Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Nov 2005, p. 10

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Ali0 - The Cartadian Cbatopion, Friday, Noveroober 25, 2005I What is Your Time Worth? i aie otie Cc etlittie ait exstsîel laltet colite hsonîte ifronît Nc ork. lic iid ileS liard aili day anîd os as tireS outî- ialticted irnit tue pressures tia bts/I scltedule. He looîte lits -ice year oîid soî o ailting loir filtn alic u eoor. "ladeîy. ii/t/ 1 /sk 0000 a0 quOestin"" "Suore. sont ocha h/il ?" li' ed cc inîled. I (oco itocit tilotttevI (c Io 000 itake oit Itour"' N isibis trrtttee. el/ic bleirtee oni. "ihatios ntoue o youtr beusiness, sotit' 1'lat os oco sottii' Il Os iot piotîe lo tsi' sosneooîe itos îîîîc'i lthe/I tîtke ail itoor. VVh/t ttt.kes /Iu 000 05 setei a iit ' 'iljot cc/tilt lo kîîo\cc. P)iase tell tue. lîoo ill h eout /00 ii/îe ait ittr"he/deS lte li ttie bo'. "il coco îîîcsîitc n . 1 lt/île '5i.ii0i0 aitn ttt "'" el/i attttttttiec attprtic "11.it" li tle bos rellecteel. boccl loi' lot eO iloint a.ri i/I Suotleeoti N lie lotokeel Op cc it O cîtec d erl i or andiel iolooei )olelDdy. boy I bootc $10.00?'i'c/se' 'Flc lice year otild's reciceso iotori/oled hîs tiller Ocso eooresseei "il Ilte (titi/ re/ot yot Oc/attlo ko, o % l undio tîtch ioooey 1 ooo0ke is so lt/il yoo c/ti bort 000 sotile o' il lo locy a0 501/I lot/I gaulle ot stitilee /otitll ilîcî lis/l os nonîsenose' Yott îîîoîîch /Iotiseii slr/ittliot ýoutr roootît ilooco atîc got lo beel 1 vosat vIoit lo tiotî /aboutt Ocy iy /ott ire bei so seilisi 1 0000k lontg, is/rel houus ccc r/I iay ande lI ot Iitoe litote liteLlc sel rio toi tittes"'ý The ltoile bo/ sttii'lled. ats lie ciOtietiI oîbeyeoi ando ccci lo lits rooîo Sttlie sIiit flie elooor. lie bec/oit lo crh Meatc filte. itîs date sat eiooc o o d do icltîcer anid colitte iliioatel lis 500005 eltesttotlittti Ife got 010/0e e/eICI lthe iliotiet lioîsoîog. 'I l are li lie ýtsI sticit culeoittt ottti'o lot c sotitte oooîo01 00l" licia el Oit itti il/eliliel diitio olie tiiooooiIt th tie iti/I toce iti loti ii.od titilts sont 1le on-00 eeed. "Maybe lic teally tîeieel thai $1000 i i/iîe dotes lot îotrîiaiy tsI i'otr ilioicy. So, Ilte îreel laîet c\clii lo flic dooiof il little loty 's rooni. toietied il aîîd getty quiesltiooîd. "Are yot /tsieeît, soriîîý" "No. i)ddy ot Fin ke cchtspered the yotung boy. ""l'o beent boul otg... tiaybe 1 ceas 1t000 bard otît you contier. . " cloS saiS sooiiy. 'I'ls beetia o ng day ande 1 totoî li/y05 a b tout oit toto yob. llere's fiiti $tl0.00i /Ittt asIeS loti." lilecltile bo/ s/01 straight up, cetl a beaniîtt stîtîle lit stretelied fronts car lo car. "Oh. titati yoo dael lie /Iciled antie fircols oîrms .orotend lits failier. lTheti teaoiti cotier bis îoiIIoc. lie îoîîiiel ot sote tîtore cri tled Olp bolls antd a itndfeli oti cotins anid begas lo sitoo i/I coutlil. Hi o 1000eo.osleraeel fther, seeiltg lthai tic boy ait eady haci iotli/I gruneotid. 'Wii/ du te /'tu îoan oit îooîc ioti.' il pu te aIready 1sl sttse' f "Becausc i didte ihave ettîot"ii. buit tloo 1 dott' tic tile boy ecîoeuiy explinied. " )Žddy. 1 to\e lacve $20i.0ii. colt 1 bety ait hîour toi yosur lime't" l)ad pisiied his sitlose, hutggîîîg hlmn teîderiy anid reaizitîg fihal his smoi i soe iocd 050t giveit htm a vaiuotbie lession ton prioorties. "No,. son! You can kecp the morey.. yoe do t ha-se lIo buy lime wvth tise ' oiînaîiy toi uis hiave fricîds tir iutced otites who loong lo spend linte os 1h uis. ycî fee crotwded 0ou1 by the busy demrands toi' tour hecti. ittestle? Shaore titis slory so it Itîhein. tn cesi $20).00( worîh toi tilte 0100 their lives. l)o'î torgel lo havce tunte toor those yoooo looer 1/ike tinte itor yocur reiliosnship osiîh (Jtd as cccii. 1 enctourage yoou lt o vsit a loocal chuuch ihis coeek! Pic.tsc coîtsetit thte Relîgitous Direelttry beleow lor service Iltinies antd loîcaltons'r Subinitted by Rev. D>an Rogge, Pastor of Milton's New Life Church. CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X81't / 905-875-2939 1" r i Sunday School Classes Lo/I'tl i Goo'.I tIllie't(' 10.00 arn0 Mi Sre Worship & Communion Worship Service - Sunday at 9:00 arn and 11:00 arn 11:00 arn Coffee and Conversation - 10:30 arn Thursday Bible Study 905-876-3586 7:00 pm Serior Pastor - Jim DeMarsh -Youth Pastor - Mark Strickland Minister Steve Corbett To Advertise in thie Church Directory please call Colleen Corman at 905-878-2341 ext. 211 GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH ('Ierii: .317 Main St E ReN~. D)r. '%Iark tCip CI,oorch on t//e Hi/I NlcI)ernîoftt 905-878-2411 Re%. C arolv I attgtvt I athur Nlkirk(tti Sunday Services 8:010 arn - loiai Conimunion 10:00 arn - Sung Eucharist. foilocted bN cotTee hour. Sert ce indludes "Kids'Spirit"* Ca/ the cflurch office or vi/ct w'oon qracecnotchmî toc conn Whee/cttair Access ttttough Parking Lot a'eviogracechurchnî/on,0omn SUNDAY, NOV. 27 10:00 a.m. Ordination Service for 7 Pastors Please Join Us Location: (this week onlyl IBot Rd & S.W KNOX PRF:SBYTF:RIAN ( IIUjR('H NVEFLIOMIfS YOU' 1 ,1t111 \tton 00 h/ si/ Ilieiîoiî\'/ îîî <i ici li' ,ti ML.t Ii \uiiîîi fi ll'[0 SuîîdaN Xorshilp 10:30 a.in. Vouth SinaiI (roup K(iradcrs 7- 12 ') 9: ' ati Children's Woorship) i îe ('oîGrade (o) 10i:3 i 0 NurSc'rx '.. t so g t, la.'r in 11#4'/~o'.j<lrn \ 50ioc/,/toî î.l ut I \o/o\ tîî iti oodd t/n ain// oine iii d \oni1 SmO/sm o// 'Oints Sotreei 6-11111k NE a e a E 82 THMPO RD .-MLO Senior Pastor Rev. Dan Rogge Chitdren Natali. Rag ge Ascislant/Worloop Esther Kes I or Youlh Clinion Kruger MILTON I il lo h Htugli t iltut Hlt.0 iiouii 1t. MOltoi SRFi tutti i s( 1101 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 ar..-The Lord's Supper il:45 a.m. Suniday School 6:30 p.m. -Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Sfudy ,14 lite moerd ficas ituide fles/i andl ie/i nnwtiog Ilsý«I .Ill e /)eltef/ Ili$ ginrv., asi of lie oitv oj lite Iuullter. - Luke 19.10 ÇRACEWAY GBAPTIST CHURCH www.southsidemilton.org 103 Martin Street 958856 o05thside2 1 oâeon Drr Rd. behveen the Sports Cenître n/ the H-ospital Pa'o Wate H.Isa o tnoe tor Jack NîonOer i0:00 arn. - Sunday SchoolCo etosCf(ithfyr)1:0a 11:00 arn. Morning WorshipConcinCae(ntefyr100an 6:00 p.rn. - Evening Service Sunday Celebration 10:30 arn Thursday 7:00 p.rn. Bible Study & Prayer The Persecuted Church Captain's Crew for Children 4-1 2 "You'II always find a triend at Graceway" Sfr Gae68 usC 3 m*Ei Gae91)Wd :0p www. gracewaybapt.ist-.. Saai(rd -)erg. .3 meEi Ga-e91)W d :0p 9:30 .m - Suidl Night LIVEySco OUR MISSION To love God & Io love each other KIdo Praist Choir Practict doirloiýÉ si/ni c Supervtsed Nursery & Dynamic Chidren s Programs available ail services! HOW GREAT IS OUR GOOD? Begins next Week. Christmas Sermes. Wenh.sitp ww ne wif rn/ltnn nrn aun. Novemner zi, iu:aju a.m. FIRST SUNDAY IN AD VENT COM- MUNIION Worship in Graham Hall supported by music from our Worship Band Worship in the Sanctuary supported by music [rom the St. Paul's Choir Supervised Nursery Care from 10:15 ar. Church School at 10:45 amn Theme: Gift of Jesus Gospel Unit for grades 6-8 Cotf ee & Conversation after the services Carols By Candlelight - Carol Service - lpm Annual Carol Service wîth the St. Pauls Choir Came Warship Wîth Us! 1111111110-

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