A16 -Hi e tGanadian Champion, 1uesday, November 22, 200b PITH I ~ IceHawks deliver weeknswp The Champon Ipp W~hîil not nearly as domtint as many Mati Read's bat il ick t ucled a 6- shots. Mlon counicred with three goals with the mati advantage, including one by Read, -. -.Who also scored short-- handed and ai - cven-strength. 3 He closed out the night %ith anw assisi on a po- erplay marker byw Josh Saywell to lift his teamn-leading point total t0 33. Saywell and Jordan Skinner eacb bad a D rive Hom eA goal and two assists, while Kevin Mord:: IN five goals againsi Milton ibis season - having done so iwice now ibis season, the firsi lime in a 5-4 overtime viciory Sepiember 2 1. Ai Memorial Arena Fniday evening, tbe lceHawks were a htile short-sîafted and sluggisb ibrougb the early going. As a resuli. tbey needed a fierce finish to dis- 1 1 pose of the ninîh place Bramalea Blues 6- 3. 200 FREETY[l 200 F-1 50 Milton noiched îbree unanssvered goals n the tird period and out-chanced its vast- ly rnproved risvais 21-4 over that stretch, * o it Smb hffldy cash carm s' îh Chase Laîîgeraap sinking boîh the wltl mipuu'has w m ss l nlst ui-sock garne ss inner and second insurance tally. 2000 odils w 31 00 ii 1-10 truks.*Aaioîi Iewicki stood ut m verall wi'th 2M mo i w 8 FM F-15 tukî* tv goals and a pair of belpers - viib bis tîrsi marker scored sboribanded -wbile single deposits ssere cbipped in by Reid and Jason Fortino. Ail three Bramnalea goals were scored on the powerplay. Wiîb starter Zacb Kleiman a litile banged up afier a tougb garie in Oakville Nosember 12, 16 year old back-up Andrew Loverock svas in net botb Friday 2M FC S200 FRETAR and Saturday. Kletiman may sit oui again îonîgbî wben ~ O R ~ r N ~the lceHawks visît Brainalea, but i xet T H E ~ F O ) S O cd back for this coming weekend's gaines. Also due back soon is captain Luke Dubbin, wbo's nearly recovered froin a bout of mononucleosis and could be in tbe 1 lineup as early as this week. This pasi weckend's sweep sbould allow the lceHawks to maintain a top five spot in V aluehe cAHLas ar back ai Memorial & Trust F-riday to take oin tbe Royal Bank Cup bosi since 1967Streetsville Derbys. 9%»§Frw nVMUV~ maV"m umftau a anial nniiro FodcroAteprmtion lTmitdreofse aliray wwwdtl.mtoraycu.m FORD LINCOLN 655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON www.çjallifflerford.om A Tradition of Value & Trust since 1967 (<~<5~ PIayer GP G M. Read 22 18 J. Caisier 22 i C. Langeraap 22 1 3 K. Mi)rrisoni 22 8 A. Lessîcki 14 8 M. Price 22 9 L Dîîtilin 16) . (jolouhel 22 6 1). talie 1 Il 1 1 Skineî 201 4 J. Saysseil 19 2 t. DeEio 22 5 R. Beinardi 201 2 J. tortîno 19 4 .1. Teakle 21 3 K. Bochet. 19 I A. l)eong I0l 1 A. Tlsîi 19 Il T. Foss'îsend 4 1 K.Bryce 4 ( (;oalie Record GAA Z. Kîcimian I101 2.13 A. Loverock 6-1)-I -0 2. 12 A PT 15 33 2 2 25 Il 24 16 24 15 23 14 23 11 201 14 20) 8i 19 I1 15 Il 13 6 Il 7 9 4 g 5 8 3 4 3 4 4 4 1I 1 SAVE% 91.6 90.7 - 'l Lice "11ý SAI F'ý - 1 FMING PARTS