Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Nov 2005, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday November 22, 2005 - 21 Skle l7Il ffc epOfieHl SalsHep 1~eiej Sales ltelp1 T~I~l a".1.uu ~ s~îeep~j 7 U vjr-i-ep[ eical Help Tecnca Help W hilent & Agents 0 f P Art i ki i IV MlcotPaa The successtul 'andidate must be fiieiidly witO a de IGsd TipsI IîTr lalaard 01A rea CallJim rNckai: 905-875-1388 POWER SHINE MOBILE WASH Now Hiring Truck Waahera Wages $10,00 - $12.OO/hr Full fime avaîlable or 1 dlay/week Apply by phone: 905-854-6079 REOWOOD PET RESORT: Requires long-term permannnt PT Imaturel PT Istudenîl staff. Pet Expenience an asset. Able 10 aork auldoors customer service akilis/avaîl- able wnnkends and Solîdays. Competîtîve wagen. If you are an energetic multi-tanker fax resame ta Ilaona 9054878-1154 or e-mail ta redwoad@redwaoodpetresorncom. Gergeaton Wnlechîi Lanufaentrero NosHîng PrI-ime 3.00 f, p ý m 70 p ncnent Muori be wîilng ar blm Gr oparairies in area amsphern E-mal reaue nt:mlaOebl or sei"D drapt;, of apesnan- 8 Maistre ',3sd Spl red)I I permanent, Iweekty payl wetcomen lmmediaIe stant. 905-847-2210 ROOFj ILABOURERSI ~required overj te next year CALL 1-888-260-2224 SNOWIPLOW EQUIPMENT OPERATORS regaîred for Mîssîssauga based company. Regaîre DZ dnavers licence for saltîng operation. Guaranteed Wagen S40!hour Ph: 905-896-4016 x2 jRptai6ifiife I ýp1a -l - e T vue nicma ne Ai siîb are uvatiable SW Msvssauga * ot transit accessible S15,00Oto $16.00 plun Shift premîvm peu bu. Contact Meghxni P 416-620-5111 F 4164620-5216 mîhammond@ maiziardmiler.com AUTO BODYL PERSON r F/T position ailS 5 peaux exp. RuxI and fîbergîass repaîr knoaledge an asaetL Excellent wages Cati 9054689-9812 or abler 7 pmo Caîl 905-961-2014 - oppni-Itie5 ~~f Be sm aint and Wialipaper GeorzIern Sstablîsbed lamîîy rus business iv issIvisg loi sel1 nuîlvaled people ie a vfluir for decoratisg asod as eye loi colour Serail eeSerîesce reguirno lsdustry experience an asset No phone calis Gecrgetown tatarkeelace 280 Guelph Street MATURE HELP NEEDED We are loskîng for mature people aho are custoiîs or sersîce focused to aork part-lime, evenîingo yod weekends in the tnlloaînig departments: -CASH -AUTO PARTS *SPORTING GOODS -SEASONAL We offer competîtîse ayx, employex discount, benel package and profit vtraring abter probation- ary peritd of empîsyment Pleano fas renume 10: 905-335-9724 or drop offtin person to Julie Williams, Human Renourcen Manager Rose Cherry's Hume, locatnd 10 minutes nonSh of Miltron. provîdes paedîatrîc hospice cary & respire services to familles who have chîldren wîth lite limîtîng or lite tbreatening iiness. Requirements: a solid generai knnaiedgn of HVAC systemuis generai caryentnp ana basic electrical systemois Repoxîing drrecriy foi the program manager, the succesatai candidate wîill se responsibie for She day 10 aay maintenance ni ail intemai building systema and ongoîng externat maintenance This iv a pasritme position and in lina ni compensation the chanity is nttering the use of a nea 850 sol fi aparrment incarna on site. Mail or Fax resume to: Rose Cherry's Home 5657 101h Slderoad, Miltnon, ON LOT 2X7 Fax: (905) 87e-ne886 At: Human Resources Comminnee TERRITORY ê~~.L1 MANAGER-IN-TRAINING EFCO an international inader in concrete lormîng technslngy aneka a Terrinry Sales Traînee in aur Georgetown District Office Tbis position iv de- aîgned to teach ysu boa lv, saccesafully anîl EPCO formîng vyxtema to the constraction îndustry, Coi- lege degren preterred Sales or construction experience beipfll Compensation includes base o commission, benefits and car allowaîrce Send resamne and alry hiasry 10 danielle be,OefcQormsaym Or fax 515-313-4392 wwefçofnrms cnm S Oakville based company Iooking for MFax reue95473 5 Mexponsi e for n ippîngi receîoing. ce e Microsoft Office skîlla, exp Excel, lime manage- ment. strong math. Must lift 100 Ibu & bave sani vehîcle. Fax 905-847-3565 MITOmpN oy lxkinoa Compni eage & bSr en et Day & Abtemoan Shitsx Axaiable Plae rail esre j info@silexis.com LclManufacturer requîtres For day shift. WiIf train on lob. Cali between 7:30 arn - 4:0 DOPm. FINANCIAL ANALYST/ PRESENTATION COORDINATOR Wise Rîddell Pînanicial Group provîdes întegrated iil planning services 10 profeasionialo and uissneos saners Tbis position requîtes a compat- r lterate team player to prepare proposais and PowerPoint presestations for client meetings You ire gssd ails numbers, artîculate, able Io work in- lepesdently tsaard multiple deadlîses, ynd bave axposure Ici the tînancial planning îsdastry Ad- îunced knnaledge of Microsoft Office (PowerPontt Word, Excel) essentral, Pbstoshop ands Gnldrvîne vs asset FAX ar e-mail resame le Lina at 905-829-0074 or lmayea@wiseriddell.com positive attitude ana have pertc comana ot the Englisb language, Dulies are so inclade greetiog cusismers. speratîog a busy Meridias telephose sysiem and perfsrmiog clerical dues ssch as sort- ing a dîstibutiog mail, rypisg memos etc, The candidate aili as be rexposîble lor matchiog payables and other accuni dutres au weil au ail customus paperaork PEperreoce wîth Eaceî and Word requîred Please e-mail resumne wîth salary vopectatons to yeorgetowniecepinis@homail.com Premier Burlington Insurance Brokerage Administration Personnel I RBO Lîceose or prior iosurance eeperreoce an as- sebut sot muai Duties isclude tecirsical srieadsupport, ioterfacing ailS compuny por- tais, data eltr Siiîsg/înssîcrng etc. Pull beseît package, sdiary commensurale witb experresce Please submit resumne te- RO. Bos #2080 The Burlingtan Pont, 5040 Mainway, Unit#1 Burtington, Ontanio L7L 7G5 HALTON COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES s seekîng so t l a 3 month contract support staff position Respsnsibilities include receptîsn and orner clerical duties Regurres excellent verbal and arisfes communication skîlîs the ability to work in- dependeoilu and experience wih bard 10 serve clients. Profîcîency in Word and Excel iv esseoitial Please sabmît resume in confidence by December 51fr 2005 t0 Office Manager Fax 905-877-8223 a Onie nroue voiecret for an interview will be coniacres ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT jMlon Office -lmmedîate Openngl j Proticient in MS Office & internet Mutul Fud eperincea detînîte asset Fa Rsune to (905)875-35741 RECEPTIONIST/ASSIS TANT for optomnrc otfice in Mitxn. Panritme 115-20 hrsakl inciud- îng tas evenixgsvaeek. Excellent phone skilis, muffi-raxhing abiiry, computer comiort and wili- inaness Io tearri Retrabin team player airS sohedule tinxiîifily essentrai, Please fax re- aume wih expextatlons oi hourly wage tl 905-76-3559 (Or. Susan Jany & Associatex> affer 7p.m. or before 9a.m. Sales ttelp Sales ttelp &Agent & gef L A BOY FURNITURE SALES PROFESSIONALS We're seekîng talenred, enperîenced Paît lime Sales Consultants wîtb a proves track record sn sellîng bîgb ticket items aI retal. We hase open- rngs in our four lnoutons - OakvilleiMissinnauga Border, Brampton, Barlington and North Min- ninnauga. We offer a geserous Compensation Program, Company Belei Plan, Profosssa Training, Dp- portunittes for Adsxncervent anid a chance ta asrk in North America's faxteat groaîng galî furnîtore stores -Lxoboy Pornîture Gallertes. Yoa MUST have reltuble transportution, excellent communication skîlls. a ailliognexo toi lears and a flexible ocnedale rhar permîra poa ro work on aeek- ends and somne evenîngs. We are now takîsg applications bp telephose only- 24 hoars a day- oîmply cati Chari xl 905-789- 5800-afren prompted 1oi 'enter an extension'- pou dîi 150, then dîi #6151 10 respnd ta several questions. Are pon fluent in Engliah & French? Do yoa enîoy s challenge? If psu do. I thIna mxy be the position for pan. SafetyCare nc. iv as international compxnp abîch prodoces and dîstrîbotes ils san range of Ssfety Training Vîdeotapes and Manuals, Workîng sut of sur Burlînglos Office, aie prosîde comparues throgbout Canada aîtb ality aido 10 beip Ibem train fileir staff in besltb and sxfety. The vuccessivi applîcants' respossbl aili n- volve aorkîng aîtb enîstîng clients as weii as devei- npîs Oea business, eociuvîveiy sn tbe QueSec market. Ail the sales uctîvîty iv doue over tbe pbone, Presînus salev experiesce iv sot a prereg- visite. but tbe applîcant must be sou rvnlîvared and bave tbe desîre 10 succeed in a competîtîne sales envîrnrent If this position interents you, pleane ial Ed Aanman ait Safetyçare Il. (905) 631-6070 Managers and Management Trainees E ÀL L T H Opportunity of a lifetime. Remnuneration tram $22K for Trainees to oser $55K for qualified Managers. Please send resume 10: e , - e@rusarelt.o FRCIGIT: Cail entre A successsi 3PL Freigh Debt Collection O T IES L Agents Needed OTIESL F/T permi 1oi extxbtîsh and deoelop Reguiued 10 aork 1 te Unîte Dxp/ Evenîsg shifts Aprrlîcxntx maxt buse exp T/L transportation indast Must baae eocellent xucceed. We offer ose communication skîilxs commiassion pxcka Will tuain. Pieuse forard resan Campettîve Wage n DonnaI bonvaes & Benrefîts Fax: 905- Cxli 905-401-7373 E-mail: donna@t SalesHelpSales Help SafetyCare nc. ix an international companpy whîch produces and dîstrîbutes ils own range of Safety Training Vîdeotapex and Massais. We are looking ro employ an addîtîonal sales pet- non. The position innolvssxellîng aur prodacto 10 eoîstîng caxtomers as antI xx develxping Oea busi- neya. Al Ire sales actioity ix dose oner the rein- phone. The auccesaful applîcant mont be motînated 10 achieve both company and perxonal goals and be lookîng 10i aecure long telm employment. To diacana thre position bttrifr, please contact Ed Aasmain at (905) 63146070 Sales Rapa Req'd To Market Heatîng & Coolîng Protection Plana For A Leadîng Energy Supplier Base Salary + Lucrafive Commissions Fai Training & Transportation Prsvîded Lîmîted Positions Asailable' Caîl 1 888 282-3491 Or Emal Resomes 10 marcio.martins@na.centrica.com Cmlonour aîsnîng tears Weare carrently lohîng for a parltlime tarnîtare slsascaeCandidates maxi be availalble 10 aork flexbeours includg weekesds j Dtila are avatiabie on aurebst te wwwtheoldehidehousa.com Reoumes lo be emaîlxd 10ý me an@ohh.to Or fax oc 519-853-4514 Attention: Megan ti Sles Hep 11*PARt Sae HelP S/ x u~ Store Manager Required Rexponible, matare, energetc, xelf-motîoated sn- dînîdal reqaired for tina positon in a npecialized lingerie boutique Maxt be able tai manage staff & serve clientele. Poxition lobe filled îmmedîately We are ulsa lookîng for reaponaible, mature, ener- getîc Customer Service Rep. For 15-35 brx/aeek, Pleaxe emal reaume ta 6ysIls t company based sn the seekîng S EXECUTIVES accoanta in Caniada and d States. rerience wtb the LTL and -y and haoe the desîre 10, of the mxxt attractive gea in tire îndaxtry exs by faxor e-mail 10 Wdhitney 771-7339 :orustreight.com NEEDED: *Lîne Cooka -Sous Chefs *Kitcheni Staff *Wait Staff-Uncon *Deli & baker attendants Shawn 647-286-0541 M 1LTO N KFC Is tooking for part lime c00kv, flexible hovrs, great tor studenîs. App&yi rso, 276 Main 5t. THE "Original" Chaps requîrns QUALIFIED *UNE COOKS -DAYTIME PREP PERSONS Top $$$ Paid ta Quallfi applicants Applp sn Person. 3315 Faîraîea St., Burlîngton oponir Chiîdren's Choice Chiîd Care requires. FIT ECE ta join our pre- school teamn Caîl: 905-849-4769 Fax: 905-849-7456 *Suppty Staff Fax: 905-864-6632 Email: indro@luttflr handsmilton.ca Phone: 905864-6629 PaEt e Hep GLOVE HANOLER Panlime, 10 brs per neye Fax rexeme: 905-688-4558. b e a d v

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