A4 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 22, 2005 Firefighters collecting f td n ý f fil îîe/irtet s antd tillet vi/utilleet Pieoplte are îtecc/ed lto /tep t/te lite/t thiets cii/tedt/t flicfod and It sio t/te /iiid at the iiiid baîk. 1Thse iîtterested in hlint cii//ect are asked lto s/titis up ear/y l t/te ttiiorting ai t/te Central Stationî oîî Steeles Avenue îvit/t I/teir i e/tic /es. Resîs/etts \Nalttitg lto lie/p) sotît caîî cal t/te Sa/i alittî Artîty at (9//S75 ///22. Ontce aîzaut i/ti/te i/ s\îeep tIti uoh streels and col lec /iiiic/1t)i t/te animtal C/tri 'tis Fooiîd Drive / tr t/le Sa/s allen Anny I ecenmbet i. lag itr t/le ilnpirîs/table /iiiit are ilie uded iii tiiday 's issue otiI l'lie Residets are asked Io lease t/te bags tit t/tei irnit pitre/tes (il- ai t/le endtot ii hi c/ri\eî a\s \%htere illeN Il be cit//ecîed bu A Catered EXTENDED RESTAURANT CHRISTMAS HOURS: Monday 7:0Oam-3:OOpm Tuesday-Friday 7:0Oam-7:OOpm be id! lsf11 lle offerînq <)ur siqoature salais, sandù'riches and homeinade soups durinýq our ert endeil hours int addition f0 a feu' neu' dinzter items a civuli! NO WJS THE TIME TO BOOK YOUR CATERING FOR CHRISTMAS! Proudiq Caf eringl/lton For (hir 15 léars. 140 Main Sb-et East Mikon Fax: 905. 875. 1753 905. 875. 2964 lon therntav oe who agree no//to dnnk ak"hh bevrages ..rîdîo dnveve M " tthrIM grsup hom safev Photo by GRAHAM PAINE FTestival of Trees Milton Kinsmen Club member Brian Gildea us joined by volunteer helpers Meaghan Payeur (ieft> and Samantha Veilleux at the Milton Mail booth for the Knsmen Festival of Trees in sup- port of Miton District Hospital. Tickets are on sale for the December 3 draw featuring 12 dec- orated trees and a wreath. ,,Ground to break tomorrow for public ellementary school 'llie I litn District Sc/îîîîî Botard ti Ill hîî/d an îîf/icial griiuîd- breakîrîg ceremriity tiiniîrris /for a tîeiî% elîreltary schetîl îî Mitltn 'l'liec itl, sshîch is aîîttcîpated Io oîpent îî Sepîeîniber is î// bc /ocated at 1199 Ciisîîgan Rd., offi Thiimpsiîn Riiad. 'Me cerenîîîny ai the sîle vol î// 1 ai 1 p ni. and ýill bc S atîended b> huard lruslees. admîntstrators. local geiernent officia/s. area resîdents antd a nunt ber of' studenîs n holl/ goi the schoiii. Anther new scheel is also s/ated to be. but/t in Bur/inglen. Bîîîh cotrne in response le the griuish in Haitin. in aceuîrdance with the biiard's capitl stralegic p/an. Tne lo prut/edîs are expected te coit a total/ oî' $17 mi/llon. Construction is anticipaled lto starn immediatc/y. In September schoo/ trustees îîîîed te use $9.1 million in reserves and about $0 mil/ion pre- i îus/y set aside 10 increase the bitard's Internet bandwidtb t0 fond the constructioin oif the schools. The deciston was muade to divert the funds tor the desperately-need- ed schiols. îvht/e the board awaihs îîeîvs id pres'incia funding for new schoe/ projeets. '6ï~ 'I w, &t & Mu youac wtweni kàw» one. la~ /ve i4 <&4bvays 4pCý7 dxooefrm Your Choice ý,Big youth workshop here Thurs. I/tle Ilia/lt Regiîtta/ Y0i'11 tutt hii îîîîîîîunî les. prîîîîîîîe the Adi si\i.ýo, Coiitltee wil / t t/te inîclusionî o1/ y îuîh iiilet and Yîîuî/ ('aîî Make a l)iifeîetîce etîcîura-e tetî te bectie actisve iii rkshi 1 T/îrsday ai t/te Milo /îîî ni the ciiîmtulîty. Cpts(entre. Mitre t/tait 1//I yoiuts frnit The eveni. \n htch \s i/i rn frot () t/îrîîgue/î t/lec Regtiii are expeci- a.. lto 2:3/0 pmr, is desigied to cul lt attentd, a/iing ws th adi isiry teach îiiut/ coimmunicatîion ski//s ciimnnittee membhers. Thcy'l/ a// the> tteed to ifluence chanîge li hase a c/tance to influence /eca/ decisutt tiakers as Regiona/ Chairmait Jotyce Saxo/toc and rep- reselliailses inuit local nîunicipa/î- îles \ni/I be in attetîdance. Yiiut/ Association Caiada -an iirgantlaliîntt hat equîps youlh te enigage tihers te peacefully resolve cuîîîlits and deve/ep heaihy rela- liuinships w/il a/so be there. Reporting to the Director, Corporate Services, your focus isf0o lead and manage HR functions embracing recrultment, compensation, benefits, labour relations, organizational change, personnel policy, budgets, training/development, succession planning, and health and safety. An accomplished communicator and negotiator, you will work closely with the CAO and Directors on corporate strategic matters. Knowledgeable of personnel policies/practices and employment legislation, you have a degree, a CHRP designation, and, preferably, 10 years' HR experience in a growing public sector organization. Interested applicants should submlt a resumé by December 2, 2005 to: Town of Milton, Department of Corporate Services, 43 Brown St., Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Attention: Director, Corporate Services Fax: (905) 878-4231 E-mail: humanresources(@milton.ca In accordance with the Freedom of information and Privacy legis/ation, applîcant information is co//ected under the authority of the Municipal Act and wl be used stricty for candidate selection. White we appreciate a/i applications recel ved, on/y those invited for an interview w/I/be contacted. 1tWhy di the chioken cross the rood? L. To lielonger B ang aicroîî the tono the chicken 90,F ed c irecrither neairi and c posrw attitud