Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Nov 2005, p. 17

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No return to Grey Cup for O'Shea and Argos M ike O'Shea lîad hopcd Io lic packiiiz hi" liagS tor VanICot i y >sici daý hNit instead hi', Argonauis ss ce packin- it ini foi atiother scasoîl. O)ne gane ca-imer filait ihey ssîîild have liked. i)espite tioiiteild ad aiuaoc and a tsso- totichdiîss ti iead early on, the 35-ycîr îîld Milton liîîcer and tie Biaiiiiî \\cre doss iîd 33-17 liy the Mimntreal Alotites Suiiday afîciioon iflic 11ELast Di)visionî final crushiiîg iheir hid ai dctciîdin,, the Girey Cîmp oui wesî. A 13 yeatr s ccraît of' the 1714 ss 1h iii iîîînîdiatc plans foîr retirrnii O*Stia had said Thursday inminîg the key iii turn îno liack the Ais \\as as oidino flic loinc pass. Thai pros cd ii lic a taIt task as thc glafe \\ ore on. ss ith Moîutreal quaîlcrliack Anthony Calvillît gradually gettiîg fls air sirike rollirîio anîd ihross îîî tor 1901 x aîds ils raîl tot I19 tittcii li t [)fiî ilris cSK ciiltaiii rcplaiicint rîînîîîiîg hack ttric lic a ciippliiig cin- hiîîaiiî Suiîday's Iiîss which helpcd sct up the third Miîntrcal- Mike O'Shea Edmontonîiîi G'rey (Yup clash in tour ycars -- ad to lic cspccialiy hearihrcakîing f'or flic Argoîs alter they huiti a 14-0l ads antage aîîd lîiokcd piîisc iii dclîs r aîiiîhcr roui likc thc oînc thcy laid oîî Illc Ais ()ctîîlir 22 in Monîtreal. A s iitiîrx us iuild ha sc cisci n (Shca a .,fltit ils ttuirth Grey ('up. fl additionî ii ast scasolui lie \\u liack-iii lack ('iL cîîpis ips ii1I996 antd 199)7 also uit Torotoi. 1 he iIanadian Champion, 1uesday, November 22, 2005 - Al7 A- lcvv J -1 1-r c.- -i '-N c -y- ï l(t5 aLake Placid toumament The Hurricane major atomns enjoyed a golden Olip to Lake Placid recently, due in nu smaîl part Io a local foursome. Canupbettville's Bryce Abrahamn and Mittonians Jason DaSilva, Tyler Ganty and Ryan Stark ail piayed significant rotes in their teaan's Challenge Cup championahip victory, whlch featured five straight wins and a mere eight goals against over that stretch. The tone Canadian representative in the eight- teamn AAA division, Hatton ciinched the titile with a 5-2 decision over Massachusettss Valley Jr. Warriors Elite November 13. DaSilva was between the pipes for the victory - putting the finishing touches on a memorabie week- end, in which he waa runner-up in the skiils compe- tition's shoot-outi white Ganty contributed offent- sively with a pair of assista. Hahton kicked off the tournansent with a 6-0 whitewash of Massachusetts' Miii City Monsters, with DaSilva standing tait in net, and'then turned hack challenges fromn the Chicago Fiames (3-t), Massachusetts' NS Red Wings (6-2) and Conneeticut's Ridgefieid Lions (8-3) on thse way to the finals. DaSilva backstopped thse Hurricanes toi victory againat the Red Wings, whle Abraham and Starkc each drew an assist in that win. Abraham also fore-checked well ail weekend and Ganly and Stark were part of a defensive unit that severeiy iimited the opposition's chances. Abraham and Stark were aiso anaong a Halton foursomne that took top honours in the skit compe- litions' reiay race. The Hurricanea' Challenge Cup win came on the same ice surface in which Teamn Canada struck gotd ait the 1932 Winter Otympies. AE2peewees dump Woolwich Ilik aPptt_, Ic li tit, i l Iti k t it il i iî i il u'l u Iicuc i t poîS i nt l î i . [ c'l ti ii. di k l1 ý1 \111. ti it »)i u huilîtiîu iac. îttheNtsIiihi.-r 14n ai lh ý\îcît.t tL Noiiiîi. i l ic Actl. utec\\ r atit u , t It li acti onsi iiasLliit t illo icsîpurt îî Cci igai1 s).IC shIle aîiitilli aît nii 'l'lie A sci U llra C% oal inecr ýI( tiîkîîe iCIl In arn tîh ni us ato ai th ild yuleaihI lilc iii, tcacolIice Olis la Whittîrd and D)aniel Nitkolicl îîtered tîpntcl deleîîlse and Mattlesuý Psenicka made sotie hure sases toi lu iat inîpres- sîve goallender's dual. Tlic AA minor peessees aire ittis 5-S- I su ith the nîarrtîss viciiîry and rciuri ii Miltotn Spots Centre Tlursday iii dii liaftle ss t Stoney Creck. Gtîmc lime is 7:45 pin. AE2 atoms keep rolling The Aic"2 aiuîms kepi pace ust ftlic disvisiton leaders suilh a 3-2 st>ucaker tiser Wtîîls cli Tlursday cucîîiîîg ait Miltont Spotu Centre. (îîrey MacDontîald"s lastinîîuic gîtaI a shti ccliecîcu] ly the s tsîîî ender ceitîtict \1.2u ini atlc t i.tttple tI laie Pentalties iiearly eqUalCd dlisas'ICfr ith îe WinteIcî otu k,. Mailicîs Berpîttait sci utp lin tilic Michael li Ilie itltial tIlt su hile llotnî (tOci ctictl titiasscî tai y ini Ile.- limA Nîîu S4-2. flti. Al, tittîtis, comueîîîî t httnt e satit [hltiil ,îî Mîlittil Spîtîts (Cute sCîý'Sît )aîei Gaîtte uinie i i, :3 1 1i AI'2 hants ssin big Il lic Ai.? hautints i..îtîec last useek i .tîtclit la.shitti.top- pI iîg 'sVîulus i.l 5-1 Suîtday tigît ai MenittitaI Aria. Nitchael aiîg toput tict calte sut rk andt a itîci.- pîîîî ,,aille Irtîtî Richard Monik highlightecl tie dlcav wîîî. Mttnk led svîh a gotal and tsvt assists, while Jake (tochrane alsît stîd <lui wvih a pair tfgîtaIs Ryan Ramial lad a goîal aîîd ait tssisi. whic aidinîg the cause wil twîî heipers was Dl)yan Peiiie. Brciidan Whiting rtîundcd otan the scturing witl an unassisicd nîurker. Thc wîn bîuîsted tle A112 haniains Ilî 5-6i-2 prior îuî toi nighi's rtie in t -r't.riuluy iîîcy rav? tit lfespelcr You could wlfl Up to $10,000 towards a vehlicle. Or you could even win a vehicle. We're giving one away, every day. Plus Get a $500 holiday cash card* with the purchase or lease of most in-stock 2006 miodels, or $11000 on F-150 trucks.%& i 2006 FREEtYËtÏLE 20065F-150 2006 FOCUS 2006 FREESTAR EVERY DAY;* SOMME WINS A NEW FORD. UT COULO BE YOUI. liwl.,q lb. co..bt puled.

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