22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday November 22, 2005 Hon aiitopîtl, osptal ~ i~ ta Y HOpit, entl M ca, Dntap etal ental Me al DetaoMespi, etal Heosp Dnaeiaetal Medliai, t a Hon lai, Hes li opti apti - (dilDna -eta _ Mcal cal t{ecgstered LNurses *tilirri k aitii, , lîî,îi r ii L ar.i -riîiri' i,ii > ; t'înrnî,îiiijl- , 1licta. v vlcoinc oo l jui(>i ~~~. ~ ~ tl -il AiIî,ii.îiî alît 'il 'alg oîr Po.si hin \Il, Be 8rIù-< r 5n ur Io lîiîîîîîî, bcx lgar-, ii IiL.Iîleui Nlrlc ait Ontiari,,and, ll.i,î 2 Ncit, ofi ailin îcpîitri,tîc so sd ommè a pogaiý.it .iilihipa i (I il~iklv.r mliicsso w ln.e uii an reîiîd l> iivNw,,aI-ictix ttiii% iv,,î tiýl Ia Muaidp.11e7 ofùn ltouls a dyg'unk ouu"i in an u Iori iî'rd muîîr rîvauiît(- inulicating yur 1prc'turcoce r----g sai gnaaing foîr locwattun<v) and fluîlt unie, parl 4ilutlu/ur conaowa ltcal in eu îJvuu.u vlrk .ed quotiuug <,ompttujubun #SS-281 05. Wetr Grme Tooto h IXkeeniber 2, 2005, ta Hlumain Reourvuure scrv'iclv AlAt Fitin oai e he R'giuunat Mî4unicipalty of lialluin. 1151 Bronute cman# Tp 10 Enasoa Rutali Oakvittu. ON~ 1,6M 31.1. F'ax: 905 825--1032. me Vaau r ata>loeeu h rîîil, /i ' iîii' t~~~iîk îî~Iîî effots dut vie nie able ta lf ith l meel dit, pril al of aur cauamreu. , Are you seekinq a new direction in your nu, nc clr'e rrnd more opporrui o petsni growt/î Consicler telehel h wfot Il f ntirsn lns REGISTERED NURSE - TELEHEALTH i i ,tt i l l t 1 t i tt Iti l il, ili à I l l ti i t: - tir ti 1v t 1 i . t M i til , r i *, - t i i i nu ti I i i lri ai r I t ,11111 " 10 1 I I L'uii Il li sI % iiiiii i iiii 1i Ctt 1111 1 (linidata Human Restource-.A Phis 1-877-671-8356 Faxc 1-866-828-9276 Fvi jobs@clinidata.com Clinidata i tls now toaking for Fuît/Part Time: -Lins Cool -Servers and -Deivery Drivers We prosîde a fun wsiC eneîrsrirnme lhal iscisans. Flextie Hours, -Avaacemneur Opptunitiîes aria iiegiiiar Waga, & Perisormance ilevies Appiy in person ai: -550 Ontario SC. S. -1505 Guelph Lina Milton Bunlington Or email resumne lo: Haltonpizza.hut@gmai.com i i i t' iii Are esa enlhusiaslic? Energelic? Flexible? Have 2 years minimum experience in the fast food sec- trS Wanting t0 loin a company val opporlanily Il grow'l HAVEY'S is nom hîrîng a fll lime shilt manager. We oCIer compeitîve vilage, free uni- form. meai program wîlhîn the Cara lamily and benef ils. Please seul your resanae ta: 50 Mart Dl. Milton, L9T 3H5 or Ensiait: harrçyna435@car».com or Fax to: 4905>878-7733 FO * m~r j'iui~ t' - - Ic Saturday, November »6t 10 a.i. t 2 pi. Milton District Hospîtal 30 Dervy Road East Milton As part of our crrmiriirrterrt te meet grotiîtg commun 10 rreeds, wep are eepandrrg anti rernovatng uur h lsias and have fltCime and part-Cime opportunities for RNs et Milton District Hospital.a 7 5 hed fa iliîty situatlt ors 30 acres rît lai Positionrs ari avnale ni ail areas, Iricitjiiir Criticat Care, Medicine, Surgical, ER aird Obstenrics. Wu Io 15e iii tu ccir tOpeni Hui atnd iîsi era tearri rii ti rt-s t ha titrtsrei i vstiripphri and ÉiI IJIti rt i pte tsr i atr d thr Air- ireii Btc Ires tai r s HI- tA 1 a id tr tri l i re i icîi cii tii îiitrie , ri p l ll, Fiocrr ri rto lthi' Operi Ht i anti tîo iarrir sors alroît fl slr ouu f tIc I irt tii aiiiitîtntdr halihcare eepert i lo i t ii rî titii , i r *ei s u iii (li t l tuu I/' Jh itiii55rit Iti IttI g sti il 11, 0l f, iri e it f( Lir Otre Ht(m t iti re t- o 11 r i iw Halton Heaitheare * SUJISDN# CARIN«L R1-iemember the littie children" Please give generously at i 11911II3 1 Hotel Restaurant 181 Hotel Restaurant = Hotel Restaurant Di Hotel Restaurant -le j