'i b i I-1 ( Io 0 . 0.- 1 -il000 Ci - il,00 iiiio i Io i ioîor r , .,. l 0,..o. -l Io,. Or 110i si THEGAME 1 ý