A24 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 22, 2005 RrngTh~ n l (hrisîmas To lour Table..N CHRISTMAS STORY PORTMEIRION STONEWARE Jllustrated by the widelîj acclalmed artlst and ceramlc designer Susan A Winget, I Christmas Storg features a series of intricatelg detailed Images inspired by the rhume "Twas the night 6e fore Chiristmas". su4r fi4~a 'Tvas the nlght before Christmas, when aIl through Not a creature vas stlrrlng, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung b; the chinmney wlth cure, In hopes thît St. Nickelas soin would be there; The chlldren were nestled il snug In thefr beds, Whlle visions of sssgir-plums duîced In their heids; Aid minima In her kerchief, and 1 In ni; cap, Had st settled dovn for a long winterls nap, When eut on thie lawn there irose such a claIter, I sprîîg from the bcd te see what was the mutter. Aiea; t the wlndow 1 ffew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The inoon on the bireast of the îe-fallen snou' Give the lustre of mId-day te obiects below, When, whît to my wonderlîg elyes shoidd ippear, 0 Hls eyes - how they twlnkledl hils dîmples how merrj! Hîs cheeks were lîke rose, fils nose lifke a cherriji Hîs droîl littile nuouth wis drawî up lîke a bow, And the beord of hils chîn wîs as white as the snow; The stump of a pipe he hield tlght In hîs teethi, And the snuoke Il enclrcled hIs heud like i wreath; He hîd a breîd face aid i 11111e round belly, That shoik, when fie lassghed lîke i bowîfui of Icl;. He vas chubby and plump, a rlght ltI old cîf, And 1 laughed vhen 1 siv hilm, In spîte of myscîf;, A wlnk of hils eyie and a twist of hils hiead, Soin gave me te know 1 hiad nothlng te dread; He spoke not a word, but vent stralghit te hls work, And flied all the steckings; then turned wlth a jerk, And laglng fils fiîger aslde ef ils nose, And gîvînq a nid, up the chlmney fhe rose; He sprang to hils slelgh, te hls tem gave a whlstle, Asnd aiea; theij ail ffew lîke the dowi of a thlstie. But 1 heard hlmt exclaîim, ere he drove eut of slght, "Hippy Christmas te ail, and te ail a good-ight." BU Clement C. Moire But a miniature slelgh, aid elght tii; relideer, Wlth a ltie old driver, se lIved; aid qukck, 1 kiev in a moment Il must be St. Nkk. More rapul thkm calgles hls coursers they came, And hie wklstled. aid shoutcd, and called theni b; nie; "Nov, Dashierl ,iow, Daicer! nov, Prancer aid VIxeil SOn, Conietl on CupidI on, Donder aid Blizei To the tep of Uic porchl te the tep if thc walîl lx Nov dashà ave;! dash ava;! dmshi avai aU!l As dry fraves that before the wlld hurrIcane fI;, When they mcci wlth an obstacle, mount te the ski, Siup te the house-tep the coursers they flev, With the sielgh fuit if te;s, aid St. NIckelas toi. And then, In a tvliklling, 1 heard on the roif The pranilng aid pavlng if each lîttie hoif. As 1 drev luni;g kaud aid vas turiig arouîd, Dovn the chlmiej St. NIckla came vlth a bouud. He vas dreased ail In fur, fini hits head te hils foil, Aid hils clothes vere ail tarished vlthi ashies aid soit; $59.95 Lc..,ah0. « $29.95 Coee R -- Dith A bundile of toys hie ka flunq on fils baik, ..MýA à à And hie Iuoked lîke a peddler Just openlng ils pack. A-1 *' ~ Mai; more Items avallabile in store. Fine Tbea Giftware * Table Linen * Bridai Reglstry 227 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario L9T 1N9 Phone 905-878-0050 Toi! -free 1-888-400-8664 Fax 905-876-1658 E-mail delacourts@on.aibn.com Store Hours: Mon.-Wed.: 10-6; Thurs. & Fr1.: 10-8; Sat.: 9-5 4 j 4 k G, 499 -.do Se $4995.ee Chipa ,,fip S49.95 L è1k -à.