Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Nov 2005, p. 18

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E- 18 -The Canadian Champion, Tueaday November 22, 2005 Mo toi Fn 9am5p î___________ _ Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 _____________________________ eRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299\, Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampion.com eMerchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 a HeIp Wanted 500-57b Mon.to ri.9am5pmBONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com:* Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad svltmissîun by mîail utia petoo The Canadian Cfiampvion, 875 Maint St E_ Mloît ON tgT 3Z3 Deadilires: Mot i t t e fvî Tues puuhlicaion, flois, tIt a ni fat Eu publication. Spociai Feafute & Holiday d-adlines may vaîy. Payrnent: We accvyi cash, cheque. Ioivrac. Visa, MasivîCard. Amvîîcaii Express Ali ads placed are non-retundable and no credit wiIl be lssued Buintess accouaits can bv voned wui au appîvo credif appicativn avaîiabie ftum yu SuIves Consultant. CHECKC YOIl AD THE FIRSI DAY IT RUNS tour ote informnativon s correct Cotact yovî Silos Conuisltant aithîti 24-louis if au vîtot apyvars An vîtot iii a Eu ypubication inusi bv reooned riv latet titan Mon. 11t a.a ANNIVERSARY o II<pjy 2511j jI.tk & liaie Il liit, 123rfa, Si. E. C _3 -Sfit Nor. 26ufi 2- I l'M LW Hes For Sale _Mrae Loans MILTON Main & Har ris Nom Town Ho mo ODNGT 3 _bedroom, 3-baih hu qaS o 5a ppliances. Near IDehi Consolidai on scirsois 416-936 IRefinancePurchasel 7f197T SELLERS Furd Ouf Wirat Tire Home Domr Tire Street Sold Fui. Vîsil www. haltionhomnesinfo.com ffie/siess SUBLET ibOOsg.li. muueirouse, 8 dosgir office space. Main St & Ontario Sf, aiea Fred 905-693-242& Buiness lm jpportunities LEADERS. leo mark- ing from home, varrura aveu toO0.000 bear. Want ta do ire same? H Jý Router 905 270 7804ý $0.00 DOWNPAY- MENT Reguired toi 103% linancing Bad credir self eepoyod. su pruof afinuceme up ru 100%~ financing. Cali Dave 905-864- 4561. A Syr@4.85%. Aivu og- vity menigage puugrams uegardiesv of uncume or credif. Cal Noie ai 905-844-1245 or vîvmt us ai wwm.sunclairceck- burn.com f00u. finance. N o prool uf 1uncome. Goed credif. 95$'. 100% for selt em- pioyed. 90O'. foi nem immigranfs. Previaus barkrupfa. Bruused credif. 905-64-4561 Fo R pd ent MILTON. Accoplîra ap plications for 2-bed noom Rate ef 0925/mentir Avaîlahie Jan f/06. Aduli beor. No doas. For appoint ment cal 905-699 398 MILTON 1-Baie Bavemori Apanimeni, S800 indu suve Oas Freplace, 2 Parking Spaces Sriared Laandry, Fresir ly Pauntod, New Broad ioom, Updatod Batir uoom, Credif Cireck yod Roi. Reguired. nu smoking/pets. 1t6-505 8314 BRIGHT, dlean. quri 2 bodroum un Olen Wiiams. Main level, separato en trarceupaukura. No smskîrglpets. Avarit abie uemedaaep. $i ,Ooolmenih inclusive. Firsriiasr. Relerences. 905-877-$360. If Aprmets & GLEN EDEN COURT APARIMENTS f22 Bronte Street SouthE Miton vie are noie accepi ng appylications toi -i bdrm Foi or oiinrmatoni and or to in îe an apyvîîinrmeîî Please Cail: 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny ACTON Aparitienîs t & 2 beurovms avait abie Decerneer & Janv ary lt Frioge & siovp iaundty facilies Nu coqs suit 053 4374 Oyen 7 days week Same day ayyiov ai ww ruiaiitat vd DOWNTOWN MILTON Milîside Towers 82 Mîlîside Drive. Attractive quiet Ociu ina Spacivus biight ciean 1&2 bedrooni anis murh iaundry iaciîty ara social muni un) site rei _aî tesdent evvnIs Open 7 days A eeenîngs Cali 905-876-1249 www.realstar.ca ACTON, 2-hedroom apariment avaîiahie Novemher tsi S890imonth au Iloclu vive Cal 5uit 853 3309 or 5f9-853 0719 AMAZING spacînus 2 bedroom, avaîiahie nom Musi veei Ceniai lovarien in Georgeton. $860' monfh plus. Cail 4i6 319-4863. AVAILABLE Eiecem ber i. 2005. 2 hedroum apatiment in seniors building, $835 plus utîl fies. Locafed in heauti- fui Legîvu Tetrace in Avion, Cali Kerr lleaiiy Management Ltd At 905-876 0d07. DOWNTOWN George- tvmni bungalow, 3+1 bedroums, e appi armes, parking tut 3 cars St 250itontir plus utiii. Avaiahi îmmedîatey. tCai 905- 875-2290. EXCEPTIONAL 3 bed room apanimeni, f,200 sg il. newiy relînîshed, country verting, naîsed bungalow. Appliances ilavndny/ parking/ ston age Sf f75/mvnth plus, Cai Sf9-853 f225. GEORGETOWN RENTALS t, 2, & 3 bedrooms. Check out web vite www.haiionhiinren- tale cern GEORGETOWN i bcarm iyatient S775 nîtir Avaiauie Octubvi 11, 2 tudii avaulabie il lsti S8," nîil r ludes Parikinig exti C"a1 905 8173 628d GEORGETOWNi bedîvum and stoudy close Iu GO Ma in ie In qvui buiid.iig Firsi last No pets Av oiiabiv iîneinbI-i lti S750 niinuS plus iîydru 9Ou 6it 74153 GEORGETOWN beuraun baseiîei aparuientl Eati iii en aigue ivingrovin wilfi gas firepiame Avaiiisie iJeGvuiber 10i 095v nonoth No pers Cail Iii 25?6 8691i or 905 877 6069 GEORGETOWN i bedrvvnî 2 car qai3e S appiaîî es AtC Availabie Chirstnmas S0 385 monit lw iiIll tins Retereni es t au di6 931 6523 GEORGETOWN, 1 beOroun hasoil iii i Mai Auaiauie Septem ber tsi $750 nianilhin coiasve Maivreý nu smoking pets Cal 905 877 8653 GEORGETOWN. t Oedroonî 5775, 3-bea îoom S1295 Centrai location, Inclusive 905-877 9617 MILTON 2 hdrm, avait able Jan ltr200 fiee $990/mii cal Jas 4fS 723-480f NEWLY îenovated 2 bednoum apa 89 Ontario St $950/rniuntr v Sydro, Avait. Dec vis 416-986-0690 RENTALS i bedroom apaninient n iistutic building in Rockwaud 0550/inanili 2 and 3 aedîuonî suites in Avion prîvate yard sîantîog ut 5850/onth Detavhed house fur terf in Georgetown, iv vine loi. gieul noîgr boIrhuod. Sf.800' munth. C ai Elizabethi i3oell, Johnuson Assu ciaies Realtor 905 877 ACTON, shr term, 6-mentir rentai avait- able. 2 plus t bed- roemv, $800/monih pies utllîies. Cali Scott 90$ 877-6985. MILTON Main & Hai ris. New Townî Honie, 5 alpi lances Near s louis 416 936 7197 3-BEDROOM LuDonq tomo Fieavii, une yisii uiew exeitiui viwMapie Close ou G sviioils aîîd sirop prîg Neutiai de 51 5 iiiyliauris O t. gai ugi, No smoking Weil Oeflavi-u pots wcvrre Wiîoi o iîîsn S tirs platilies Cai 4tii GEORGETOWN i beorooni eiy leair iiaidwood ilvous fin sheda basemnI ni ni leri iu.atiur S1.250 nionîfi plus atîl, ties irrînredî,te or, 1e cenîber tsi Cl'al 905 877 30, 0 c00 319 GEORGETOWN, 3 bedron bîungalow Close ru scioissirop pîng, 5 ipplianves gai a geiv y a arking Ovailairin Fesbrtarv Itf 51200 rironiE plic. ii tes t iii 905 7 hii' yr GEORGETOWN, i beuruoni wmur garage 5 appliavi es centrai vac airîsuters, maiS îng distance ru eveiy rhing, Na pets smoking Avaîlable December Surh St 200,munir plus utities Fîrsi last regaîrent. Cali 519-833 0085 Milton 3 Odini mîain floor bungalow dCean & frevhiy renovai- ed/clave fa ail amen iries/appliances laur dry. AOuiiv Oniy/No Smoking/pois Avaîlable Dec.t S11OOmo. sirarea utîlities. 905 592-1841 mmwiv îogo. thruihreonet NEW 3-hedruont bun- galow mur i iîsired iamîly ruam in hase nient. Close to ail amenities Ail apliý arices Janvaty 1t. C iii 647 887 3727 MILTON. 3-hedroom fomnirouve, incl udîng appliarces, fiînîhed toc room, garage. $t250/rniontr -nitil ilion, 905-876-4499 3-BDRM Maiiamy toohose, appliances rucloîdd non-smokor, availahie îmmedîaioiy. $14OOÏmth o ufîlîfies. Ploave culi 905-693- 8222. For Fient MILTON. New 3 bed ivuni ivcriirvse i îrurîte Meaduews 5t2300rniirh arlîl Ies Cll dur 534 1124 OAKVILLE- nea rauni tuwitoîîsesavait able nîmedîatniy trrug 35 anv-ary r 4 applian, eS Hopd aile Mal' aiea cakesrure Managemnt 9n0b 875 orsFor FOR rrt i ides ilorge hackyard use ot kircirer, 900 ýablo No s n k npts S550 ihi nisyv r05 864v r07 Ms5ccoodation MILTON, be0ufom i dut îcied iv se lauo dry parking, internret c smokiîng, pets pro tessio nais 0018 611 1993 WANTED Mature per son Io sirare, 2500 g O 3 bedrooîi aparlirient 2 ainos 2 living roonîs iaundry ovni Ample parking $500 montS ail inclusive Ial vi rian 90ir 693-5570 WANTED Mature per son vo sirare 25OOsg t S 3 hedroom apantiment. 2- baurs/2 living rooms, ivvndry room Ample parking $500/moriir ail inclusive Cvii lirian 905-693 5570 Snowmoîes SNOWMOBILE 2000 Arcic Caf Pontera 580 Tourrog plus Traiter. 3,700 miles, mini corai tien, fliy louded murh features. Dual tanner skis plus orîgînals. Fasi and comiortabie macine Truiter iras nom rîms, tires. irear iras, lîgiris and ii g, Packuge deai $4.000 Caii Roy Sf9 833 295d Mi valle HOME du ycarc e igis tored, 2 E.C.E carvgv or iealtiry luncires!sniacks su ciahi uoîog/ciear non- smoking orvîrurment, 6mfhs-4yrs. Reler ercos upon reguesi, 15 yrs exp Cai Sarair 905 864 f253ý LICENCED dvycure rf my home avaîlable ion are chîid. Fan iouîng evioîrment, nutrîtus meals & snacks. Crea rive & vinyle rime, daiy ourdeer play. Cali Ahli son 90$ 876-2289. Sale & Sale & Bazaars LINEN OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN Nov 26 & 27 1 OAM-4PM AT CATHY POTTER'S (MILTON WINDOWS) 895 BIRCHAVE. MILTON PLACEMATS . RUNNERS, TAI3LECLOTHS, RUGS. ETC. DOOR PRIZES REFRESHMENT FUN, FUN, FUN TREMBLEY -Mike &Brenda (nee Howard) ir hrîiied to annoarice the irnth ot ther beauti fui daugirter Rachel Christine. humn November 12 2005. weighing 6iCs, 9ovs ai MOHS. Very proud graudiparents lian & Melinda Howard of Milton and Richard & -lazel Trernbiey of Sud ury Aioiig witir ercted aLois and uncies Dcly (Keuvi Michrelle (Jason), H-appy hat sis- ters Brovkiyne & Jenasee, aluna with cousins Jacob & Jaydon Speciai thfaiks Io tihe dectors and nurses al MOHS and the wvîiderul coach- ing by Jenniler O'Neill HARRISON/LEVIN: Karyn and Alvaro are pleased fa anneunce the arrivai ut Matteo C....i.....er Levin, 7i1bs 6 oz. Nuvember f0, 2005, ai Si. Michaol's Hosptal, Toronto. A blge brother loi Lea, cousin for Kathryn and Bridget, oepiiow lot Kelly and Ian. Great-Nephew for Aunfie Marg. Bob and Elizabeth Harrison and Sam and Lilian Levin have another graodchld f0 love, Welcvmo ta aur famîly ligIle one. SPlace your Baby's Birth Announcement in tlhe Mih1onY(anaifian Champion, ond you wîil ieceive lo vouche[ for One Fre. Ormeut of your Coli 905-878-2341 toi plate your oîînaoaeaeî .&. Announce your (Shristrnas Crafi or Bake Sale in the Mf~I~ ,à today! GUITAR LESSONS Prîvate guîiar lassons avaîlable froc an eeperîenced, proiessiana insirucior No registration tee, reasunabie rates, Rick (905) 875-4601 AFFORDABLE tutarîng Grados K 6, indîvîduai ut smrai gruup svs sians, Cvii Krîstîn 905 875-2738 Pychc conItîng STREETSVîLLE PSYCHIC 010.00 Spocia Nom, Tarot card. palm or psycic Heip in vii problems. Aura irealîra. Cl'al 905-858-4850. Wà_ýýeeI askel FRESH ELK AND DEER MEATS Faim rosir govorrmoni inspeciva No aruas, oi irormones, carcass, sîde or guarier Aged id days. $3 95/pourid Other gamo meais avaîtabie. Tol f ree 1-886-423-3193. glenewen- springs.comn WLCOME4 WAGON -New in town? * Gefing married in 3 months or more? * Having a baby? * Establishing a new business? Please eall us Cammunity Welcome CLida 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Magda 905-699-1248 Baby Welcome Michel 905-332-8634 Bridai Welcome Laurie 905-878-0126 Bus/Prof Weicome Laurie 905-878-0126

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